PluginList output control block | |
Parameters | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Built-in templates | |||||||||||||||||||||
Basic Wiki Formatting Within Plugin | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
By placing Wiki syntax directly in the OUTPUT body content, along with the required objects to be displayed, the control block allows a template for each row of output to be constructed within the LIST plugin itself. In the example below a table is constructed with the table 'header' row placed before the LIST and the table closing characters placed after the LIST. Each row of the table is then created by the LIST plugin with each table cell element generated by the display control block and separated by the usual table separator, i.e., a Wiki Output Sample Copy to clipboard
Table Formatting | |
A simple built-in templating method can be used by setting the OUTPUT template parameter to |
Table Column Control | |||||||||||||||||||||
Column Parameters
Column Mode ParameterWhen you use table output with a column generating HTML output (like Format parametersAdded in Tiki 11+
Sample using the default table formatting Copy to clipboard
(Tiki 18+) The use of the FORMAT control blocks allows individual objects to be 'formatted' and then referenced in the various OUTPUT methods - see PluginList format control block for more details. |
Download CSV of Table Results | |
Since Tiki18 the This option is also available when using the CustomSearch plugin and the List Execute plugin. This option has been improved in Tiki25 offering an option to position the download button when using the table.tpl template. Output formatting with download option Copy to clipboard
Output formatting with download option Copy to clipboard
Table formatting with TableSorter | ||||||||
Starting with Tiki15, PluginList can be used with tablesorter. Use a Sample with tracker list and calculation Copy to clipboard
Sample adding tablesorter functionality Copy to clipboard
No results for query.
Table: expand table, number of items found, optional title | |
Starting with Tiki20, PluginList has a few optional parameters that work in conjunction with the table built-in template. Use a
See usage example below: Table showing items count and with an expand button Copy to clipboard
Table: FacetsFrom 27.0 onwards adding |
Displaying some tracker fields in a popover | |
Create your plugin List with mode raw for the title field column (-+mode="raw"+-) and in the format parameter for the same field be sure the format is set to trackerrender (-+format="trackerrender"+-). When hovering over the title it should display the popover. This code: Table sample with popover Copy to clipboard
Media List Formatting | |
Sample using the default media list formatting Copy to clipboard
No results for query.
Carousel Formatting | ||||||||||||
Sample using the default Bootstrap Carousel formatting Copy to clipboard
Carousel parameters | |
New parameters are added regularly and you can check them by looking at "templates/search/list/carousel.tpl"
Example | |
Tiki Slideshow2 | |
Tikislideshowmobile2Artboard 1 Copy | |
Plugin Image File is not an image. |
Test | |
Plugin Image File is not an image. |
Test3 | |
Tiki27 Slide1 | |
Tiki27 Slide2 | |
Tiki27 Slide3 | |
Tiki27 Slide4 | |
Tiki27 Slide5 | |
Tiki27 Slide6 | |
Plugin Image File not found. |
colorbox | |
Fade Example | |
In Tiki 18 you can use a fade transition by adding |
Tiki Slideshow2 | |
Tikislideshowmobile2Artboard 1 Copy | |
Plugin Image File is not an image. |
Test | |
Plugin Image File is not an image. |
Test3 | |
Tiki27 Slide1 | |
Tiki27 Slide2 | |
Tiki27 Slide3 | |
Tiki27 Slide4 | |
Tiki27 Slide5 | |
Tiki27 Slide6 | |
Plugin Image File not found. |
colorbox | |
Count Formatting | |
Copy to clipboard
Report Formatting | |
(also see Calculations Syntax) Example: Copy to clipboard
Copy to clipboard
Copy to clipboard
Show the tracker status as a word using "if" | |
Copy to clipboard
Wiki Formatting (Within Plugin) | |
For each result, the plugin allows to apply a template. See PluginList advanced output control block. All the LIST Plugin control blocks |