File gallery |
Storage of files of various formats to display or download, etc. With check-in and check-out (lock) capability |
Enabled |
Home file gallery (main file gallery) |
Select the default file gallery File Galleries | Branding Graphics | colorbox | Documentation temporarily in P | Drawings | Example EPSG:4326 geoJSON boun | Example EPSG:4326 geoJSON path | Example map object images | Example POI icons | exportet-structures-francais,c | Fonctionnalité Articles | Gérer les Utilisateurs | H5P Content | Images for plugin Diagram | Images for slideshows | Images for the Documentation p | Images... |
Images for slideshows |
Description |
Hide | Show as a column | Show in popup box | Both |
Show in popup box |
Storage |
Specify if uploaded files should be stored in the database or file directory. Store in database | Store in directory |
Store in database |
Preserve filenames |
Preserve original filename instead assigning a hash as name |
Disabled |
Path to the directory to store file gallery files |
Specify a directory on this server, for example: /var/www/ It's recommended that this directory not be web-accessible. PHP must be able to read/write to the directory. |
storage/fgal/ |
Podcast directory |
File system directory for storing podcast files The server must be able to read/write the directory. Required for podcasts. |
files/ |
Rankings |
Users can view the “top” or “most” downloaded files. |
Disabled |
File gallery comments |
Users with permission may post threaded comments. The comments will appear at the bottom of the page. |
Disabled |
Display ZIP option in gallery |
Users can upload a .zip (archive file). Tiki will automatically un-zip the archive and add each file to the gallery.. |
Disabled |
Allow download limit per file |
Disabled |
Prevent download if score becomes negative |
If using Tiki Score system, users with a negative score cannot download files. |
Disabled |
Allow file duplicates |
Allow the same file to be uploaded more than once. Never | Yes, even in the same gallery | Only in different galleries |
Yes, even in the same gallery |
Use jQuery upload |
Use the improved Tiki 15+ upload page |
Enabled |
Batch uploading |
Direct import of local files into a file gallery. This method can handle large files. The user can upload files via FTP to the target folder. It is highly recommended to use a file directory as the file gallery storage when using this feature. |
Disabled |
Path |
To enable and use directory batch loading, set up a web-readable directory (preferably outside the web space). Then upload files to that directory, such as with SCP, FTP, etc The server must be able to read the directory. The directory can be outside the web space. |
None |
Require file creator's name for anonymous uploads |
Disabled |
Automatic deletion of old files |
The user will have an option when uploading a file to specify the time after which the file is deleted A cron job must be set up in order to delete the files. |
Disabled |
Deletion emails notification |
Email addresses (comma-separated) to receive a copy of each deleted file |
None |
Keep the same fileId for the latest version of a file |
If the checkbox is checked, the file ID of the latest version of a file stays the same. A link to the file will always link to the latest version. If not checked, each version of the file is assigned its own file ID, so a link to the file will be to a specific version of the file |
Enabled |
Store user files in a file gallery |
Use the file gallery admin and the individual file gallery settings to manage file storage preferences. |
Disabled |
Use file galleries for wiki attachments |
Wiki attachments will be stored in the file gallery. This is the preferred way to store attachments starting Tiki 26+. |
Enabled |
Save files as drafts |
Allow saving of files as drafts |
Disabled |
File gallery configuration templates |
Disabled |
Allow searching for existing files in the tracker files field |
Search files using the search index. |
Enabled |
Set MIME type based on file suffix |
Sets the MIME type of an image file according to the file suffix when it is incorrectly detected as application/octet-stream |
Disabled |
Clean XML Always |
Sanitize XML based files such as SVG for all users. |
Enabled |
Allow SVG file upload |
Because SVG files may contain malicious code and compromise system security, specifically grant permission to upload SVG files.. |
Disabled |
Upload files from remote source |
Enable copying files to file galleries from a URL that will be polled for new revisions. |
Disabled |
Domains |
Allowed domains One domain per line |
None |
Remote source refresh frequency limit |
Minimum number of seconds to elapse between remote source checks to prevent flooding the server with requests. Set to zero to disable refresh |
3600 seconds |
Display controls to attempt a file refresh |
Let users trigger a refresh attempt from the remote host. |
Disabled |
Validate uploaded file content |
Do not trust user input and open the files to verify their content. |
Enabled |
Redirect to file gallery |
If enabled, redirect all requests to images that were migrated from the image gallery to the corresponding file in the file gallery |
Disabled |
View or export office documents as PDF |
If enabled allows to view documents without download or to export documents as PDF files |
Disabled |
Maximum width of file preview in pixels |
The maximum value of width in pixels for the files preview in the popover. |
250 |
Quota for all files and archives |
The total size of files uploaded to all the file galleries or to a specific file gallery can be limited. The quota for a file gallery applies to that file gallery and all the file galleries under it. When the limit is reached, no more files can be uploaded. The user will see an explanatory error message. An email can be sent via the Mail notifications feature.) 0 for unlimited |
0 megabytes |
Quota for each file gallery |
A different quota can be defined for each file gallery. |
Disabled |
Default quota for each new gallery |
0 for unlimited |
0 megabytes |
Must match |
A regular expression that must be matched to accept the file example A-Za-z* (filename can only have a-z letters) For example, if you want to require that uploads must have a wordprocessing file extension, you could enter .*.(odt|sxw|doc|dot|rtf|wpt|frm|wpd|txt|ODT|SXW|DOC|DOT|RTF|WPT|FRM|WPD|TXT) |
None |
Cannot match |
A regular expression that, if matched, causes the file to be rejected. For example, .gif rejects gif images. Note that the period must be escaped since a regular expression is being used. If you don’t know anything about regular expressions just leave the fields blank and all the files will be accepted. |
None |
ffmpeg path |
Path to the location of the ffmpeg binary |
/usr/bin/ffmpeg |
ffprobe path |
Path to the location of the ffprobe binary |
/usr/bin/ffprobe |
unoconv path |
Path to the location of the unoconv binary. |
/usr/bin/unoconv |
unoconv timeout |
The maximum amount of time for unoconv to execute. |
60 seconds |
unoconv port |
unoconv running port. |
2002 |
ghostscript path |
Path to the location of the ghostscript binary. |
/usr/bin/gs |
Alchemy Image library |
Select either Image Magick or GD Graphics Library. Imagemagick | GD |
Imagemagick |
Export diagram image on save |
If enabled, diagrams will be cached in PNG format when saved or edited. |
Enabled |
Use locally CasperJS to export images |
If enabled, diagrams can be exported using CasperJS. |
Disabled |
Use public services to export images |
When exporting PDFs, if this setting is enabled, diagram images will be fetched using Drawio's services if not in cache. This basically works like a fallback. |
Disabled | service endpoint |
Configure the service endpoint to export the diagram images. | |
Use diagram compression by default |
if this setting is enabled, diagram will use compression by default. |
Enabled |
Use RecordRTC to screen record |
if this setting is enabled, will use RecordRTC to record the screen activity. |
Disabled |
Gallery default for RecordRTC recordings |
Select gallery to be used as the default target for RecordRTC recordings File Galleries | Branding Graphics | colorbox | Documentation temporarily in P | Drawings | Example EPSG:4326 geoJSON boun | Example EPSG:4326 geoJSON path | Example map object images | Example POI icons | exportet-structures-francais,c | Fonctionnalité Articles | Gérer les Utilisateurs | H5P Content | Images for plugin Diagram | Images for slideshows | Images for the Documentation p | Images... |
None |