- name
mandatory parameter where you put the name of the Indexed Field you want to display or an alias which refers to name of the FORMAT block.
- default
The DISPLAY 'plugin' can have an additional default parameter to specify the value to use if the object type does not contain the named value
- use
default=" " to show a blank value instead of No value for ... when there is no value
- format
The DISPLAY 'plugin' can have an additional format parameter to specify custom display methods
plain : as-is, default format (does not work with Arrays as is, you need to add the separator="" param below on them)
- Optional
separator attribute
count : number of elements in a multivalue element
date : using the short date format
- Optional
dateFormat to specify the date format using strftime (since 15.4 approx)
datetime : using the short datetime format (Tiki8)
timeago : using the timeago.js formatting for more readable dates and times (Tiki16/15.3)
imagegrabber : automatically grabs images from a source that is provided. set format="imagegrabber" to use.
- Mandatory
name attribute is the content for which you're searching
- Optional
content_type attribute is either html when searching through html source, or forumpost (default for backwards compatibility) to search for images in a forum.
- ''Example use:
Copy to clipboard {FORMAT(name="images")}{display name=article_content format="imagegrabber" content_type="html" width="150" max="3" default="img/icons/synergiq-folder.png"}{FORMAT}
- Return value for
html is in the following format, assuming a return of 3 images:
objectlink : uses the value as the label to a link to the object
slug : render values out using the current wiki url scheme (Tiki 18.2+)
url : render urlencoded values. Useful for building URLs (Tiki 21.3+)
snippet : to display the initial portion of the a large text
- Optional
length attribute
- Optional
suffix attribute
reference : to display a link based on the value
- Mandatory
type attribute
- Type can be:
external (or external_extended )
forumpost (or forum post )
group (n.b. Nowhere to link, at least, yet.)
wiki wikipage or wiki page
- Optional
separator attribute
- Use
format=reference for tracker fields which are page selector fields, to assure that you link to the page whose name is contained in the tracker, rather than to the tracker record.
trackerrender : to render a tracker field (when using trackerrender the Smarty variable $context.search_render will be y and can be used to have different formatting in the trackeroutput Smarty tpl)
templaterender : to use a field as a template (Tiki 19) - experimental, more info to come...
wikiplugin : Renders a wiki plugin in the list output
name : plugin name, e.g. wikiplugin_img
default : fallback values for any parameters in url query format (e.g. fileId=42&caption=Not+Found ) (Tiki 11)
content : plugin content body
- other plugin params (Tiki 11)
categorylist , to display category names instead of category id's. By default, it will display categories in html unordered lists; but you can produce a plain text list of category names when you add the parameter: separator=",". (Tiki =>16.2)+-
number , to display formatted number using php number_format function. Accepts parameters: decimals=0 (number of decimal digits), dec_point=. (decimal point character), thousands_sep=, (thousands separator character). (Tiki =>17.0)+-
currency , to display currency field in different currency using exchange rates for a given date. Accepts parameters: target_currency=USD (the currency to display data in), date=tracker_field_transactionsDate (permanent name of a tracker field holding date of exchange rate or a formatted date here), symbol=y|n (default y meaning to use currency symbol, n meaning to use currency code). (Tiki =>19.0)+-
- list_mode
(Tiki 9+) list_mode="y" can be added to use the list display settings for that field. e.g. {display name="tracker_field_42" format="trackerrender" list_mode="y"} ; other option is list_mode="csv" to display as plain text value
- pagetitle
(Tiki 9+) pagetitle="y" will set the browser title to the contents of the field for the first item found in the results with page title set (useful for single item result pages)
- pagedescription
(Tiki 11+) pagedescription="y" will set the page's meta description tag to the contents of the field for the first item found in the results with pagedescription set if the metatag_pagedesc preference is enabled.
- Note: For both
pagedescription and pagetitle no filtering is performed on the content, so use plain text only and avoid non-alphanumeric characters.
- editable
(Tiki 11+) editable="inline" will set the field to be editable for tracker fields when using format trackerrender . Required: "Inline editing (found in trackers)" and column should be set to mode=raw. e.g:
Copy to clipboard {column label="First Name" field="firstName" mode=raw}
{FORMAT(name="firstName")}{display name="tracker_field_firstName" format="trackerrender" editable="inline"}{FORMAT}
- The FORMAT 'plugin' allows to apply a wiki template and store it inside a named value. The value can then be used inside an other wiki template, or more usefully inside a smarty template.
- Action
- There is no built in "actions" field (edit, delete, etc.) for PluginList yet (March 2021) so you have to use a custom configuration. An example in wiki syntax is listed below.