Tiki14 | |
1.1. Addons | |
The feature Addons has been added to allow developers to provide optional extra functionality to Tiki. |
1.1.1. Organic groups | |
The Organic Groups Addon allows to manage work groups with some features pre-created for each new organic group created. The idea of an organic group is that it can be created, managed and removed without intervention of any admin of the tiki site, but just users in a decentralized way. The Organic Group addon will be made available shortly after the release of Tiki 14. See Organic Groups |
1.2. "Admin home": renamed to "Control Panels" | |
The page where you can access the main settings for all features was traditionally called "Admin home". In order to prevent confusions for the new admins with the page to administer a single feature, "Admin home" was renamed to "Control Panels". This way, and as example, the page to manage the settings for all forums in Tiki is called "Forums control Panel" (tiki-admin.php?page=forums), while the page to modifiy a specific forum, keeps the name "Admin Forums" (tiki-admin_forums.php) |
1.3. Advanced Rating | |
Some new functions have been added since Tiki 14.0: Not, IsEmpty, date, less-than, more-than and contains. See Advanced Rating |
1.4. Banning multiple registration IPs from user management | |
Admins can easily ban multiple IPs from spam registrations directly with just a few clicks. They can also optionally remove the user accounts and their user tracker items, as well as their user pages. See Users |
1.5. Federated Search | |
1.6. Modules | |
1.6.1. Module zone | |
New module meant to provide a module "navbar" for the website. You add a "zone", and then you can drop a module menu in it. The menu module creates the toggle button and internal nabbers. See Module zone |
1.7. Module minichat | |
The date is shown for the messages from previous days to avoid confusing users. See Module minichat |
1.8. Must Reads | |
See Must Reads |
1.9. Plugins | |
1.9.1. AjaxLoad | |
Available from 14.1, this plugin can be used to load HTML into a wiki page, from another page on the same site or an external site. See PluginAjaxLoad |
1.9.2. GDgraph | |
Available from 14.0 (and backported to the 12.x branch in March '15) this plugin displays a graph/chart as an image using x,y pairs of data placed in the plugin body. The x,y pairs, or indeed the whole plugin format, could be generated by using another plugin eg TRACKERLIST or LIST. This plugin is a simple alternative to using the more feature rich R plugin for web sites where it is not possible or easy to install all the necessary libraries, etc., on the server to enable the R plugin. Only a bar chart option is currently available - other display options could be developed |
1.9.3. CATORPHANS | |
This plugin was extended for Tiki14 and the update backported to Tiki12 to allow more Tiki objects to be checked whether they were categorised - prior to this update only wiki pages could be checked. |
1.10. Profiles | |
1.10.1. Hide Fixed Top Nav Bar on Scroll | |
If you choose in 'Look & Feel' Control Panel > Theme (tab) > Site layout: "Fixed_top_modules", then you can apply this "scroll" (search for it) profile through the Profiles Control Panel and you will get your top zone hidden temporarily when you scroll down your site. See profile: Hide Fixed Top Nav Bar on Scroll |
1.10.2. Profiles Wizard | |
New profile Revision Approval (ISO9001) added to the Profiles Wizard, preconfigured to use also the new Wiki Argument Variables introduced in Tiki14 (see below) : Click to enlarge
1.11. SLUG | |
SLUG's are alternate urls designed for brevity, search engine friendliness, not changing over time, etc. Tiki 14 allows to change the URL scheme for wiki pages, currently to replace spaces with underscores. For more information:
1.12. Tablesorter | |
The tablesorter usage has been extended to new features like:
1.13. Themes | |
There has been some refactoring in the way to handle theme styles. See:
In addition, if you use the Newsletters feature, please note that placement of the newsletter.css has changed with the new bootstrap theme architecture. Since Tiki version 14, the customised newsletter.css file should be placed in either one of the next folders:
1.13.1. Icon sets | |
The reason for having different iconsets is the same as for having different themes, users are given the freedom to choose whichever they like and to customize/create new ones if they dont like what is shipped with Tiki. There are differents sets of icons available in the Look&Feel control panel.
More information:
1.14. Trackers | |
1.14.1. Service_inline to display info from linked trackers | |
When using linked trackers with fields "item link/items list", if you use custom smarty templates, you might be able to include some view of the other tracker using {service_inline} and likely a custom tracker item template file. See more information. |
1.14.2. Tracker Tabular | |
A new system to import / export tracker data, called "Tracker Import Export", has been implemented. |
1.14.3. Tracker Field 'Computed' extended | |
Three new options have been added to the display of the Computed tracker field, in a similar fashion to the existing options in the numeric field:
1.14.4. Tracker Field 'Mathematical Calculation' extended | |
Some new operators and functions are added to the advanced rating language in Tiki 14.x, which can be used in trackers through the Mathematical Calculation Tracker Field See #Advanced_Rating
1.15. Validation syntax | |
Validation (in tracker fields and other areas of Tiki where some validation rules can be defined) require no more escaping of backslashes. Thus, this former regular expression worked in Tiki 12 LTS: Regular expression for positive numbers in 12.x Copy to clipboard
Regular expression for positive numbers in 14.x Copy to clipboard
1.16. Wiki Argument Variables | |
New Wiki Argument Variables added, useful in cases when feature Revision approval, Flagged Revisions is enabled (such as environments following ISO9001 quality certification, where revision approval is needed for document versions): {{currentVersion}} (current version being displayed of the wiki page
Upgrade | |
Themes | |
Since the structure of themes changed singificantly for Tiki14, the main task is expected to be to upgrade custom themes. And you may have to re-select the theme style you want to use, through the Look & Feel control panel. Please note:
Copy to clipboard
Copy to clipboard
Copy to clipboard
For more information on these theme-related topics, see the section about "Themes" above. |
Multilevel menus in modules | |
Menus in modules are now by default "bootstrap" menus, meaning that following bootstrap's idea they are suggested to be only one level deep.
Regular Expressions in fields requiring validation | |
See above #Validation_syntax |
'SSL connection error' or error displaying HomePage after upgrade of SSL enabled websites | |
If your SSL enabled website shows a port number in the address bar of the browser ( http://www.example.com:80 for example) which results in a SSL connection error, then one way to fix the issue is to edit the .htaccess file in the tiki root directory, as follows: Add the comment "#" character to the start of the following line in .htaccess Copy to clipboard
Remove the comment "#" character from the start of the following line in .htaccess Copy to clipboard
General upgrade notes | |
Also, see the standard information about Upgrades in Tiki. Pages linking to Tiki14
22 pages link to Tiki14
Tiki14.0 | TikiWiki14 | TikiWiki14.0 | TikiWiki 14.0 | TikiWiki 14 | Tiki 14 | Tiki 14.0 |