PluginList - list or pagination control block | |
The LIST plugin will display 50 results by default. Depending on the output configuration, this may take some time to render, so you might want to decrease the visible amount of results to improve performance by using this plugin-like control block in the LIST body content. |
Control the maximum number of items | |
Up to Tiki12.3 Copy to clipboard
Tiki 11 and above Copy to clipboard
Pagination with inbuilt templates | |
In order to actually see pagination (and not just a limit on the number of displayed items), you can use the parameter pagination="y" like so: Copy to clipboard
Issues with list plugins in module | |
Sometimes a list module in a custom module will trigger errors like this:
Copy to clipboard
Pagination in smarty templates | |
Copy to clipboard
in the template. Note that you need to combine {pagination} block in the LIST plugin and {pagination_links} in the smarty template with matching parameters. LIST plugin Copy to clipboard
smarty template list-of-meetings.tpl Copy to clipboard
LIST plugin Copy to clipboard
All the LIST Plugin control blocks |