The voting options on each comment contribute to a user's karma.
Comment permissions
Comments must be switched on in the wiki configuration screen (Wiki Config) to use comments with wiki features.
tiki_p_wiki_view_comments is a super- permission for wiki features (wiki, faq, poll...):
tiki_p_read_comments, to view a comment
tiki_p_post_comments, to post a comment
tiki_p_edit_comments, to edit a comment, if you are not the author
tiki_p_remove_comments, to delete a comment
tiki_p_admin, you can do whatever you want
tiki_p_comment_tracker_items, to insert comments to tracker items
Comment moderation
New in Tiki3 New 'feature_comments_moderation' to allow users with 'tiki_p_admin_comments' perm to approve (or reject) comments.
If this feature is enabled, comments are queued for the moderator and are not published until it's approbation. The moderator can approve or reject comments either directly on the comments of the object (wiki page, blog post, ...), either on the 'Admin Comments' page.
Users without 'tiki_p_admin_comments' perm won't see rejected and queued comments. They will also have the following comment: 'Your comment will have to be approved by the moderator before it is displayed.'