Plugin A Link
This wiki plugin, available since Tiki1, creates a link to an anchor in a wiki page. Use in conjunction with PluginAname, which creates the anchor, or link to a wiki heading.
Aname Plugin Usage
<--put the name of the anchor here. Use this same name for the aname= parameter in the Plugin Alink (see just below).
ANAME example: {ANAME()}anchorname{ANAME}
Alink Plugin Usage
<-- put here the name of the anchor you created using the Plugin Aname!
link text
<-- put here the text to appear as the link.
ALINK example: {ALINK(aname=anchorname)}link text{ALINK}
To jump down to the anchor at the bottom of the page click HERE. <-- Here is where I put the ALINK
plugin in this page.
Here is a second link to the same anchor at the bottom of the page. Again, I used the ALINK
The anchor is here. <-- I put the ANAME
plugin at the beginning of this line. Now you can click HERE to jump to the anchor I put at the top of the page (you can't see where that one is unless you look into the page editor 😀)
Related Pages
- PluginAname
- PluginA as an alternative to ANAME/ALINK