This type of field allows you to attach one or more articles to an item in a Tracker.
Tracker Field Articles is related to the Articles feature that you must activate if you whant add this field type to a Tracker.
Then, you must make sure you have enabled the field type: In the System menu, click on Settings>Controls Panels>Trackers, on this page go to the tab Field Types as here tiki-admin.php?page=trackers#content_admin1-3. To see the Articles field, set the preference filter option to Advanced, then check the Articles field and validate by clicking on the button Apply
Click to expand
Topic this option is the topic added to the articles
Article Type to choose the type of article that can be chosen when creating an item.
The example below shows how to add a field of type Article to a Tracker (My_Events) and create an item.
Add the field to the Tracker
After clicking on Add Field, when the window appears: add the name of the field and take Articles as the Field Type; when you click on Add Field & Edit Advanced Options, at the level of Options for Articles modify the field Topic and Artilce Type and at the end click on the button Save.
Click to expand
After adding the field Articles, you can create an item related to the articles like this: