You might want to display all comments, and this script will retrieve them:
Wiki Output Sample Copy to clipboard {LIST(cache="n")}
{filter type="comment"}
{pagination max="10"}
{OUTPUT( template="table")}
{column field="title"}
{column field="comment_content"}
{column field="object_link" mode="raw"}
{column field="date"}
{FORMAT( name="object_link")}
{display name="object_id" format="objectlink"}
{sort mode="date_desc"}
The FORMAT control block defines an object with the name object_link which is displayed in such a way that it is object_id which is displayed and formatted as objectlink; which makes the id clickable. This object reference is then used in the column control block in the body of the OUTPUT table.
This gives us the following result:
Thread Id
Dynamic Content |
This looks like a powerful feature, but I'm clueless how to use it. Please, let's get more info here. |
136 |
2005-09-23 15:28:59 |
My AD Config |
can you help me in solving my ldap problem.. I have listed it in mailing list thanks in advance |
135 |
2005-09-12 08:48:36 |
Re: My AD Config |
Unfortunately, I'm having to host externally to the AD server, so I need to do it by domain. Someone else pointed me toward the code I needed to modify, so I got it working (one-line change). Thanks, e.d. |
134 |
2005-09-08 20:06:58 |
Validate Email Address option |
The "Validate email address (may not work) option needs documentation. It would also be helpful if there were a way to restrict accounts by email domain. e.d. |
133 |
2005-08-31 16:47:53 |
Re: My AD Config |
> Here are example settings taken from what I'm using to authenticatte against my AD. The only "tricky" part was setting up a service account as AD requires a login before any authentication query will be processed. As we have OU Admin rights, this wasn't a major problem. > > Create user if not in Tiki: checked > Just user Tiki auth for admin: checked > LDAP Host: ad-ldap.domain.tld > LDAP Port: 3268 > LDAP Scope: sub > LDAP Base DN: dc=domain,dc=tld > LDAP User Attribute: cn > LDAP User OC: * > LDAP Member is DN: n > LDAP Admin User: service-account at domain.tld > LDAP Admin Pwd: ********** This configuration worked for me with the following modifications: LDAP Port: 389 UserAttribute: sAMAccountName Hope this helps. _KJH |
130 |
2005-07-16 18:27:50 |
Re: Are there any links to older, more complete docs? |
> Are there any older versions of the doc (maybe just the big v1.6 manual? Where is that?) with more complete details about some of these features? There is the 1.6PDF file downloadable from the SourceForge project page. But you wont find any docs on the Integrator in it, as thats a new 1.8/1.9 feature. Damian |
129 |
2005-07-15 07:05:10 |
Structure TOC inside Module |
There was a way to add structure toc into a module and then display module in left or right column. This requires some additional code which I can't find anymore. Without it this breaks the page. Can you document this here so that we can use it. Thanks |
128 |
2005-07-14 17:34:42 |
Are there any links to older, more complete docs? |
I can't count how many blank pages I find that are dated something like: Page last modified on Saturday 22 November, 2003 20:48:03. Are there any older versions of the doc (maybe just the big v1.6 manual? Where is that?) with more complete details about some of these features? |
127 |
2005-07-06 03:04:15 |
My AD Config |
Here are example settings taken from what I'm using to authenticatte against my AD. The only "tricky" part was setting up a service account as AD requires a login before any authentication query will be processed. As we have OU Admin rights, this wasn't a major problem. Create user if not in Tiki: checked Just user Tiki auth for admin: checked LDAP Host: ad-ldap.domain.tld LDAP Port: 3268 LDAP Scope: sub LDAP Base DN: dc=domain,dc=tld LDAP User Attribute: cn LDAP User OC: * LDAP Member is DN: n LDAP Admin User: service-account at domain.tld LDAP Admin Pwd: ********** |
126 |
2005-07-01 14:01:50 |
Re: Print - Only Current? |
Please use the comments on for comments relating to the structure of the documentation, or examples, etc. Please keep bug reports and feature requests to Thanks |
124 |
2005-06-29 07:32:13 |
We see that this only gives us the information about the object (the comment in this case), but what if I want to have more information before visiting the comment?
One way to do this is to add a column which indicates the item being commented on. It is typically a wiki page or tracker item which is clickable and takes me there.
So let's make some changes and see what we have:
Wiki Output Sample Copy to clipboard {LIST(cache="n")}
{filter type="comment"}
{pagination max="10"}
{OUTPUT( template="table")}
{column field="contributors"}
{column field="title"}
{column field="comment_content"}
{column field="parent_object_title" mode="raw"}
{column field="object_link" mode="raw"}
{column field="date"}
{FORMAT( name="object_link")}
{display name="object_id" format="objectlink"}
{FORMAT( name="parent_object_title")}
{display name="parent_object_type"}: {display name="wikiplugin_objectlink" format="wikiplugin" type="parent_object_type" id="parent_object_id"}
{sort mode="date_desc"}
Here we have just added a new column whose label is "Parent Object".
The new FORMAT control block formats the parent_object_title field, which is the title of the comment's parent object, then with {display} tag we first display the name of the parent object, which is stored in the parent_object_type field. For example, if the parent object is a trackeritem, it will display "trackeritem:", and finally we display the link to the parent object, using the wikiplugin_objectlink plugin. This plugin allows you to create a link to a Tiki object according to its type and its identifier. Here you specify the link format as "wikiplugin", the object type as parent_object_type, and the object id as parent_object_id. For example, if the parent object is a trackeritem with id 1, this will generate a link to "tiki-view_tracker_item.php?itemId=1".
So you get a field that displays the name and link of the comment's parent object. For example, if the comment is linked to an item called "This is my first item", you display "trackeritem: This is my first item".
This gives us the following result:
Parent Object
Thread Id
Dynamic Content |
This looks like a powerful feature, but I'm clueless how to use it. Please, let's get more info here. |
wiki page: Dynamic Content |
136 |
2005-09-23 15:28:59 |
My AD Config |
can you help me in solving my ldap problem.. I have listed it in mailing list thanks in advance |
wiki page: LDAP authentication |
135 |
2005-09-12 08:48:36 |
Re: My AD Config |
Unfortunately, I'm having to host externally to the AD server, so I need to do it by domain. Someone else pointed me toward the code I needed to modify, so I got it working (one-line change). Thanks, e.d. |
wiki page: LDAP authentication |
134 |
2005-09-08 20:06:58 |
Validate Email Address option |
The "Validate email address (may not work) option needs documentation. It would also be helpful if there were a way to restrict accounts by email domain. e.d. |
wiki page: LDAP authentication |
133 |
2005-08-31 16:47:53 |
Re: My AD Config |
> Here are example settings taken from what I'm using to authenticatte against my AD. The only "tricky" part was setting up a service account as AD requires a login before any authentication query will be processed. As we have OU Admin rights, this wasn't a major problem. > > Create user if not in Tiki: checked > Just user Tiki auth for admin: checked > LDAP Host: ad-ldap.domain.tld > LDAP Port: 3268 > LDAP Scope: sub > LDAP Base DN: dc=domain,dc=tld > LDAP User Attribute: cn > LDAP User OC: * > LDAP Member is DN: n > LDAP Admin User: service-account at domain.tld > LDAP Admin Pwd: ********** This configuration worked for me with the following modifications: LDAP Port: 389 UserAttribute: sAMAccountName Hope this helps. _KJH |
wiki page: LDAP authentication |
130 |
2005-07-16 18:27:50 |
Re: Are there any links to older, more complete docs? |
> Are there any older versions of the doc (maybe just the big v1.6 manual? Where is that?) with more complete details about some of these features? There is the 1.6PDF file downloadable from the SourceForge project page. But you wont find any docs on the Integrator in it, as thats a new 1.8/1.9 feature. Damian |
wiki page: Integrator Details |
129 |
2005-07-15 07:05:10 |
Structure TOC inside Module |
There was a way to add structure toc into a module and then display module in left or right column. This requires some additional code which I can't find anymore. Without it this breaks the page. Can you document this here so that we can use it. Thanks |
wiki page: Structures |
128 |
2005-07-14 17:34:42 |
Are there any links to older, more complete docs? |
I can't count how many blank pages I find that are dated something like: Page last modified on Saturday 22 November, 2003 20:48:03. Are there any older versions of the doc (maybe just the big v1.6 manual? Where is that?) with more complete details about some of these features? |
wiki page: Integrator Details |
127 |
2005-07-06 03:04:15 |
My AD Config |
Here are example settings taken from what I'm using to authenticatte against my AD. The only "tricky" part was setting up a service account as AD requires a login before any authentication query will be processed. As we have OU Admin rights, this wasn't a major problem. Create user if not in Tiki: checked Just user Tiki auth for admin: checked LDAP Host: ad-ldap.domain.tld LDAP Port: 3268 LDAP Scope: sub LDAP Base DN: dc=domain,dc=tld LDAP User Attribute: cn LDAP User OC: * LDAP Member is DN: n LDAP Admin User: service-account at domain.tld LDAP Admin Pwd: ********** |
wiki page: LDAP authentication |
126 |
2005-07-01 14:01:50 |
Re: Print - Only Current? |
Please use the comments on for comments relating to the structure of the documentation, or examples, etc. Please keep bug reports and feature requests to Thanks |
wiki page: Structures |
124 |
2005-06-29 07:32:13 |