This is a documentation status Tag used to indicate the Documentation Status of a page. See How to Tag for more information.

Some tips:

  • Merged page should become an alias in the new page, so as not to break links.
  • Check the only main page is in structure
  • Check all backlinks and try to send all to main main page.
  • Page with richest history should generally be kept
  • Main page should be the one in Keywords

Pages with a merge Tag

16 pages link to merge

Page Hits
All modules 13488
All Plugins 30091
Spreadsheet jq 31111
Group Alert 15906
Groups Management 66840
Blog Config 44789
Editorial Board 451068
About the Tiki Documentation 45018
Wiki Config 156747
Directory Admin 37231
FAQ (Español,es) 1674
Documentation Status 87617
File Gallery Config 88103
Articles Config 32830
Admin Panels 169263
Alert 28234

Groups management into Groups
