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Warning: Undefined variable $basepath in /home/tiki-doc/public_html/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_img.php on line 953 Assigning Modules | Documentation for Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware
Assigning Modules
Configuring modules and displaying them in the left and right columns is done through the page at Admin->Modules or tiki-admin_modules.php. Before Tiki7, this could be done only through a form and modules could only be assigned to left and right columns.
With Tiki7, modules can be assigned by dragging and dropping as well, and they can be assigned to other areas (like the header and footer areas). Both methods of assigning modules are described below. The settings for configuring the modules are explained on the next page, Module Settings Interface.
Go to the All Modules tab on Admin->Modules (or tiki-admin_modules.php)
Drag the gray module icon (
) for the module you want to the area where you want to place it. A yellow highlighted "drop zone" will appear wherever the module can be placed. Mouse over the thumbnail to see a screenshot of dragging a module to the left column until a drop zone appears:
When you release the module into the drop zone, a box will pop up where you can set the module settings. Mouse over this thumbnail to see an example:
In the Assigned Modules sections above, action icons allow you to change the position of modules as follows:
— Move the module up
— Move the module down
— Move the module from the left column to the right column
— Move the module from the right column to the left column
1.4. Where to Go From Here
Now that you have an idea of the mechanics of the two different ways of choosing the module to configure and assign, go to the net page, Module Settings Interface, for an explanation of module settings.