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Module share | Documentation for Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Module Share

"Display links to different Social Network function (like, tweet, share) linked to the user Social Network registered account or the App set for the site."

This module is in finalization phase and require some test and tweak. It should replace all the other Share feature and options that have been added till Tiki Wiki 9.


You can add the module using the Admin Module menu, inserting it in a template or inside the code of Wiki page. The module can be use right away without activating the "old" Share feature in Admin -> Feature.

This module is still in progress

"On Facebook selecting a friend is a little tricky and require several attempt"
"The picture selected is not selectable - first found on page"
"The shared title is the metatag page title - where description is used as title is show duplicate text"
"Sharing an article require module improvement - article image and heading are not part of the sharing message"

Using the Insert Module from the toolbar is actually not supported

Copy to clipboard
{MODULE(module=value, parameter=value)}{MODULE}


Links for sharing, reporting etc.

Go to the source code

Parameters Accepted Values Description Default Since
email alpha Email this page (y/n)
facebook alpha Show Facebook "Like" button on the current page (n/y)
facebook_appId digits ID of your Facebook app (optional)
facebook_colorscheme word Color scheme (light/dark)
facebook_font text Font to display (lucida grande/arial/segoe ui/tahoma/trebuchet ms/verdana)
facebook_height text Container height in CSS units (e.g. "120px" or "2em")
facebook_layout text Size, layout and amount of social context (standard/button_count/box_count)
facebook_locale text Locale in the format ll_CC (default "en_US")
facebook_ref text Label for tracking referrals (optional)
facebook_send alpha Show Facebook "Send" button (y/n)
facebook_show_faces alpha Show pictures of others who like this (y/n)
facebook_href url URL to "Like" (leave blank for current URL)
facebook_verb word Verb to display in button (like/recommend)
facebook_width digits Width in pixels (450)
google alpha Google +1 button (n/y)
google_annotation word Google annotation (bubble|inline|none)
google_language text Google language (en-US|fr|ca|de|en-UK|...)
google_size word Google button size (standard|small|medium|tall)
google_href url URL to share (leave blank for current URL)
icons alpha Use icons for report, share and email links (n/y)
linkedin alpha Linked in share button (n/y)
linkedin_mode word Position of count (none/top/right)
linkedin_url url URL to share (leave blank for current URL)
report alpha Report to Webmaster (y/n)
share alpha Share this page (y/n)
twitter alpha Show Twitter Follow Button on the current page (n/y)
twitter_height text Container height in CSS units (e.g. "120px" or "2em")
twitter_label text Text to display. Default "Tweet"
twitter_language word Two letter language code (en/de/es/fr/id/it/ko/ja/nl/pt/re/tr)
twitter_show_count alpha Position of Tweet count (horizontal/vertical/none)
twitter_text word Tweet text (leave empty to use page title
twitter_url url URL to "Tweet" (leave blank for current URL)
twitter_username text Twitter user name to quote as "via"
twitter_width text Width in pixels or percentage (e.g. 300px)

The parameter list above is not accurate here some better explanation;

Basic Tiki Wiki Sharing options
Report - Report to Webmaster (y/n)
Share - Share this page (y/n)
Email - Email this page (y/n)
Icons - Use icons for report, share and email links (n/y)

Facebook - Show Facebook "Like" button on the current page (n/y)
Facebook: URL - URL to "Like" (leave blank for current URL)
Facebook: Send - Show Facebook "Send" button (y/n)
Facebook: Layout - Size, layout and amount of social context (standard/button_count/box_count)
Facebook: Width - Width in pixels (450)
Facebook: Height - Container height in CSS units (e.g. "120px" or "2em")
Facebook: Show Faces - Display the user friend Facebook picture (y/n)
Facebook: Verb - Verb to display in button (like/recommend)
Facebook: Colors - Color scheme (light/dark)
Facebook: Font - Font to display (lucida grande/arial/segoe ui/tahoma/trebuchet ms/verdana)
Facebook: Locale - Locale in the format ll_CC (default "en_US")
Facebook: Referrals - Label for tracking referrals (optional)
Facebook: App Id - ID of your Facebook app (optional)

Twitter - Show Twitter Follow Button on the current page (n/y)
Twitter: User Name - Twitter user name to quote as "via"
Twitter: Label - Text to display. Default "Tweet"
Twitter: URL - URL to "Tweet" (leave blank for current URL)
Twitter: Show Count - Position of Tweet count (horizontal/vertical/none)
Twitter: Language - Two letter language code (en/de/es/fr/id/it/ko/ja/nl/pt/re/tr)
Twitter: Width - Width in pixels or percentage (e.g. 300px)
Twitter: Height - Container height in CSS units (e.g. "120px" or "2em")
Twitter: Text - Tweet text (leave empty to use page title

LinkedIn - Linked in share button (n/y)
LinkedIn: URL - URL to share (leave blank for current URL)
LinkedIn: Count Mode - Position of count (none/top/right)

Google +1
Google +1 - Google +1 button (n/y)
Google: Size - Google button size (standard|small|medium|tall)
Google: Annotation - Google annotation (bubble|inline|none)
Google: Language - Google language (en-US|fr|ca|de|en-UK|...)
Google: URL - URL to share (leave blank for current URL)


This code:

Copy to clipboard
{module module="share" decoration="0" nobox="y" notitle="y" module_style="display:inline; width 100%" report="n" share="y" email="y" icons="y" facebook="y" facebook_send="y" facebook_layout="button_count" facebook_verb="recommend" twitter="y" twitter_show_count="horizontal" twitter_width="80px" linkedin="y" linkedin_mode="right" google="y" google_size="medium" google_annotation="none"}

Would produce:

See these pages for information that applies for all modules: