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^Translation of this page is incomplete.^ ! 설치 티키를 설치하기 위해서는 웹 개발자 혹은 프로그래머일 필요가 없습니다. 티키는 설치자를 위하여 대부분의 작업을 대신 하는 사용하기 편리한 위자드 기반의 설치관리자를 보유하고 있습니다. 나머지는 웹호스트의 제어판에서 완료될 수 있습니다.. 완전한 초보자라면 (혹은 직접하는 것을 별로 좋아하지 않는다면), ((tw:Tiki friendly hosts|티키에 친숙한 호스트)) 의 사용을 고려하여 보십시오. 대부분은 티키 설치를 무료로 완료시켜 줄 것입니다. {maketoc title=""} ! 개요 이 동영상들은 티키 설치에 대한 기본 개요를 제공합니다. 추가 동영상은 [http://tikiwiki.org/TikiWikiTv|Tiki TV] 와[http://tiki.org/TikiMovies|Tiki Movies] 를 참고하십시오. {TABS(name="설치_동영상",tabs="5.x|4.x|3.x")} {DIV(float=left,width="175px")}{img src="http://twbasics.tikiforsmarties.com/img/wiki_up/swf_create_new_page_50.png" link="http://twbasics.tikiforsmarties.com/Demo+Movies"}{DIV}티키 설치관리자 화면을 완료하는 것과 데이터베이스 연결을 설정하는 것을 포함한 내용을 살펴보십시오. 이 동영상은 초기 관리자 로그인과 일반 관리자 페이지도 보여줍니다. ''출처 [http://twbasics.tikiforsmarties.com|Tiki for --Dummies-- Smarties]'' ///// {DIV(float=left,width="175px")}{img src="http://twbasics.tikiforsmarties.com/img/wiki_up/swf_modules_40.png" link="http://twbasics.tikiforsmarties.com/Demo+Movies"}{DIV}티키 설치관리자 화면을 완료하는 것과 데이터베이스 연결을 설정하는 것을 포함한 내용을 살펴보십시오. 이 동영상은 초기 관리자 로그인과 일반 관리자 페이지도 보여줍니다. ''출처 [http://twbasics.tikiforsmarties.com|Tiki for --Dummies-- Smarties]'' ///// __티키3 의 기초 개요: 설치와 프로파일__ 새 설치관리자와 ((Profiles|프로파일)) 의 신규 세트의 응용프그램들이 ((Tiki3|티키3)) 에서 새롭게 등장합니다, 그리고 다음의 12분간의 스크린캐스트에서 간략하게 보실 수 있습니다: ::{flash movie="http://blip.tv/play/AYGC22KUnlc" width="648" height="467" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" quality="high" } :: {TABS} !단계별 설치 !! 설치하기 전에 티키를 설치하기 전에, ((Requirements|요구사항과 설치 정보)) 를 읽어 보십시오. 적절한 계획은 걱정이 없는 설치를 보장합니다. 티키의 웹호스트가 필요하시다면, ((tw:Tiki Friendly Hosts|티키 친화적 호스트)) 의 목록을 살펴보십시오. These instructions are intentionally generic, and should apply to most shared host installations. See ((Installation Guides)) for instructions for specific combination of operating system and web servers. !!! Pre-requisites This guide assumes you have: * FTP or SSH (shell) access to a webserver (such as Apache) with PHP5 ** Typically, you upload the files via a FTP client such as [http://winscp.net/|WinSCP] or [http://filezilla-project.org/|FileZilla]. * access to a MySQL database (should be provided by your webhost) !!# Create the database Tiki requires a MySQL databse. Many hosts offer a point & click interface to create databases and database users. For example, if your web host has [http://www.cpanel.net|cPanel] you probably can see [http://www.phpmyadmin.net/h|phpMyAdmin] in the main menu or a the section labeled __Databases__. {img src="img/wiki_up/cpanel_phpmyadmin.png" alt="cPanel" desc="The MySQL and phpMyAdmin applications in cPanel 11." } Creating a database (and a database user) is a very simple operation. Essentially you will create a blank (empty) database that the Tiki installer will later populate with the correct tables and data. !!!! The Three steps of Database Setup. #Create a database. **You can name the database anything you want, but don't get fancy with the name -- you can use __tiki__. Depending on your web host, your full database in phpMyAdmin may be listed as ''accountname_tiki''. ++__Note__: By default, Tiki uses __UTF-8__ for your database encoding. We strongly encourage you to select "utf8" in the "__collation__" drop-down box in phpmyadmin (or similar), in the field shown in the following image: ++ {img fileId="297" thumb="mouseover" alt=""} ++If you select a different encoding method, you may need to manually update your __../db/local.php__ file. ++__Tip__: If you plan on having multiple Tiki installations, don't use __tiki__ as the database name. **Be sure to record the database name, you will need it later. #Create a database __user__ (with password). **Again, don't get fancy with the database username. In fact, you can use the same name that you selected for the database (in step 1). **Select a __strong__ password. You can easily recover your database username and password if necessary (by reviewing the -+../db/local.php+- file in your Tiki directory. **Be sure to record the username and password. You will need it later. #Assign __all__ database permissions to the database user that you created (in step 2). Congratulations. You now have a database that is ready to use, as well a a database user (and password) with the necessary permissions. !!# Download and unzip ((Download)) the current version of Tiki to your local computer from [http://tiki.org/download]. {img fileId="454" thumb="y" rel="box[g]" alt="Download" desc="Download button on tiki.org" width="450"} ''[http://twbasics.tikiforsmarties.com|From Tiki for --Dummies-- Smarties]'' The full Tiki archive file download is +20MB and is available in a variety of formats. After downloading the Tiki archive file, decompress (unzip) the file to your local PC. !!# Upload to your webhost Use FTP (or SCP, SFTP, Rsync, SSH, etc) to connect to your webhost. Once connected, find your web directory. It is often called -+www+- or -+public_html+-. __Note__: This directory name may vary, depending on your webhost. Upload all the Tiki files from your PC to you webhost. * If you upload the Tiki files to the root of your web directory, Tiki will be accessible directly from the URL: __http://www.yourdomain.com__ *If you have installed (or plan to install) other applications on your webhost, you may consider putting Tiki in its own subdirectory (for example: __http://www.yourdomain.com/tiki/__). Keep in mind that this might mean that you will have to manually edit the file .htaccess to activate the Tiki subdirectory (for example this "RewriteRule ~94~(.+)$ /tiki-index.php?page=$1 ~91~QSA,L~93~" might need to become this "RewriteRule ~94~(.+)$ __/tiki__/tiki-index.php?page=$1 ~91~QSA,L~93~") Time for more coffee? !!# Go to your website. Open your web browser and access the web directory in which you copied the Tiki files (for example: __http://www.yourdomain.com/tiki/__ or simply __http://www.yourdomain.com__ if you copied Tiki to the root of your web directory. {TABS(name="tiki_installation" tabs="8.x|7.x|6.x|5.x|4.x|3.x|2.x")}The Tiki Installer Welcome screen appears. {img src="http://twbasics.tikiforsmarties.com/display405" thumb="y" rel="box[g]" width="450"} ''From [http://twbasics.tikiforsmarties.com|Tiki for --Dummies-- Smarties]'' /////The Tiki Installer Welcome screen appears. {img src="http://twbasics.tikiforsmarties.com/display291" thumb="y" rel="box[g]" width="450"} ''From [http://twbasics.tikiforsmarties.com|Tiki for --Dummies-- Smarties]'' ///// The Tiki Installer Welcome screen appears. {img fileId="455" thumb="y" rel="box[g]" width="450"} ''From [http://twbasics.tikiforsmarties.com|Tiki for --Dummies-- Smarties]'' ///// The Tiki Installer Welcome screen appears. {img fileId="437" thumb="n" rel="box[g]" width="450"} ''From [http://twbasics.tikiforsmarties.com|Tiki for --Dummies-- Smarties]'' ///// The Tiki Installer Welcome screen appears. {img fileId="438" thumb="y" rel="box[g]" width="450"} ''From [http://twbasics.tikiforsmarties.com|Tiki for --Dummies-- Smarties]'' ///// The Tiki Installer Welcome screen appears. {img fileId="439" thumb="y" rel="box[g]" width="450"} ''From [http://twbasics.tikiforsmarties.com|Tiki for --Dummies-- Smarties]'' ///// You should see a message indicating that Tiki could not connect to the database and prompting you to run the Tiki installer (tiki-install.php). {img src="img/wiki_up/could_not_find_localphp_2_0.png" alt="Tiki" desc="This message is normal and indicates that you are ready to install Tiki."} {TABS} The Tiki Installer includes important links to the ((ReleaseNotes)) and ((Documentation)). Be sure to review these documents before installing Tiki. !!! Troubleshooting If your browser returns an error such as __Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING__, you may have the incorrect PHP version. Starting with __Tiki 3.0__, Tiki requires __PHP5__. Review the __ _htaccess__ file included in the Tiki archive file for instructions on activating PHP5. {img src=img/icons/help.png link="Tiki+FAQs"} See the ((Tiki FAQs|Installation FAQs)) for more help. {INCLUDE(page="File and folder permissions")}{INCLUDE} {ANAME()}step5{ANAME} !!# Run the Tiki installer (tiki-install.php) Open a web browser to: __http://www.yourdomain.com/tiki-install.php__ (or __http://www.yourdomain.com/tiki/tiki-install.php__ if you installed Tiki in a subdirectory). The first page of the Tiki Installer appears. This installer will allow you to: * Pick a language * Test your server settings ** If the installer detects that some of your server settings are inadequate, it will suggest changes to comply to the ((Requirements)). * Enter your database name, username, and password. +This is the information from the database that you created earlier. You ''__did__'' remember to write it down, right? * Create/update the database * Set some preferences, such as admin email * Disable the install script * and more Complete each page of the Tiki Installer. !!! Alternative "Step 5" without tiki-install.php If you are unable to complete the Tiki Installer, continue with a ((Manual Installation)). !!# Log in for the first time Log in using the login box in the right-hand column. # Enter those informations : ## __user:__ Enter ''admin'' ## __pass:__ Enter ''admin'' # Click __login__. !!# Change the default password. Use a strong password. You may want to logout right away, and login again, letting your password manager record your password. !!# Congratulations ! It is recommended to create a new user and give him admin privileges instead of regularly using the admin account. You can now explore the interface but you should check the extra steps before to get you started. !!# Configure Your Tiki Please visit ((Initial Configuration)) to explain the recommended next steps, or ((configuration)) for the table of contents related to configuring Tiki. !!! Add new features through post-install Profiles Starting in ((Tiki3)), you can enable several settings/permissions/content in sets altogether in a single go, in order to provide a common feature to your tiki site (make it multilingual, add freetags, configure it as a Collaborative environment, ...). And all that with a just few clicks through the ((Profile Manager)) from "__Admin > Profiles__". Read more about it at ((Profiles)). ! For more information on the Tiki installation process... __Related pages:__ {SPLIT()} [tiki-view_faq.php?faqId=4|Installation FAQ] ((Installation Guides)) - recipes, tips and detailed knowledge about specific hosting environments ((Migrate to Tikiwiki)) ((Move Tiki to a new server)) ((Reinstall)) - to point tiki to a new Database or re-run an upgrade --- ((Tiki in Ten minutes)) - a recipe for command line installations. ((Fantastico Installation)) ((Using SSH)) (for newbies) ((Manual Installation)) ((MultiTiki)) {SPLIT}