Plugin PivotTable | |
Introduced in Tiki 16.2 Use this wiki plugin to create dashboards with summaries of data in Tiki objects through the unified search index to produce a pivot table report of your choice. Initially this plugin works with tracker data, but other Tiki objects can be connected later with this plugin. Results for the variables of interest (tracker fields, as well as creation_date, modification_date and tracker_status of the items) are aggregated by criteria selected by the user.
It produces the JavaScript Pivot Table (aka Pivot Grid, Pivot Chart, Cross-Tab) implementation from Nicolas Kruchten with drag'n'drop (see the list of changes in each version).
Parameters | |
Tiki Doc From Code error: pivottable not found
Basic Usage | |
Basic usage requires just to provide the data source (e.g. a tracker with id 1: "tracker:1" since Tiki16, or activitystream also since Tiki19 ), and the rest will be taken as default values by the pivot table plugin, and you will be able to edit it through the PivotTable UI itself. That will allow you to display all field names of the tracker, and will let you drag and drop them in rows or columns of the pivot table editor. That will cover most use cases. However, if your dataset is huge, or the tracker has many fields, and some of them carrying heavy data (long text fields, or big files/images attached to the tracker items in files tracker fields), you can use an advanced syntax to filter the number of items or reduce the amount of tracker fields exposed to the pivot table to work with, so that performance of the pivot table plugin is fast again. See below for "Advanced Usage" |
Example 1 | |
After installing the Bug_Tracker_16 profile on a brand new Tiki 16, you will get a new tracker with id 1 to hold the data of the bug reports/issue tickets. When you add a few dozen items, you can use some syntax like the one indicated below to produce some demo pivot tables table with default values as a starting point, to let you start reviewing the data as wiki-wiki (quick) as possible. This code: Copy to clipboard
A table can even consider more than one value in a single dimension. The following example therefore uses both Status and Priority on the horizontal axis (meaning a column can have subcolumns):
Example 2 | |
A default configuration for each parameter of the plugin can also be specified. For instance, the values considered in both dimensions can be specified, using the rows and cols parameters, as in the following example (which considers 2 values on the horizontal axis, as in the previous screenshot). This code: Copy to clipboard
Example 3 | |
You can also make some charts:
This code: Copy to clipboard
Example 4 (subtotals since Tiki 18) | |
Since Tiki18 new renderers were added to allow displaying subtotal sums for rows in the table, through the addition of subtotal.js to the plugin:
Example 5 (activity stream since Tiki19) | |
Since Tiki19, you can display data from the PluginActivityStream into the Plugin PivotTable. Minimum syntax to let the user choose options throught the PivotTable UI: Copy to clipboard
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Advanced Usage | |
If your dataset is huge (many thousands), or the tracker has many fields (many hundreds), and some of them carrying heavy data (long text fields, or big files/images attached to the tracker items in files tracker fields), you can use an advanced syntax to filter the number of items or reduce the amount of tracker fields exposed to the pivot table to work with, so that the good performance of the pivot table plugin is preserved. You can use the filter or display commands (both from PluginList ) to indicate which items (filter) or tracker fields (display) you want to use, respectively, in the pivot table plugin. Example: Copy to clipboard
Add creation_date, modification_date and status | |
You can also indicate if you want the creation_date, modification_date and status if the tracker items to be displayed as optional variables to be used in the report. Copy to clipboard
Customize aggregation date values | |
See Derived Attribute of a date
Advanced Example 1 | |
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Advanced example 2 | |
This code: Copy to clipboard
Advanced example 3 | |
Since Tiki 16.2, any plugin using unified index search formatter and wikibuilder (aka filter, output, display, format, etc. wiki syntax, such as PluginPivottable ) now accepts You can see this feature in action if you apply profile Bug_Tracker_16 Therefore, this code: Copy to clipboard
Related pages | |