Tracker Inline edit

There is a new feature since Tiki11 in Trackers to allow Inline editing of items (using ajax_inline_edit), from the list of displayed items.

You can enable it at Admin home > Trackers > Configuration (tab) > Inline editing > Tracker list inline editing

Once enabled, you can

  • edit items from the tracker items list (using the traker feature itself)
  • use some new params in PluginTrackerList and PluginTrackerFilter, to allow some displayed fields to be editable.

Param "editable", with the list of fields to be editable, or the whole list of displayed items, with param "editableall=y"

You will see this icon Image next to each value that can be edited inline.

Click to expand
Click to expand

A similar behavior happens with the results from PluginTrackerList or PluginTrackerFilter :

Click to expand
Click to expand

See PluginTrackerList or PluginTrackerFilter for more information.

See also PluginList with editable filters

Alias names for this page:
Inline Edit | InlineEdit | TrackerInlineEdit