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History: Navigation Overview

Source of version: 9 (current)

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Designing or creating a navigation plan is an important part of the initial ((configuration)) of tikiwiki can be accomplished using any of several features:

* ((Menu)) - (within ((modules)) on the left or right side of the main content.
* ((Wiki Links)), ((Bookmarks)), ((PluginMaketoc)) and ((TOC)) tags within the content itself (these are the most "organic" means of navigation, which grows and changes with user contributions.
* ((Structures)) which organize wiki content (pages) into a booklike order or hierarchy.
* ((Categories)) - which can define sets of pages/content and can apply special permissions to them.
* ((Tags)) - adding tags to objects or using backlinks in wiki pages (see [Documentation+Status#How_to_Tag|How to Tag] on the ((Documentation Status)) page).
* ((Module breadcrumb|breadcrumbs)) - which can show the trail of last visited pages.
* ((Module since_last_visit_new|since_last_visit_new)) - a ((module)) which can showcase "whats new" in a site.
* In all case some sort of ((Naming conventions)) should be in effect for a site.