History: Document Workflow
Source of version: 7 (current)
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^This page and pages like it should be moved to http://profiles.tiki.org since it's about how to configure various features to solve a use case. Please see ((tw:where)).^ What is a workflow? Entity-based vs Activity-based workflows: http://wiki.zope.org/zope3/TryingToUnifiyWorkflowConcepts For Activity-based workflows, Tiki offers Galaxia ((Workflow)). But this overkill for entity-based workflows. One possibility is to use ((Wiki Page Staging and Approval)). The other is to setup your document workflow using ((Wiki)) pages, and have various ((groups)) ((Watching)) the ((categories)). A ((tutorial)) would be nice here. Profile: ((pr:Document_Workflow)) Dev: ((dev:Approval Workflow))