
See also PluginConvene, Rating and Deliberation.

Plugin Proposal

Introduced in Tiki3

Use this wiki plugin to provide a widget for users to vote on a proposal and view the current decision.

  • It makes it quick to vote and tally votes
  • The proposal and votes are kept in the wiki page so it's still possible to improve the original proposal and to change the votes (there is wiki page version history so everyone can see the evolution).


Allow users to vote on a proposal and view the results
Introduced in Tiki 3.
Go to the source code
Preferences required: wikiplugin_proposal

Parameters Accepted Values Description Default Since
(body of plugin) The list of votes cast. One vote per line. Either 0, +1 or -1 followed by a username.
caption text Short description of the proposal to vote on. Will be displayed above the result table. 3.0
weights text Comma-separated list of groups and their associated weight. Default is Registered(1) Example: Reviewer(2.5),User(1),Manager(0.25),Registered(0) Registered(1) 10.0

  • Note that a user must have edit rights to the page where the proposal is placed in order to be able to see the vote buttons and be able to click on them to vote.
  • New in TIki10: Added the ability to set custom weights to groups in the proposal plugin, which affects the stored attributes. This is useful for Code Review


Basic syntax

Copy to clipboard
{PROPOSAL(caption="Here is the proposal")} +1 Sam -1 john +1 Suzy +1 Cuong 0 Sam +1 Helen +1 Majid +1 Mohammed 0 Francois +1 Youssou +1 Nico -1~1 will0913{PROPOSAL}

Free birthday pizza

As users vote by clicking the accept, reject or undecided button, the user's user name and vote is automatically placed in the code. Once several people have voted, the code would look something like this:

Copy to clipboard
{PROPOSAL(caption="That each Tiki contributor should get free pizza on their birthday")} +1 Sam -1 john +1 Suzy +1 Cuong 0 Sam +1 Helen +1 Majid +1 Mohammed 0 Francois +1 Youssou +1 Nico {PROPOSAL}

Would produce:

That each Tiki contributor should get free pizza on their birthday
Accept Undecided Reject
7 2 1
  • Suzy
  • Cuong
  • Helen
  • Majid
  • Mohammed
  • Youssou
  • Nico
  • Sam
  • Francois
  • john

You can see in the code above that user Sam voted twice: the first time he accepted the proposal (+1 Sam), and then he changed his vote to undecided (0 Sam). In the display result immediately above, only the last choice (undecided) shows.

Since Tiki10: Added the ability to set custom weights to groups in the proposal plugin, which affects the stored attributes. This is useful for Code Review


Plugin Proposal | Proposal

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