Warning: Undefined variable $basepath in /home/tiki-doc/public_html/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_img.php on line 953 Scheduler | Documentation for Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware
Scheduler for Tiki (cron jobs)
An internal scheduler was added in Tiki17, so that only one cron job needs to be defined in the system crontab, and all actions to be run a scheduled times can then be defined within Tiki UI.
1.1. How to find it
In the quick admin module, and in the main application menu under "Settings" section ("https://example.org/tiki-admin_schedulers.php").
1.2. Overview
You can list scheduled tasks
Click to expand
You can edit one scheduled task
Click to expand
Syntax for the scheduled run time is similar to the syntax used in system crontabs in GNU/Linux and equivalent operating systems:
Use CRON format to enter the values in “Run Time”:
Minute, Hour, Day of Month, Month, Day of Week
Eg. every 5 minutes: */5 * * * *
NOTE: If the tasks set up in your scheduler create cache files (which they often will) then you need to run this cron job as your webserver user, e.g. www-data, apache, nginx etc
Using the Tiki Scheduler and a Console command, once you have set your master Cron Job (see above) you can automatically rebuild your Unified Index to assure your Tiki freshness. In this sample we also generate logs so we can investigate in case there were an issue.