E-Democracy system | |
see also: The World Parliament Experiment
1. Submitting proposals through using Wiki pages and their rating system | |
Then you need to create a poll template under "Admin > Polls" (tiki-admin_polls.php - option in the main application menu, under the admin section): ![]()
You'll see the "Rating" box on the top right corner of the page. ![]()
1.1 Discussing proposals through using votable comments on Wiki pages | |
You could add a new thread called "Arguments for that proposal", and another thread called "Arguments against that proposal". Replies to these two threads could be added by users, and a user could vote on other users comments. See the following example: ![]()
1.2. Discussing proposals through votable forums posts and replies | |
This is something very similar to the previous case of threaded and votable wiki page comments. At forum creation (or edition) time, you have to select that posts can be rated, so that users can rate other users posts |
2. Submitting proposals through using Trackers and their rating system | |
Let's see how can they be used, for instance. In a wiki page, we can add: Copy to clipboard
Copy to clipboard
3. Using the PluginProposal | |
In Tikiwiki 3.0 a new PluginProposal was introduced. |
Plugin Proposal | |
Introduced in Tiki3 Use this wiki plugin to provide a widget for users to vote on a proposal and view the current decision.
Parameters | |
Tiki Doc From Code error: proposal not found
Examples | |
Basic syntax | |
Copy to clipboard
Free birthday pizza | |||||||||
As users vote by clicking the accept, reject or undecided button, the user's user name and vote is automatically placed in the code. Once several people have voted, the code would look something like this: Copy to clipboard
Comment You can see in the code above that user Sam voted twice: the first time he accepted the proposal (+1 Sam), and then he changed his vote to undecided (0 Sam). In the display result immediately above, only the last choice (undecided) shows.
Related Pages | |
Aliases | |
Plugin Proposal | Proposal
4. Using a Voting System based on trackers | |
See the profile http://profiles.tiki.org/Voting_System to get an example of a Voting System applied in a Tiki12 site. Voting_System is one simple yet very powerful use of Trackers in Tiki. This profile will enable the tracker feature and create a basic wiki page to act as a custom reduced interface to vote in the system, while hiding some fields to the end user, that are needed to ensure that the user is recognized as a member of the only group that can vote ("Group1"), and that only one vote per user is allowed. Two users are created for demo purposes: user1, which belongs to group1, and user2, which belongs to group2. Therefore, only user1 can vote, beyond the admin, that can also vote since no permissions are checked against user admin, who has the ability to create and fine tune the system. You can easily enhance the system as admin by:
5. Alow users to rate authors opinions based on Articles or Comments | |
For Articles:
1. Example of simple display of results for anonymous users, without the permission to vote, but with the permission to view the rating results, and without detailed results nor colored smiley ratings. One comment also displayed below.
6. Rate contributions in Forums | |
Enable the feature "Admin home > Rating > Comments > Simple wiki comment ratings" and "Wiki rating options:" (1, 2, 3, 4, 5; or less/more options than those), and enable the setting "Posts can be rated" for the forum that you are interested in. Ensure that you granted to your desired group/s the permission to vote, and view the rating results.
Related links | |
Alias names for this page