å¨Tikiä¸, a module is simply a box of content (which may or may not have "chrome" such as borders and title backgrounds). All side-column information of this site is presented through modules. The Modules Admin page is used to add modules to and manage modules in the module zones of a Tiki site.
Here's a screenshot:
Default Tiki page with the Menu module in the left column.
List most recent or most frequent actions or items
After adding modules, you can re-order them, assign permissions to them (so they appear only for specific user groups ), or even allow them to be customized by specific users.
For site-wide module settings, click the General icon on the Admin Panels or Access http://example.org/tiki-admin.php?page=general.
These settings will apply to all modules on the site and are explained in more detail at Module Admin.
The distinction between modules and wiki plugin is a little blurry. Technically speaking, modules are the containers and plugins are the content. However, the predefined modules included with the default Tiki installation contain plugins/content, but they are commonly called modules, too.
Where to Go From Here
Module Admin--Introduction to the module admin pages for site-wide and individual module settings