As a little tutorial, I'll teach you how to integrate doxygened documentation.
at first you need to produce it π and to put it into your document root... let it be /var/www/html/mydoxydoc. Also consider to fix background of generated pictures β to make it transparent (not all themes in Tiki have white background). π You may do this by one simple command:
As you may noticed, ImageMagick needs to be installed on your system.
Next you need to define the repository using Admin tool. Specify the following
Name β name of your repository. Type My Doxygened Documentation
Path β type /mydoxydoc
Start Page β index.html (In case of remote files/scripts here should be file name with parameters: tiki-index_raw.php?page=TikiIntegrator for example)
CSS File β doxygen.css. Currently only Notheme series themes have redefined styles for doxygened docs. All others use little adopted default (got from doxygen) CSS. Tiki Integrator search CSSes in the following way:
files to search for in every directory (for example assume that current theme is Matrix (matrix.css) and configured repository CSS file is doxygen.css:
Check Visibility box
Type something in Description β for example Doxygened documentation for my MEGA-Project π
Press Save
OK your first repository has been created. Now it's time to define some integration rules. Click on your repository in the table below ...
... and on the new page (Edit Rules for Repository) press copy rules link...
Currently only 'Notheme' themes have rules copying dialog hidden by default, in other themes no need to press/click something here β dialog is already visible... but in author's plans it should be hidden π
Choose Doxygened (1.3.4) Documentation and press the Copy button
here is a small cheat: by default (just after install) Tiki Integrator already has rules for doxygened repositories (as most usual type of programmer documentation)... in other cases you will need to make such rules for your repository by yourself... but fortunately it is easier than you may think π
Press/click view repository and enjoy π
it's recommended to use one of the Notheme themes π
... also you may ask the author of your preferred theme to provide doxygen.css file too π