Profiles Wizard | |
Since Tiki12, this wizard shows the admin some information about the most recommended profiles to apply, either to set up your site with a featured configuration template, add some useful extra configuration, or show a demonstration of potentially interesting features for you, just with a few clicks. It can be launched from the first screen of the Tiki Setup shown just after the admin logs in in a new tiki site:
1.1. Featured Site Configurations | |
1.2. Useful Micro Configurations | |
1.3. Useful Changes in Display Mode | |
1.4. Useful New Technology Configurations | |
1.5. Useful Administration Configurations | |
1.6. Demo of Commonly Used Configurations | |
1.7. Demo of Interesting Use Cases | |
1.8. Demo of Other Interesting Use Cases | |
(since Tiki 13.1+ & 12.3+)
1.9. Demo of More Advanced Configurations | |
1.10. Highly Specialized Configurations | |
They are also demo profiles, but highly customized for very specialized applications.
Configuration Profiles Wizard Completed | |
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