Server domain name |
The value that will be used by default as the server domain name of your Tiki site. Leave this blank if you are not entirely sure what you are doing. If this value is incorrect or your DNS is not set up properly it will lock you out of your Tiki and require database or shell access to recover it. |
None |
Browser title |
Visible label in the browser's title bar on all pages. Also appears in search engine results. |
None |
Fallback for tiki base URL |
The full URL to the Tiki base URL including protocol, domain and path (example:, used when the current URL can not be determined, example, when executing from the command line. |
None |
Browser title position |
Position of the browser title in the full browser bar relative to the current page's descriptor. After current page's descriptor | Before current page's descriptor | No browser title, only current page's descriptor | Only browser title, no current page's descriptor |
After current page's descri... |
Browser title display mode |
When breadcrumbs are used, method to display the browser title. Most-specific first | Least-specific first (site) | Current only | Description |
Most-specific first |
Sender email |
Email address that will be used as the sender for outgoing emails. |
None |
Sender full name |
Real name that will be used as the sender for outgoing emails |
None |
Default character set for sending mail |
Specify the character encoding used by Tiki when sending mail notifications. utf-8 | iso-8859-1 |
utf-8 |
Email newline character(s) |
End-of-line (EOL) character used in outgoing emails CRLF (standard) | LF (some Unix MTA) |
LF (some Unix MTA) |
Apply site styles to HTML emails |
Add site CSS to all HTML formatted emails |
Enabled |
Mail sender |
Specify if Tiki should use Sendmail(the PHP mail() function), SMTP or File (Debug) (to debug email sending by means of storing emails as files on disk at ./temp/Mail_yyyymmddhhmmss_randomstring.tmp ) to send mail notifications. Sendmail | SMTP | File (debug) | Elastic Email | Mailgun | Mandrill | Postage | Postmark | SendGrid | SparkPost |
Sendmail |
Amazon SES Key |
None |
Amazon SES Secret |
None |
Amazon SES Region |
None |
Amazon SES version |
None |
Elastic Email Username |
None |
Elastic Email Key |
None |
Mailgun Domain |
None |
Mailgun Key |
None |
Mailgun API Endpoint |
None |
Mandrill Key |
None |
Postage Key |
None |
Postmark Key |
None |
SendGrid Username |
None |
SendGrid Key |
None |
SparkPost Key |
None |
SMTP server |
None |
Authentication |
Mail server authentication None | LOGIN | PLAIN | CRAM-MD5 |
None |
Username |
None |
Password |
None |
Port |
25 |
Security |
None | SSL | TLS |
None |
Verify HTTPS certificates of remote servers |
When set to enforce, the server will fail to connect over HTTPS to a remote server that do not have a SSL certificate that is valid and can be verified against the local list of Certificate Authority (CA) Do not enforce verification | Enforce verification |
None |
Local server name |
Name of the local server. Will be reported to SMTP relay on the HELO/EHLO line. |
Localhost |
Mail delivery |
When set to Queue, messages will be stored in the database. Requires using the shell script php console.php mail-queue:send to be run for actual delivery. Send immediately | Queue |
None |
Catch-all email address |
Tiki will send all emails to this email address instead of the target recipients. This will actually rewrite the recipient TO, CC and BCC email headers. |
None |
Email footer |
Text appended to outgoing emails. |
None |
Text string used to customise mail templates |
Text string used to customise mail templates and added as a pref reference in the appropriate mail tpl files |
None |
Throttle newsletter send rate |
Pause for a given amount of seconds before each batch to avoid overloading the mail server. |
Disabled |
Newsletter pause length |
Number of seconds delay before each batch |
60 seconds |
Newsletter batch size |
Number of emails to send in each batch |
5 emails |
Allow sending newsletters through external clients |
Generate mailto links using the recipients as the BCC list. This will expose the list if email addresses to all users allowed to send newsletters. |
Disabled |
PHP Error reporting level |
Level of errors to be reported. Errors can be seen in a collapsible box at the bottom of the page, if any exist. No error reporting | Report all PHP errors except strict | Report all PHP errors | Report all PHP errors except notices | According to the PHP configuration |
Report all PHP errors excep... |
PHP errors visible to admin only |
PHP Errors will be shown to only the Admin user. During site development, it's better to display errors to all users. However, in production settings, errors should only be displayed to administrators. |
Enabled |
Include Smarty notices in the PHP error report |
Tiki will display Smarty notices with the PHP error messages. In most cases, Smarty notices can be safely ignored. However, they may be useful in the development process when unexpected issues occur. |
Disabled |
Show generic error message |
Show a generic error message for non admins users. The error is logged to the database. |
Disabled |
Generic error message |
Message to display to non admin users when an error occurs. |
There was an issue with you... |
Log mail in Tiki logs |
A line of type mail will be included in the System Log with the destination address and subject of each email sent. May impact performance |
Disabled |
Log SQL |
All SQL queries will be registered in the database in the tiki_sql_query_logs table. Do not enable this feature all the time. It can be very resource intensive and will impact performance. |
Disabled |
Log queries using more than |
Use to log only queries that exceed a specific amount of time. May impact performance |
0.05 seconds |
Data Source Name (DSN) |
DSN used for connect to the error tracking service. |
None |
Sample rate |
Sampling allows you to better manage the number of reported events, so you can tailor the volume of data needed. Use a value between 0 and 1. E.g.: 0.25 (will report 25% of the events) |
1 |
Track PHP errors |
Enable integration with error tracking service(ex: Sentry, GlitchTip) for PHP. |
Disabled |
Track JavaScript errors |
Enable integration with error tracking service(ex: Sentry, GlitchTip) for JavaScript. |
Disabled |
Enabled |
Cron jobs can be triggered from a URL or with JavaScript. A token is required to run the cron job manually. |
Disabled |
How to trigger Web Cron |
Calling the Web Cron URL | Adding JavaScript that calls Web Cron | URL and JavaScript |
URL and JavaScript |
Run interval |
The amount of time of each run |
60 seconds |
Token |
The token to use when running the cron manually |
Random Token |
Scheduler |
Provides the ability to run tasks at a scheduled time. |
Enabled |
Delay scheduled time (minutes) |
When calculating if the jobs should run, take the delay into consideration |
0 |
Allow shell command execution |
Give the possibility to execute shell commands. |
Disabled |
Scheduler stalled after (minutes) |
Set a scheduler to stall if the running time is long. Set 0 to disable stall detection. |
15 |
Notify on stalled schedulers |
Send an email notification when a stalled scheduler is detected. |
Enabled |
Users to notify on stalled task |
List of users/emails separated by comma to be notified when a scheduler task is set to stalled.Ex: admin, If empty, the email will be sent to all administrators. |
None |
Self healing after (minutes) |
Self healing resets a stalled scheduler automatically after the timeout set. 0 disables self healing |
30 |
Notify on healed schedulers |
Send an email notification when a stalled scheduler is healed. |
Enabled |
Users to notify on healed task |
List of users/emails separated by comma to be notified when a scheduler task is set to healed.Ex: admin, If empty, the email will be sent to all administrators. |
None |
Number of logs to keep |
0 will keep all logs |
10000 |