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Please see Documentation Team for tasks. These 2 pages should eventually merge.

Editorial Board

The Editorial Board is a quasi-official group of experienced tikiwiki users and developers who are munificently overseeing the development of the tikiwiki All the Documentation .

The Editorial Board decides the Documentation Status of each and every page in doc.tiki.org when there is no consensus on some actions taken by uses on doc.tw.o . Essentially they are the gate-keepers who take care that the Status Tags convention is applied correctly by doc.tw.o contributors.

You can join the editorial board

The editorial board is not a secret society. Anyone can join the editorial board by learning what the role entails, the Status Tags convention, and then linking to editorial board from their user page. Unless this person has displayed a strong tendency toward being a bad editor, this link will not be removed, and if the title sticks they can request and will receive any necessary permissions.

Participate in an Editorial Board Meeting

Editorial Board meetings are ongoing, the agenda is refactored - rolled over once a month and follows the wiki meeting convention - being entirely by wiki. At this meeting, proposals relating to the documentation are hatched and dispatched. Anyone can participate and put forward motions.

Formatting of motions:

Motion: goes here - must be in the form of a "be it proposed that" show or link to details/examples if appropriate."


MLP - prefixes his comments with initials or login.

In favor:
Abstain: (means going along with whatever wins - but counts in quorum to pass or fail the motion)


Quorum and Voting

Quorum: is defined as the smallest number which is greater than 50% of the number of current members.
Current members: individuals who have voted in both of the two previous meetings.

In other words: Quorum "floats" to match half of whatever the current level of participation is. If someone misses a meeting (or is new) they won't count toward quorum for the next two. It does not mean that they cannot vote

The list of current members at the top of the page is for reference, anyone may note that so and so voted in some meetings and adds that name. Edit history of a page is the real proof of participation. there must be an edit in that month by that person.

If consensus is not reached on a particular motion, a vote will decide on accepting or rejecting a motion. It takes 50%+1 "current" members voting (for, against or abstain) to decide a motion. For example if the number of current members is 7, then quorum would be 4, which means that if two vote in favor, one against and one abstains, the motion passes.

2010 Meetings

2009 Meetings

2008 Meetings

Past Meetings


The Chief Editor:

The Chief Editor, gains the honor and privilege of the title because (some say) he/she doesn't mind being the go-to person on all questions of how to develop the documentation. As of Summer 2008, nobody is holding that position, and the need for that role is being discussed.

Personal pages of other members of the Editorial Board:

18 pages link to Editorial Board

