Additional CSS rules can be entered here and will apply to all pages, or the CSS ID of a page can be used to limit the scope of the rule (check the HTML source of the particular page to find its body ID tag.)
Custom HTML head content
Additional content such at meta or link tags can be added to the head section of HTML files. Smarty filters can be used here. Example: {if $page eq 'Slideshow'}{literal}yle type="text/css">.slideshow { height: 232px; width: 232px; }{/literal}{/if}
Custom code just before the closing </body> tag
Enter lines here to be placed near the end of the HTML file.
Google Analytics account number
The account number for the site. The account number from Google is something like UA-XXXXXXX-YY or G-XXXXXXXXXX. Enter the account number with prefix (prefix eg: "G-" or "UA-")
Custom JavaScript
Includes a block of inline JavaScript after the inclusion of jQuery and other JavaScript libs in all pages. Use PluginJS to include Javascript on a single wiki page. Do not include the < script > tags.
Add group CSS info
Either grp_Anonymous or grp_Registered and possibly grp_Admins as well Add CSS classes to the page BODY tag based on the user's group membership
Categories to add as CSS classes to <body>
Pages in selected categories will have a class with syntax like "cat_catname" added to the body tag.