Default language |
The site language is used when no other language is specified by the user. Albanian (Shqip, sq) | Arabic (العربية, ar) | Brazilian Portuguese (Português Brasileiro, pt-br) | Bulgarian (български език, bg) | Catalan (Català, ca) | Croatian (Hrvatski, hr) | Czech (Česky, cs) | Danish (Dansk, da) | Dutch (Nederlands, nl) | English (en) | English British (British English, en-uk) | Farsi (فارسي, fa) | Fijian (fj) | Finnish (Suomi, fi) | French (... |
English (en) |
Default admin language |
The site language is used in admin section when no other language is specified by the user. Default language | Albanian (Shqip, sq) | Arabic (العربية, ar) | Brazilian Portuguese (Português Brasileiro, pt-br) | Bulgarian (български език, bg) | Catalan (Català, ca) | Croatian (Hrvatski, hr) | Czech (Česky, cs) | Danish (Dansk, da) | Dutch (Nederlands, nl) | English (en) | English British (British English, en-uk) | Farsi (فارسي, fa) | Fijian (fj) | Finnish (Su... |
None |
Wiki link format |
Level of special characters acceptable in wiki links for page names. For example: Page éàî "Strict" includes only basic characters such as a-z and 0-9. A site that uses accented or special characters in page names should not use "strict". Complete | Relaxed | Strict |
Complete |
Default character set for sending mail |
Specify the character encoding used by Tiki when sending mail notifications. utf-8 | iso-8859-1 |
utf-8 |
Multilingual |
Enables internationalization features and multilingual support at the site. |
Disabled |
Detect browser language |
Look up the user's preferred language through browser preferences. |
Disabled |
Show pages in user's preferred language |
When accessing a page which has an equivalent in the user's preferred language, favor the translated page. Based on the user’s Tiki preferences. |
Disabled |
Users can choose the language of their interface |
Allow users to change the language of the menus and labels. |
Enabled |
Restrict supported languages |
Limit the languages made available on the site. Use Ctrl+Click to select multiple languages. |
Disabled |
Available languages |
By default, all languages supported by Tiki are available on multilingual sites. This option allows limiting the languages to a subset. Albanian (Shqip, sq) | Arabic (العربية, ar) | Brazilian Portuguese (Português Brasileiro, pt-br) | Bulgarian (български език, bg) | Catalan (Català, ca) | Croatian (Hrvatski, hr) | Czech (Česky, cs) | Danish (Dansk, da) | Dutch (Nederlands, nl) | English (en) | English British (British English, en-uk) | Farsi (فارسي, fa) | Fijian (fj) | Finnish (Suomi, fi) | French (... |
None |
Language inclusion threshold |
When the number of languages is restricted on the site, and is below this number, all languages will be added to the preferred language list, even if unspecified by the user. However, priority will be given to the specified languages. |
3 languages |
Display available translations |
Display list of available languages and offer to switch languages or translate. This appears on wiki pages and articles action buttons. |
Enabled |
Display available translations as dropdown |
Instead of a simple icon to list available languages or translation options, show a more visible drop-down list. |
Disabled |
Synchronize page and site language |
Changing the page language also changes the site language |
Disabled |
Restrict search language by default |
Only search content that is in the interface language, otherwise show the language menu. |
Disabled |
Translation assistant |
Track translation operations between pages. |
Disabled |
Urgent translation notifications |
Enable changes to be flagged as urgent, so translations are marked with a notice visible to all users. |
Disabled |
Incomplete translation notice |
When a page is translated to a new language, a notice will automatically be inserted into the page to indicate that the translation is not yet complete. |
Enabled |
Display all languages in a single page |
List all languages as options in the page-language dropdown list, to see them all at once. |
Disabled |
Quantify change size |
In addition to tracking the changes, track the change size and display approximately how up-to-date the page is. |
Disabled |
Allow minor edits of wiki pages |
Minor edits don't flag new content for translation and don't cause watch notifications to be sent (unless "Watch minor edits" is enabled). |
Disabled |
User watches translations |
Disabled |
Multilingual structures |
Structures search for equivalent pages in other languages. May cause performance problems with larger structures. |
Disabled |
Multilingual tags |
Permits translation management of tags |
Disabled |
Synchronize multilingual categories |
Make sure that the categories of the translations are synchronized when modified on any version. None | Only those specified | All but those specified |
None |
Synchronized categories |
List of categories affected by the multilingual synchronization. Depending on the parent feature, this list will be used as a white list (the only categories allowed) or as a black list (all categories allowed except those specified). |
None |
Multilingual dynamic variables |
Make dynamic variable content language-specific. |
Disabled |
Plugin Translate |
Translate text to the user language |
Disabled |
Plugin Language |
Show alternative content based on the page language |
Enabled |
Plugin Translated |
Create multilingual links |
Enabled |
Use database for translation |
Use the database to store the translated strings and allow using interactive translation Edit, export and import languages |
Disabled |
Manage contribution of translated strings |
Offers to set whether each translated string should be contributed to the Tiki community or kept locally |
Disabled |
Record untranslated strings |
Keep track of the unsuccessful attemps to translate strings. |
Disabled |
Machine translation |
Uses machine translation to translate the content of the site to other languages. Note that this feature relies on external services thay may not be free. Google Translate is a paid service. |
Disabled |
Machine translation implementation |
Select between alternate impementations for machine translation. Depending on the implementation, different API keys may be required. Google Translate | Bing Translate |
None |
Google Translate API Key |
The key must be generated from the Google console. Choose to create a server key. |
None |
Bing Translate Client ID |
The application must be registered. |
None |
Bing Translate Client Secret |
The application must be registered. |
None |
Enable machine translation of wiki pages |
Makes additional languages available to the list of languages on the page. |
Disabled |
Certain pages redirect to homepage when language is changed |
Disabled |
List of pages that redirect |
List of names of pages that always redirect to the homepage when the language is switched Separate page names by commas |
Disabled |