This page is the documentation of Tikis Calendar feature.
For calendar syncronisation of Tiki calendars with other apps, please see CalDAV which was implemented in Tiki21 via SabreDAV. See also CardDAV and Calendar Invitations by email.
Tiki has several calendar-related features. These enable creating, viewing and editing multiple event calendars that can display as a full page or in a module, and can also show tracker data and site content activity.
To activate and access
Activiate the feature on tiki-admin.php?page=features and then click the Calendar icon on the Admin Panel or go to tiki-admin.php?page=calendar.Click to expand
Option | Description | Default |
Calendar | Events calendar with public, private and group channels. | Disabled |
Plugin Calendar | Display a calendar and its events | Enabled |
Plugin Events | Display events from calendars | Enabled |
Plugin Mayan Calendars | Convert a Gregorian date to a Mayan calendar date | Disabled |
Plugin Add to Google Calendar | Add a calendar item to a Google calendar. | Disabled |
Display only selected calendars by default | Disabled | |
Select default calendars to display | Example | None |
Default view mode | Day | Week | Month | Quarter | Semester | Year | Month |
Event click action | View or edit item on click Edit | View |
View |
View list begins | Focus date | Period beginning | Period beginning |
First day of the week | Sunday | Monday | Depends user language | Depends user language |
Split hours in periods of | Times shown in week and day view. 1 | 5 | 10 | 15 | 30 |
30 minutes |
Minute Interval | Interval to show between minutes on time selectors 1 | 5 | 10 | 15 | 30 |
5 minutes |
Manual selection of time/date | Disabled | |
Show "Export Calendars" button | Disabled | |
Show "Export Calendar Item" Button | Allow exporting a single calendar event as an iCal file | Disabled |
Show "Add to Google Calendar" icon | Disabled | |
Calendar start of day | 25200 seconds | |
Calendar end of day | 72000 seconds | |
Date picker for date selection | JavaScript popup date selector (uses jQuery UI DatePicker). | Enabled |
First year in the dropdown | Enter a year or use +/- N to specify a year relative to the current year. Year selection is valid when the JS Calendar is not enabled | -3 years |
Last year in the dropdown | Enter a year or use +/- N to specify a year relative to the current year | +5 years |
Sticky popup | Disabled | |
Action calendar | Displays a calendar of system events, such as wiki page modifications, forum posts and article publications. Days with events show links to the action calendar page. | Disabled |
Item view tab | Disabled | |
Days to display in the calendar | Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 |
Treat calendar item descriptions as HTML | Use this if you use the WYSIWYG editor for calendars. This is to handle legacy data from Tiki pre 7.0. | Enabled |
Enable watch events when you are the editor | Check this to receive email notifications of events you changed yourself. | Enabled |
License for FullCalendar premium plugins | FullCalendar premium license. For details on the premium license please check |
None |
Holidays calendar | Choose a calendar to store non-working days which are used in date calculations involving working days. | None |
There are several time/date- and calendar-related features:
- The Mini Calendar: MyTiki's personal calendar. A simple appointment list.
- The Calendar: Tiki's main calendar. This can display:
- The Tools Calendars which report system-created lists of changes/additions, such as the creation or edit of a wiki page, upload of a file, including date and time, user, and description. This requires the permission tiki_p_view_tiki_calendar.
- The Event Calendars which show user created information such as events or appointments, and requires the permission tiki_p_view_calendar. Different calendars can be created, with distinct permissions for each. It is also possible to setup a Personal calendar here. This duplicates the mini-calendar feature but with integration with the other calendars (so you can see in one view both your personal events and the other events).
- The feature jscalendar adds a nifty date picker to Event Calendars. (and trackers)
- The modules calendar and calendar_new add a small calendar to a lateral column with events in hover boxes
- A plugin is available to display tracker data in a calendar-type of display of items, useful for project management, where you can drag & drop to move or click & drag to resize the duration of events. See PluginTrackerCalendar.
For the moment there is no possibility to include a calendar formated like tiki-calendar.php into a wiki page, beyond the PluginTrackerCalendar. To display a calendar in that format one must use a link
Copy to clipboard
[domain/tiki-calendar.php?calIds=1|Display Calendar Nr 1]
To display multiple calendars use the following code
Copy to clipboard
[domain/tiki-calendar.php?calIds~0=4&calIds~1=6|Display Calendar Nr 4 and Nr 6]
Example of usage in a wiki page through the plugin module and several modules inside.
Key Functions and Sub-features
- Calendar tab provides view of appointments for a time period set by administrator
- Event tab allows for event scheduling
- Events can be all day long.
- Several categories for simple selection.
- Import Events from a CSV - using url/tiki-calendar_import.php (see details)
- You can change your site's date and time preferences in url/tiki-admin.php?page=general
Some calendar features
- Calendar names are now translatable (but not individual events).
- This is useful if you have a calendar ID which has events in several languages. Ex. Training/Formation for CalendarID #4 and each event's info (ex.: name/description) can be in any language or you can make bilingual. The translation of the calendar name label is done like any other translation string in Tiki (lang/**/language.php or lang/**/custom.php or Interactive Translation.
- New options have been added to set default new events to all day, and another option to put the name of the event on each day.
- New look of calendars in every views, especially in week view which is now displayed with hours details. Events on multiple days are also better displayed. In week view, when there is more than 3 events, a special zone will be displayed and the overbox will contain all details,
- New recurrence feature to have the same event each week/month/year between two dates or for X occurences. An event from an occurence can be modified later. When modifying an event from a recurrence, TikiWiki will ask the user if he wants to change only the current event, all the events of the recurence, or events of the recurence which were not already modified,
- New iCal export feature,
- New option to choose the calendars to display by default. Also keep in database the user last calendar choices in order to keep use the same filter when he comes back,
- New "standard colors" when creating a calendar to ease the choice of calendar colors
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