Funcionalidad | Aplicación típica
Articles | Fast-breaking news, announcements
Blog | Online diaries or journals
Charts | Like polls, but more feature-rich; displayed in center column
Comments | User comments that can be appended to articles, Wiki pages, forum posts, and more
Cookie | Taglines drawn randomly from tagline database
Directory | User-submitted Web links
Dynamic Content | Snippets of text or code that can be incorporated by reference
Ephemerides | Content that varies by date
FAQ | Frequently asked questions and answers
Featured Links | External Web pages that open in an iframe
File Gallery | Computer files and software for downloading
Forum | Online discussions on a variety of topics
HTML Pages | Static and dynamic HTML content
Image Gallery | Collections of graphic images for viewing or downloading
Map | Navigable, interactive maps with user-selectable layers
Newsletters | Content mailed to registered users
Polls | Brief list of votable options; appears in module (left or right column)
Quiz | Timed questionnaire with recorded scores
Feeds | Newsfeeds from external Web sites
Surveys | Questionnaire
Trackers | Facts and figures storage & retrieval
Wiki | Collaboratively authored documents
Calendar | Show when content was created or modified
Category | Classify content according to subject descriptors
Content Templates | Give a consistent look and feel to Wiki pages.
Hotwords | Automatically attach links to specified words or phrases.
Module | Control appearance and content of boxes that appear in the left and right columns
MyTiki | Provide content organization and communication tools for registered users
Search | Provide full-text search capabilities
Structures | Create hierarchically organized "breadcrumb" navigation aids for Wiki pages
UserMenu | Create custom menus to aid site navigation
Workflow | Control routing of documents based on objectively defined actions.
Chat | Real-time text chatting
Communication Center | Exchange data with other TikiWiki sites
Live Support | Notify admin by e-mail when a user needs help.
Mail-In | Submit Wiki pages via e-mail.
Messaging | Enable users to send internal messages to each other
Mobile | Make a TikiWiki site accessible to users of Web-enabled cell phones.
Shoutbox | Provide a "graffiti" box on the site's home page.
Tikibot | Respond to data queries originated via IRC.
Voice Tiki | Provide voice-based browsing capability.
Webmail | Give users Web-based access to their POP3 e-mail accounts
Admin Drawings | Set up drawing tools for Wiki pages.
Admin DSN | Create links to external databases.
Articles Admin Panel | Configure Articles features.
Backup | Make dumps of TikiWiki's SQL database.
Banners | Insert, track, and manage advertising banners.
Banning | Block access from individual IPs or ranges of IPs.
Blog Admin Panel | Configure Blog features.
Link Cache | Control and flush cached data.
Directory Admin Panel | Configure Directory feature.
Edit Templates | Edit SMARTY templates.
External Wikis | Enable direct links to external Wikis.
FAQs Admin Panel | Configure FAQ feature.
Features Admin Panel | Enable or disable TikiWiki features.
File Galleries Admin Panel | Configure File Gallery feature.
Forums Admin Panel | Configure Forum feature.
General Admin Panel | Set up, name, and configure a TikiWiki site.
Groups | Manage user groups.
Import PHPWiki | Import data from a PHPWiki site.
Image Galleries Admin Panel | Configure Image Gallery feature.
Integrator | Automatically import external HTML pages into the Wiki.
Login Admin Panel | Control user login processes.
Maps Admin Panel | Configure Map feature.
Phpinfo | View PHP information on the server.
Polls Admin Panel | Configure Polls feature.
Toolbar | Define QuickTags for inserting Wiki syntax.
Referrer Stats | View referrer stats.
RSS Config | Configure Feeds feature.
Search Stats | View search stats.
Stats | View site stats.
Theme Control | Assign different themes to various TikiWiki components.
Trackers Admin Panel | Configure Trackers feature.
Users | Manage registered users.
User Files Admin Panel | Establish quotas for user files.
Webmail Admin Panel | Set up Webmail accounts.
Wiki Admin Panel | Configure Wiki features. |