Tiki has more than one map feature, Tiki map (with Mapserver) can handle a huge number (5000+) of objects, Gmap provides the convenience of having Google maintain your mapserver. This implementation uses v2 of the google map API, documented on http://www.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/reference.html
enable google map in features admin panel tiki-admin.php?page=features
add googlemap key to /tiki-admin.php?page=gmap (and only key) and save
when key is added that page presents a map so you can setup default center and zoom level
the link to googlemap locator is now added in user preferences page
admin can setup and change location for any user from adminuser page
add a link to /tiki-gmap_usermap.php in your navigation
use PluginGoogleMap to insert googlemaps within wiki pages and to geocode specific wiki pages
By using the HTML and JavaScript plugins OpenLayers can also be used with Tiki Although it is not yet integrated into the system as Google Maps is, markers on an OpenLayers map can be linked to tracker items and wiki pages. See this page.OpenLayers is now integrated