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History: Creating Custom Modules


Information Version
luciash d' being 🧙 depricated => deprecated 25
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist 24
drsassafras Mass search and replace 23
Yves Kipondo 22
Gary Cunningham-Lee Removed info for long-gone PHP Layers menus. 21
Torsten Fabricius added alerts ({DIV(class="alert alert-danger")}Alerttext{DIV} 20
Torsten Fabricius I guess, this page is now revised enough ... missing now revision of page "User Modules" 19
Torsten Fabricius minor layout 18
Torsten Fabricius Code plugin does not work nested in Quote plugin 17
Torsten Fabricius wrapped a box around possibly wrong content 16
Torsten Fabricius 15
Torsten Fabricius changed title in top-remarksbox from "Custom Modules" to "Creating Custom Modules" 14
Torsten Fabricius Changes "user modules" to "Custom Modules" in several lines of section 2, as section2 seems to be ok for this feature, where PARTS OF section 1 are mixed with another feature 13
Torsten Fabricius 12
Torsten Fabricius Added warning - feature mix and confusion ... I hope to find tie, to sort that out yself (hopefully soon) 11
Torsten Fabricius what was it what I did? save anyway. no joke. just some streamlining of previous edit 10
Torsten Fabricius typo 9
Torsten Fabricius added tutorial at the end and remarksbox on top 8
Torsten Fabricius added Alias after page renae (we call them custom modules nowadays) 7
pianoliv $group variable 6
Zac 5
Zac Added a tip about controling module visability by category. 4
lindon 2
system created from structure 1