Tiki25 | |
Tiki 25.0 was released in December 2022, shortly after Tiki turned 20 years old! Here is announcement: https://tiki.org/article497-Biggest-Tiki-Release-Ever-Tiki-25 You can see the development page at : https://dev.tiki.org/Tiki25 and all the code commits here: https://gitlab.com/tikiwiki/tiki/-/commits/25.x/ Because of all the enhancements and changes, you should do more than usual testing before upgrading. It is a Standard Term Support (STS) version and will be supported until Tiki 26.1 is released, as per the Tiki lifecycle policy. Since this is a post-LTS, it has major changes, such as an upgrade to
Browser support | |
Given the fact our themes and Smarty templates rely on Bootstrap 5 heavily, the browser support for Tiki 25 follows the same path:
For more details see https://getbootstrap.com/docs/5.1/migration/ |
New features | |
(alphabetically sorted) |
1.1.1. Anime.js | |
The spectacular Anime.js library was added to Tiki and used in the new PluginCountup (and will be progressively deployed elsewhere in Tiki in future versions) |
1.1.2. Database connection encryption | |
1.1.3. Email bounce handling | |
1.1.4. Email: Detect disposable | |
1.1.5. Email filters | |
1.1.6. Faker | |
switch from fzaninotto/Faker library to fakerPHP
1.1.7. Federated timesheets | |
1.1.8. File Gallery - Direct Mapping | |
1.1.9. Gitpod | |
1.1.10. GlitchTip error logging | |
Add a new preference to sample the errors, reducing the amount of information needed.
1.1.11. HTTP Headers security | |
For HTTP Headers, stronger security settings are activated by default in new installs of Tiki25+ |
1.1.12. Icon Picker | |
1.1.13. Kanban | |
New Kanban feature. |
1.1.14. Machine Learning | |
1.1.15. Manticore Search | |
Manticore Search added as Unified Index option. Experimental in Tiki25, and will be production-ready in Tiki26. |
1.1.16. Markdown as default syntax | |
Now possible to set Markdown as the new default syntax. This is opt-in, and current Tiki syntax will continue to work for many years. See:
1.1.17. Mautic Marketing Automation | |
1.1.18. Media Queries | |
1.1.19. Modules | | PageTop herohttps://gitlab.com/tikiwiki/tiki/-/merge_requests/1635 Git Details |
1.1.20. Natural Language Generation | |
1.1.22. Orphaned preferences | |
1.1.23. Print | |
Add option to include wiki comments when printing or exporting to PDF
Add the option to export articles to PDF
1.1.24. Realtime | |
1.1.25. Suffix Cleaner | |
1.1.26. Tablesorter | |
1.1.27. Themes and CSS variables | |
New themes and styling methods:
1.1.28. Tiki Manager as a Package | |
1.1.29. Tiki Manager and Virtualmin | |
https://wikisuite.org/Tiki-Manager-Package-connecting-to-Virtualmin |
1.1.30. Trackers | |
1.1.31. User account locking | |
1.1.32. Vue.js | |
1.1.33. Webhooks | |
1.1.34. WikiPlugin Accordion | |
1.1.35. WikiPlugin ListExecute | |
added tracker_item_insert in the listexecute plugin actions
1.1.36. WYSIWYG Editor | |
New WYSIWYG editor, to manage Markdown also as default syntax in text areas. See: WYSIWYG and Markdown |
Bug Fixes and Enhancements | |
(alphabetically sorted) |
1.1.1. Webmail | |
1.1.2. Wiki Syntax | |
1.1.3. Plugin CustomSearch, List and List Execute download button positioning | |
Added in Tiki25 a new parameter to control the position of the download button: downloadable-position="top|bottom|both". Values are top,-+bottom+- or both. Default is "bottom". See: https://doc.tiki.org/PluginList-output-control-block#Download_CSV_of_Table_Results |
Removed | |