
My name is Darren (aka Darkbee) and I've been using TikiWiki for about 6 months. Originally I wanted to set up an implementation of a Wiki for a demonstration at work, to encourage my colleagues to start using one. I found TikiWiki while searching for a suitable application and was impressed with the array of features and flexibility. I immediately realized the potential for us to use TikiWiki, not just within our department but as a organization wide intranet/community portal.

Sadly, while I finally managed to demo an implementation of Tiki I had set up on a computer at home, my colleagues and I have been very busy with other major projects to dedicate the time needed to TikiWiki. I still maintain and use the work demo site and home one day in the near future for begin extensive work on it and investigate more heavily ways in which it can work for us.

In the mean time I've created a personal TikiWiki site for use by my friends and family. I just love using Tiki!!!

Although I do have some reasonable proficiency in programming, my work and private life do not really allow for any extensive contribution to coding development of TikiWiki. Therefore I feel the next best thing I can do is contribute via the forums (and Tiki sites in general) and pass on my experiences to other newer users. In addition I would also like to help with documentation, which is always an important component of any successful project. To that end I hope to join in with discussions on the editorial board and actively help, if even in a small way, to raise the quality of documentation for existing and potential Tiki users.

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