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History: Search and List from Unified Index


Information Version
Jonny Bradley remove mouseover from inside the fancy table heading param which seems to now break in 26.x (and replaced badly worded * note) 132
Bruno Kambere 131
Bruno Kambere 130
Marc Laporte 126 - 129
Marc Laporte 123 - 125
Marc Laporte Thank you Victor 120 - 122
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist 118 - 119
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist Fixing typos and links 116 - 117
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist Removing fancy table and table sorter... not working (due to quotes in a cell ?) 110 - 115
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist 108 - 109
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist Added information about storage of the unified index in the database 107
Marc Laporte 106
luciash d' being 🧙 Page renamed from Unified Index to Search and List from Unified Index. Semantic alias redirect created 105
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist adding title_initial and title_firstword 104
luciash d' being 🧙 103
Jean-Marc Libs 101 - 102
Jean-Marc Libs 100
luciash d' being 🧙 formatting 95 - 99
Jonny Bradley autotoc off 94
Marc Laporte AutoTOC 93
drsassafras removed tiki 9 & 10 specific info 92
Marc Laporte 91
Philippe Cloutier typos 90
Xavier de Pedro 83 - 89