Module zone

New in Tiki14. New module meant to provide a module "navbar" for the website.


Can contain other modules so can be used as a Bootstrap navbar object, for example.
Required parameters are in bold.
Go to the source code

Parameters Accepted Values Description Default Since
name text Must be unique; the zone becomes an "extra module zone" and will appear in the admin modules panel.
accordion text Enable accordion behavior. n
zoneclass text Example for a Bootstrap "social" navbar: "navbar navbar-inverse navbar-fixed-top"


You will be able to add it through "Admin > Modules > Add module > Assign new module | Module name: Module Zone". This Module Zone module is assigned to one of the standard module zones. But to position it on elsewhere on the page, use CSS as shown in the "hint". Remember to check the standard module zone that the module was assigned to, in order to edit it or delete it.

If the module is configured to display in a fixed position at the page top or bottom, the content of the rest of the page is unaware of the new module in regard to layout and so may scroll underneath it. It may be necessary to add a custom CSS rule on the Look and Feel admin page to provide for white space at the page top. To quote the Bootstrap site: "The fixed navbar will overlay your other content, unless you add padding to the top of the <body>. Try out your own values or use our snippet below. Tip: By default, the navbar is 50px high."

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body { padding-top: 70px; }

You add a "zone", and then you can drop a module menu in it. The menu module creates the toggle button and internal nabbers. Modules assigned to the custom module zone module, if they are meant to be displayed side by side in a horizontal row, will need CSS rules for positioning. Since Tiki now uses Bootstrap grid classes, these are a recommended method. Three modules in a row could have the "top class" or "containing class" of "col-xs-2", "col-xs-8", and "col-xs-2", for example, for divs or columns whose widths are proportioned 1:4:1. Some experimenting might be necessary to get the right combination of widths for the content of the modules.


You might find you need to use the module list tabs to adjust the in-zone modules - drag & drop is a bit sticky sometimes

New in 23

A new module zone "Admin" was introduced in Tiki23 for the Dashboard displayed at the Unified Admin Backend UI

Main related commit:

See these pages for information that applies for all modules:

Alias names for this page:
Module zones | ModuleZones | ModuleZone