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Machine Translation Feature (experimental)

"Important: Google Translate API v1 was officially deprecated on May 26, 2011; it will be shut off completely on December 1, 2011. For text translations, you can use the Google Translate API v2, which is now available as a paid service. For website translations, we encourage you to use the Google Website Translator gadget."


Machine translation (powered by Google Translate) can be enabled since Tiki4 by going to Admin Home->i18n and checking the Machine Translation (by Google Translate) feature. It requires some multilingual features mentioned above, so the best is to install the Multilingual_Wiki profile first (as described above). This feature enables users who can't read the language of the page to read it in the language of their choice (translated by Google, so the quality is worse than that of a human translator, but keeps getting better). The choice of languages is restricted by those supported by Google and those restricted on the site. If a translation by human translator already exists in that language, the human-translated page will be shown (and not the machine translation).

Tiki11 includes support for Google Translate version 2, which allows integrated machine translation as prevously available. However, the service by Google is no longer free of use. In addition to Google Translate, support was added for Bing Translator, which is free to use under a certain threshold. Both require some form of registration.

Because these services can be cost prohibitive, Tiki caches all requests made to those services.

Register for Google Translate:

  1. Visit the Google Console (a google account is required)
  2. Under Services, enable the Translate API
  3. Under Billing, configure your credit card information
  4. Under Quotas, configure your daily limit.
  5. Under API Access, create a new server key. Tiki uses the simple API access and all requests are performed by the server. You will need to specify your server's IP address.
  6. Enter the generated key in Tiki's multilingual administration panel.

Register for Bing Translator:

  1. Sign-up for an account on Windows Azure Marketplace
  2. Visit the Microsoft Translator dataset and sign-up for a plan.
  3. Register an application
    • Choose the client ID. you will need this value as part of the Tiki configuration
    • Enter the application name
    • Enter your site's address as the Redirect URI (can be anything actually)
    • Note the Client Secret, you will also need it in the Tiki configuration
  4. Configure the Client ID and Client Secret in Tiki's multilingual administration panel.


