Warning: Undefined variable $filepath in /home/tiki-doc/public_html/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_tikidocfromcode.php on line 146
PluginMouseover | Documentation for Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Plugin Mouseover

Introduced in Tiki3

Use this wiki plugin to display hidden content by mousing over text.


Tiki Doc From Code error: mouseover not found


Non-sticky Mouseover

This code:

Copy to clipboard
{MOUSEOVER(label="Hello" offsetx="4" offsety="15")}Hello over there. It's fine!{MOUSEOVER}

Would produce:
HelloHello over there. It's fine!

Sticky Mouseover with Tiki Syntax

This code:

Copy to clipboard
{MOUSEOVER(label="Sticky" sticky="y" parse="y" offsetx="4" offsety="15")}This is a ''sticky'' popup{MOUSEOVER}

Would produce:
StickyThis is a sticky popup

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