
Plugin GDgraph

This wiki plugin, available from Tiki14 (and backported to 12.4) displays a graph/chart as an image using x,y pairs of data placed in the plugin body.

It should be noted that the graphing capabilities of this plugin are quite simple and if access to server to load the R libraries is possible then more extensive graphing capabilities are possible with the R plugin.


Create a simple bar chart from supplied data
Introduced in Tiki 14, backported to 12.4. Required parameters are in bold.
Go to the source code
Preferences required: wikiplugin_gdgraph

Parameters Accepted Values Description Default Since
(body of plugin) Comma-separated data (x,y) to be graphed. A useful option is to generate this data from a LIST or CUSTOMSEARCH using a .tpl template or trackerlist plugin placed in the body
type barvert
Defines what type of bar chart is to be generated 14.0
alttag text Text for image alt tag - the default is "GDgraph image" GDgraph image 14.0
class text In addition to the standard wp-gdgraph class, apply a second custom class to the surrounding DIV 24.1
height digits Sets the total height in pixels of the image generated to display the entire graph - if not set and type is barhoriz then the image height will be calculated from the number of x,y pairs, which is useful if the number of x,y pairs is not known eg they are generated using (say) a LIST, CUSTOMSEARCH or trackerlist plugin. The auto height option only works properly if the title is not shown. 0 14.0
width digits Overall width in pixels. Default value is 300. 300 14.0
title text Displayed above the graph 14.0
divid text Apply an id tag to the surrounding DIV 24.1
axestext Large-Text
Size options for the text used for the x and y axes values - the default selection is Large-Text Large-Text 24.1
float none
Set the alignment for the graph image. For elements with a width of less than 100%, other elements will wrap around it unless the clear parameter is appropriately set.) none 24.1
clear (blank)
Text, etc. is not allowed to wrap around the box if this parameter is set to 1 (Yes) 1

List Slides