History: Tiki as a SAML IDP
Source of version: 1
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{DIV(class="lead")}If you require Tiki to be an __Identity provider (IdP)__: It has been done but it's not properly documented. The general idea is to install [https://simplesamlphp.org/|SimpleSAMLphp] and let SimpleSAMLphp access Tiki's database. Please see: https://github.com/pitbulk/tiki-saml/blob/master/doc/tiki_wiki_as_idp.rst If you need this feature and would like this to be streamlined, documented and future-proof (as was done for Tiki as a Service Provider ), please contact Marc Laporte (en/fr) or Torsten Fabricius (de) so we can make this happen together.{DIV} ^ ((dev:Removing MCrypt as a dependency|Mcrypt)) is no longer used by Tiki since 18.x LTS. However, it is still used by the SAML feature which depends on php-saml, which is installed by ((Packages)). [https://github.com/onelogin/php-saml/issues/255|Upcoming php-saml 3.x will no longer use Mcrypt]. Tiki will update to php -saml 3.x as soon as it's released. ^