There are several ways to import database-like structures (Trackers with their Tracker fields) and data (Tracker items) into your website. This page will give you a quick overview of the related capabilities in Tiki. Import TrackersThere are several ways to import a tracker, its fields and its data: 1st Way: Import Tracker using its structure (own code)
2nd way: Import Tracker using Profile/Yaml code
Export and Import of Tracker FieldsIn the Edit Fields page (/tiki-admin_tracker_fields.php?trackerId=) you need to select all fields you want to export with the checkboxes, then at the bottom there is a dropdown where you select Export Selected.
This will open a window with the code you need to copy, then paste in to the Import Tracker Fields tab.
Import Tracker dataTo import data, you can import data through the other interface:
Use from remote sourcesYou can alternatively use tracker data from remote sources through the ODBC read/write support added in Tiki23. See ODBC
Alias names for this page
Tracker Import | TrackerImport | Import Tracker | ImportTracker | ImportTrackers |