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Link to a file that's attached or in a gallery or archive | Documentation for Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware
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Link to a file that's attached or in a gallery or archive

Plugin File

Use this wiki plugin, introduced in Tiki3, to display a link to an attachment to a wiki page and can display an image attachment. Since Tiki5.0, it can display a link to file in the file gallery or to a specific archive. And Since Tiki6.1, it allows easily selecting a file from a file gallery in a visual way, similarly to what can be achieved for images with the equivalent tool in the default toolbar. Moreover, it is included in the default toolbar shown in tiki textareas.


Tiki Doc From Code error: file not found
 More tips on how the plugin works in tw
Only files listed as an attachment at the bottom of a page are captured by this plugin. That means that images that have been uploaded through the "Upload picture:" option on the edit panel or uploaded to an image or file gallery and only linked to on the page will not be included. Other types of files (other than images) uploaded in the edit panel will be included because they appear in the list of attachments.


Using name and page parameters

This code,
Copy to clipboard
{file name="doctwo.png" page="PluginAttach" showdesc="0" image="0"}

Would produce on this site:

This code,

Copy to clipboard
{file name="tikigold.jpg" desc="Custom link text" showdesc="0" image="0"}

Would produce on this site:

Custom link text

Using image parameter

This code,

Copy to clipboard
{file name="tikigold.jpg" image="1"}

Would produce on this site:


This code:

Copy to clipboard
{FILE(fileId="1")}Link to this file{FILE}

Would produce on this site:
Incorrect parameter fileId

The fileId can be the ID of a file or an archive.
If date is specified, the archive with the closest smaller creation date will be linked. The format of the date is described here. If the date parameter is specified with no value, it will use the last date specified in the page.

Technical documentation linked to specific version of paper

Copy to clipboard
On the 01/20/2010 {FILE(fileId="1" date="2010/01/20")}The specification{FILE} {FILE(fileId="2" date="")}The estimation associated to the specification{FILE} On the 01/25/2010 {FILE(fileId="1" date="2010/01/25")}The specification{FILE} {FILE(fileId="2" date="")}The estimation associated to the specification{FILE}

fielId can be any fileId of the archive tree.

Created by lindon. Last Modification: Thursday 22 August, 2019 23:41:55 GMT-0000 by Yves Kipondo.

Attached files

ID Name Comment Uploaded Size Downloads
16 tikigold.jpg lindon 4.46 Kb 7068
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