Tiki 24.0 LTS was released on 2022-03-02. It is a Long Term Support (LTS) version and will be supported until March 2027 as per the Tiki lifecycle policy
You can see the development page at : https://dev.tiki.org/Tiki24 and all the commits here: https://gitlab.com/tikiwiki/tiki/-/commits/24.x/
Tiki 24 will be a shorter development cycle and smaller release than Tiki22 and Tiki23, and focused more on refinement of the many recently contributed features.
Tiki 24 requires PHP 7.4 like Tiki23 and Tiki22, and even Tiki25. See PHP 8.
1. New Features and Improvements
(alphabetically sorted)
1.1. API
A self-documented REST API has been added exposing the (arguably) most commonly used elements of the system.
A REST API (also known as RESTful API) is an application programming interface (API or web API) that conforms to the constraints of REST architectural style and allows for interaction with RESTful web services.
See: API
1.2. Console
New Console commands:
to remove user expired cookies -
to check statistics of some performance related statistics -
to remove expired tokens from database
1.3. Date handling
Major change in how we deal with dates, which will make Tiki more reliable when working over multiple timezones. Ref: https://gitlab.com/tikiwiki/tiki/-/merge_requests/1073
1.4. Interledger Protocol payments (ILP)
Interledger is an open and inclusive payments network. The Interledger Protocol (ILP) is an open protocol suite for sending payments across different ledgers.
See Interledger Protocol payments
1.5. Modules
1.5.1. Current Activity Module
New module. It displays the current activity of the users (in the list, it displays the type of activity, the name of the activity and the names of all the users who modify a page or a tracker)
1.6. Real User Measurement
This new feature reuses a JavaScript library called boomerang that measures the page load time experienced by real users, commonly called RUM (Real User Measurement). With this feature, you find out exactly how fast your users think your site is.
Apart from page load time, boomerang measures performance timings, metrics and characteristics of your user's web browsing experience
1.7. SAML
Upgrade to version 4.x of PHP-SAML
It will be bundled in Tiki for easy usage instead of available via Packages like older versions.
1.8. Trackers
Support for playing audio files in the Email folders Tracker Field
1.9. Transactional Email Providers
1.10. Wiki Plugins
New or improved.
1.10.1. Plugin Figlet
New plugin. It allows you to create text banners in different fonts. The text banners are composed of a cloud of smaller letters in the manner of ASCII art.
You may display "TIKIWIKI" as below :
See PluginFiglet
1.10.2. Plugin List
Improved plugin. Added an option to plugin list to make caching work even for admin users to make testing easier.
See PluginList
1.11. Other Minor Enhancements
1.11.1. H5P Advanced Customization
Two new preferences to allow the addition of extra JavaScript and CSS to customize H5P content further, which was not possible before due to browser security (also in 23.1)
1.11.2. Calendar Improvements
Weekly recurring events in Calendar now support multiple days (also in 23.1)
1.11.3. Cookie Consent Improvements
New option to make the checkbox agree to third party cookies so users can agree to essential (Tiki) cookies without opting in to analytics or other "tracking" cookies from other providers (also in 23.1)
See Cookie Consent
1.11.4. Tabbed layout for category browsing
Finally 😁
2. General upgrade notes
Also, see the standard information about Upgrades in Tiki.
3. Related
- Tiki23
- Sublist
- Documentation
- PluginListExecute
- Requirements
- PluginList filter control block
- Bootstrap
- Composer
- PluginList output control block
- Real User Measurement
- PluginList pagination or list control block
- Font Awesome
- PluginTour
- PluginTour-Old
- PHP 8
- PluginSf
- Wiki-Syntax Separators
- PluginIndent
- Module current_activity
- Tiki24from21
- Tiki25
- Upgrade
- Cookie Consent
- PluginFiglet
- Interledger Protocol payments
- Transactional Email Providers
- Permanent Names