
Minimální požadavky a nastavení

Doporučená minimální konfigurace HW

  • 128 MB RAM (záleží na očekavané návÅ¡tÄ›vnosti webu)
  • více než 60 MB volného místa na pevném disku (zdrojové soubory zaberou 35 MB + soubory nahrané na server (jako pÅ™ílohy))

Nezbytný software pro Tiki 1.8.x

Tato část vypuÅ¡tÄ›na, jelikož 1.8.x již není podporována. Pokud Vás to pÅ™esto zajímá, čtÄ›te originál v angličtinÄ›: Requirements

Nezbytný software pro Tiki 1.9.x

  • PHP 4.1+
  • Databázový server. Nejlépe MySQL. DalÅ¡í možnosti jsou Postgres, Oracle, Sybase, MSSQL, atd. Tiki 1.9.1 a vyÅ¡Å¡í je potÅ™eba pro mysqli rozÅ¡íÅ™ení (PHP 5.0 a vyÅ¡Å¡í).
  • Webserver s PHP. Apache je vÅ™ele doporučován, ale je možné, že ostatní půjdou stejnÄ› dobÅ™e. VčetnÄ› IIS.


NÄ›které nástroje TikiWiki mohou vyžadovat externí software navíc.

  • Knihovna pro zpracování obrázků na generování náhledů, dynamické generování grafů a prevenci automatické registrace spamovými roboty. Může to být:
    • GD knihovna > 1.5 a PHP
    • ImageMagick, ale pouze na generování náhledů a úpravy obrázků, viz. ImageMagick Install
      (You don't need to get those 2 libraries if you use PHP 4.3+ since they are bundled.)
  • WikiGraph plugin needs GraphViz installed : see GraphViz Install
  • search : For full-text search MySQL 3.23.23+, for boolean full-text search MySQL4.0.1+
  • webmail : Will need at least PHP 4.2+
  • PDF generation : Needs php-xml package. Consider a PHP error message about utf8_decode() upon exportation as an indication you don't have php-xml installed
  • maps : Mapserver 4.6 and up as a PHP mapscript module for Linux or Windows, obtainable from http://mapserver.gis.umn.edu

Nastavení PHP

UmístÄ›ní php.ini závisí na OS. BěžnÄ› se napÅ™. v Linuxu vyskytuje v

  • /etc/php.ini
  • /etc/php/php.ini
  • /etc/php4/php.ini
  • /etc/php/apache1-php4/php.ini (Gentoo)
  • /etc/php/cli-php4/php.ini(Gentoo)
  • /etc/php4/apache2(Debian)

Use a recent version. 4.2+ is recommended but it will work with 4.1 too (there was a session bug in 4.1.2 which has been pretty problematic).

  • be sure "pcre" is enabled (compile time)
  • you don't need any specific PHP extension to install TikiWIki but GD is recommended and will be used if you have it. (GD is bundled by default with PHP 4.3+)
  • if you want to use uploads (files, images) make sure uploads are enabled in php.ini and the upload size is set to xx megabytes. See also mysql setup
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    file_uploads = On upload_max_filesize = xxM
  • if you want to use trackback pings (blogs) make sure URL handling is enabled in php.ini - this is a potential security risk though.
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    allow_url_fopen = On
  • TikiWiki uses sessions (a common mechanism in PHP4) make sure that the path where PHP stores sessions (php.ini) exists and that PHP can write to that path. (special case in Shared Hosting environment where you may have no access to /tmp, in which case replace it with temp, with no slash)
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    session.save_handler = files session.save_path = /tmp
  • it is highly recommended to increase the maximum memory size for PHP scripts from 8 MB to at least 16 MB if not 32 MB in your php.ini configuration file. Uploaded files are hashed with md5(), so watch this setting too if you upload files of several megabytes. Whilst TikiWIki can run in 8 MB environments for most actions eventually as you load your TikiWIki with content it requires more memory. Please dont use TikiWIki in 8Mb environments, it will cause you more problems later on. Before reporting a problem, particularly getting blank pages, change to 16 or 32 MB.
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    memory_limit = 16M
  • another settings recommended to change which may cause timeouts if your wiki is large and prevent you from doing a backup through the Admin menu
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    max_execution_time = 60 max_input_time = 60
  • set magic_quotes_gpc to off in php.ini
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    magic_quotes_gpc = Off
  • for character encoding consistency reasons it is recommended to set
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    default_charset = "utf-8"

Nastavení Apache

Nastavení MySQL

Indicated commands are for example only, in case you use command-line. If you are not very comfortable with MySQL, consider using PhpMyAdmin.

  • create an empty database for storing TikiWIki data
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    mysqladmin create tikidb
  • it's strongly advised you create a new mysql user for acces to the created database
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    mysql -e "grant all on tikidb.* to tikidbuser@localhost identified by 'tikipass';" mysql -e "flush privileges;"

Enable Large Image or File Support

Commonly, people wish to store images or files larger then the default size of 1 MB. To allow larger files, up to 16 MB, add (or request your administrator to add) the following lines to the MySQL configuration file, where 'xxx' is any number from 1 to 16:

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[mysqld] set-variable = max_allowed_packet=xxxM

If you change MySQL's max_allowed_packed, you must set PHP's upload_max_filesize to a matching value in your php.ini file.

Nastavení jiných DB

  • perform the equivalent operations to those in the MySQL Setup section, above, with your DB
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