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History: TikiMaster-Preference-Report

Preview of version: 3

preference name
access_control_allow_origin Access-Control-Allow-Origin
activity_basic_events Record basic events
activity_basic_tracker_update Record tracker item update
activity_basic_tracker_create Record tracker item creation
activity_basic_user_follow_add Record user following users
activity_basic_user_follow_incoming Record user being followed by users
activity_basic_user_friend_add Record user adding new friend
activity_custom_events Custom activities
activity_notifications Enable notifications through activities
ajax_autosave Ajax auto-save
ajax_inline_edit Inline editing
ajax_inline_edit_trackerlist Tracker list inline editing
ajax_edit_previews Preview Edits
alchemy_ffmpeg_path ffmpeg path
alchemy_ffprobe_path ffprobe path
alchemy_imagine_driver Alchemy Image library
alchemy_unoconv_path unoconv path
alchemy_gs_path ghostscript path
alchemy_unoconv_timeout unoconv timeout
alchemy_unoconv_port unoconv port
allocate_memory_unified_rebuild Search index rebuild memory limit
allocate_time_unified_rebuild Search index rebuild time limit
allocate_memory_tracker_export_items Tracker item export memory limit
allocate_time_tracker_export_items Tracker item export time limit
allocate_memory_tracker_import_items Tracker item import memory limit
allocate_time_tracker_import_items Tracker item import time limit
allocate_time_tracker_clear_items Tracker clear time limit
allocate_memory_print_pdf Printing to PDF memory limit
allocate_time_print_pdf Printing to PDF time limit
allocate_time_secdb_check Security check time limit
allocate_memory_php_execution PHP execution memory limit
allocate_time_php_execution PHP execution time limit
allowmsg_by_default Users accept internal messages by default
allowmsg_is_optional Users can opt out of internal messages
areas_root Areas root category ID
art_sort_mode Article order
art_home_title Title of articles homepage
art_list_title Title
art_list_title_len Title length
art_list_type Type
art_list_topic Topic
art_list_date Publication date
art_list_expire Expiration date
art_list_visible Visible
art_list_lang Language
art_list_author Author (owner)
art_list_authorName Author name (as displayed)
art_list_rating Author rating
art_list_usersRating Users rating
art_list_reads Reads
art_list_size Size
art_list_img Images
art_list_id Id
art_list_ispublished Is published
art_trailer_pos Trailer position
art_header_text_pos Header text position
article_comments_per_page Number per page
article_comments_default_ordering Display order
article_paginate Paginate articles
article_remembers_creator Article creator remains article owner
article_user_rating User ratings on articles
article_user_rating_options Article rating options
article_image_size_x Default maximum width for custom article images
article_image_size_y Default maximum height for custom article images
article_default_list_image_size_x Default maximum width for custom article images in list mode (on View Articles)
article_default_list_image_size_y Default maximum height of custom article images in list mode (on View Articles page)
article_image_file_size_max Article image maximum file size
article_custom_attributes Custom attributes for article types
article_sharethis_publisher Your ShareThis publisher identifier (optional)
article_related_articles Related articles
article_use_new_list_articles Use new articles
article_feature_copyrights Article copyright
article_start_year First year in the dropdown
article_end_year Last year in the dropdown
auth_method Authentication method
auth_token_access Token access
auth_token_access_maxtimeout Token access default timeout
auth_token_access_maxhits Token access default maximum hits
auth_token_preserve_tempusers Do not delete temporary users when token is deleted/expired
auth_token_share Share access rights with friends when using Share
auth_phpbb_create_tiki Create user if not registered in Tiki
auth_phpbb_skip_admin Use Tiki authentication for Admin log-in
auth_phpbb_disable_tikionly Disable Tiki users with no phpBB login
auth_phpbb_version phpBB Version
auth_phpbb_dbhost phpBB Database Hostname
auth_phpbb_dbuser phpBB Database Username
auth_phpbb_dbpasswd phpBB Database Password
auth_phpbb_dbname phpBB Database Name
auth_phpbb_table_prefix phpBB Table Prefix
auth_ldap_permit_tiki_users Use Tiki authentication for users created in Tiki
auth_ldap_host Host
auth_ldap_port Port
auth_ldap_debug Write LDAP debug Information in Tiki Logs
auth_ldap_ssl Use SSL (ldaps)
auth_ldap_starttls Use TLS
auth_ldap_type LDAP Bind Type
auth_ldap_scope Search scope
auth_ldap_basedn Base DN
auth_ldap_userdn User DN
auth_ldap_userattr User attribute
auth_ldap_useroc User OC
auth_ldap_nameattr Realname attribute
auth_ldap_countryattr Country attribute
auth_ldap_emailattr Email attribute
auth_ldap_groupdn Group DN
auth_ldap_groupattr Group name attribute
auth_ldap_groupdescattr Group description attribute
auth_ldap_groupoc Group OC
auth_ldap_memberattr Member attribute
auth_ldap_memberisdn Member is DN
auth_ldap_usergroupattr Group attribute
auth_ldap_groupgroupattr Group attribute in group entry
auth_ldap_adminuser Admin user
auth_ldap_adminpass Admin password
auth_ldap_group_external Use an external LDAP server for groups
auth_ldap_group_host Host
auth_ldap_group_port Port
auth_ldap_group_debug Write LDAP debug Information in Tiki Logs
auth_ldap_group_ssl Use SSL (ldaps)
auth_ldap_group_starttls Use TLS
auth_ldap_group_type LDAP Bind Type
auth_ldap_group_scope Search scope
auth_ldap_group_basedn Base DN
auth_ldap_group_userdn User DN
auth_ldap_group_userattr User attribute
auth_ldap_group_corr_userattr Corresponding user attribute in 1st directory
auth_ldap_group_useroc User OC
auth_ldap_group_adminuser Admin user
auth_ldap_group_adminpass Admin password
auth_ws_create_tiki Create user if not registered in Tiki
auth_api_tokens API access
auth_webhooks Webhook access
available_languages Available languages
available_themes Available themes
bigbluebutton_feature BigBlueButton web conferencing
bigbluebutton_server_location BigBlueButton server location
bigbluebutton_server_salt BigBlueButton server salt
bigbluebutton_recording_max_duration BigBlueButton recording maximum duration
bigbluebutton_dynamic_configuration BigBlueButton dynamic configuration
blog_comments_per_page Number per page
blog_comments_default_ordering Default ordering
blog_list_order Default order
blog_list_title Title
blog_list_title_len Title length
blog_list_description Description
blog_list_created Creation date
blog_list_lastmodif Last modified
blog_list_user User
blog_list_posts Posts
blog_list_visits Visits
blog_list_activity Activity
blog_sharethis_publisher Your ShareThis publisher identifier (optional)
blog_feature_copyrights Blog post copyright
box_shadow_start Module (box) shadow start
box_shadow_end Module (box) shadow end
calendar_view_days Days to display in the calendar
calendar_view_mode Default view mode
calendar_list_begins_focus View list begins
calendar_firstDayofWeek First day of the week
calendar_timespan Split hours in periods of
calendar_minute_interval Minute Interval
calendar_start_year First year in the dropdown
calendar_end_year Last year in the dropdown
calendar_sticky_popup Sticky popup
calendar_view_tab Item view tab
calendar_addtogooglecal Show "Add to Google Calendar" icon
calendar_export Show "Export Calendars" button
calendar_export_item Show "Export Calendar Item" Button
calendar_description_is_html Treat calendar item descriptions as HTML
calendar_watch_editor Enable watch events when you are the editor
calendar_fc_premium_license License for FullCalendar premium plugins
captcha_wordLen CAPTCHA image word length
captcha_width CAPTCHA image width
captcha_noise CAPTCHA image noise
captcha_questions_active CAPTCHA questions
captcha_questions CAPTCHA questions and answers
cas_create_user_tiki Create user if not registered in Tiki
cas_autologin Try automatically to connect SSO
cas_skip_admin Use Tiki authentication for Admin log-in
cas_force_logout Force CAS log-out when the user logs out from Tiki.
cas_show_alternate_login Show alternate log-in method in header
cas_version CAS server version
cas_hostname Hostname
cas_port Port
cas_path Path
cas_extra_param CAS Extra Parameter
cas_authentication_timeout CAS Authentication Verification Timeout
categories_used_in_tpl Provides the current categories to Smarty templates
categories_add_class_to_body_tag Categories to add as CSS classes to
categories_cache_refresh_on_object_cat Clear cache upon category change
category_jail Category jail
category_jail_root Category jail root
category_defaults Category defaults
category_i18n_sync Synchronize multilingual categories
category_i18n_synced Synchronized categories
category_sort_ascii Sort categories case insensitively
category_autogeocode_within Automatically geocode items with this category
category_autogeocode_replace Replace any existing geocode
category_autogeocode_fudge Use approximate geocode location
category_morelikethis_algorithm "More Like This" algorithm for categories
category_morelikethis_mincommon Minimum number of categories in common
category_morelikethis_mincommon_orless List objects with most categories in common
category_morelikethis_mincommon_max Maximum number of "more like this" objects
category_custom_facets Generate custom facets from categories
category_browse_count_objects Show category object count
categorypath_excluded Exclude these category IDs
categorypath_format Category path format
center_shadow_start Center shadow start
center_shadow_end Center shadow end
change_language Users can choose the language of their interface
change_theme Users can change theme
change_password Users can change their password
change_month Select month in Date Picker
change_year Select year in Date Picker
comments_notitle Disable comment titles
comments_field_email Email field
comments_field_website Website field
comments_vote Use vote system for comments
comments_archive Archive comments
comments_akismet_filter Use Akismet to filter comments
comments_akismet_apikey Akismet API Key
comments_akismet_check_users Filter spam for registered users
comments_allow_correction Allow comments to be edited by their author
comments_correction_timeout Comment edition timeout
comments_inline_annotator Inline comments using Apache Annotator
comments_inline_annotator_with_info Show extra info
comments_heading_links Anchor links on headings
comments_per_page Number of comments per page
comments_sort_mode Sort mode for comments
comments_threshold_indent Limit indentation on thread reply
conditions_enabled Terms and Conditions
conditions_page_name Terms of Use page name
conditions_minimum_age Minimum age
connect_feature Tiki connect
connect_send_info Send site information
connect_site_title Site title
connect_site_email Email contact
connect_site_url URL
connect_site_keywords Key words
connect_site_location Site location
connect_send_anonymous_info Send anonymous information
connect_frequency Connection frequency
connect_server Tiki connect server URL
connect_last_post Last connection
connect_server_mode Connect server mode
connect_guid Connect GUID
contact_anon Allow anonymous visitors to use the "Contact Us" feature.
contact_priority_onoff Display contact priority
contact_user Contact user
cookie_name Cookie name
cookie_domain Domain
cookie_path Path
cookie_consent_feature Cookie Consent
cookie_consent_name Cookie consent name
cookie_consent_expires Cookie consent expiration
cookie_consent_description Cookie consent text
cookie_consent_question Cookie consent question
cookie_consent_button Cookie consent button
cookie_consent_alert Cookie consent alert
cookie_consent_mode Cookie consent display mode
cookie_consent_dom_id Cookie consent dialog ID
cookie_consent_disable Cookie consent disabled
cookie_consent_analytics Cookie consent for analytics
cookie_refresh_rememberme Refresh the remember-me cookie expiration
count_admin_pvs Count admin pageviews
dailyreports_enabled_for_new_users Enable daily reports for new users
default_mail_charset Default character set for sending mail
default_map default mapfile
default_wiki_diff_style Default diff style
default_rows_textarea_wiki Wiki
default_rows_textarea_comment Comment box
default_rows_textarea_forum Forum
default_rows_textarea_forumthread Forum reply
default_calendars Select default calendars to display
default_group_transitions Group transition sets default
desactive_login_autocomplete Disable browser's autocomplete feature for username and password fields
direct_pagination Use direct pagination links
direct_pagination_max_middle_links Maximum number of links around the current item
direct_pagination_max_ending_links Maximum number of links after the first or before the last item
directory_country_flag Show country flag
directory_cool_sites Enable "popular sites"
directory_validate_urls Validate URLs
directory_columns Columns per page
directory_links_per_page Links per page
directory_open_links Method to open Directory links
display_field_order Fields display order
display_start_year Start year
display_end_year End year
email_due Re-validate user email after
email_footer Email footer
email_detect_disposable Display Disposable Emails
error_reporting_adminonly PHP errors visible to admin only
error_reporting_level PHP Error reporting level
error_tracking_enabled_php Track PHP errors
error_tracking_enabled_js Track JavaScript errors
error_tracking_dsn Data Source Name (DSN)
error_tracking_sample_rate Sample rate
error_generic_non_admins Show generic error message
error_generic_message Generic error message
faq_comments_per_page Default number of comments per page
faq_comments_default_ordering Default order of comments
faq_prefix Prefix for answers
faq_feature_copyrights FAQ copyright
feature_blog_mandatory_category Limit blog categories to those under this category
feature_areas Areas
feature_wiki Wiki
feature_blogs Blog
feature_machine_translation Machine translation
feature_trackers Trackers
feature_forums Forums
feature_file_galleries File gallery
feature_file_galleries_save_draft Save files as drafts
feature_file_galleries_templates File gallery configuration templates
feature_articles Articles
feature_polls Polls
feature_newsletters Newsletters
feature_calendar Calendar
feature_banners Banners
feature_categories Category
feature_unified_user_details Unified user details
feature_score Score
feature_score_expday Score expiry
feature_search Unified search index
feature_freetags Tags
feature_actionlog Action log
feature_contribution Contribution
feature_multilingual Multilingual
feature_faqs FAQs
feature_surveys Surveys
feature_directory Directory
feature_quizzes Quizzes
feature_featuredLinks Featured links
feature_copyright Copyright
feature_references Wiki references
feature_library_references Library references
feature_references_style Reference style
feature_references_popover Display reference in a popover
feature_shoutbox Shoutbox
feature_live_support Live support system
feature_share Share
feature_html_pages HTML pages
feature_contact Contact us
feature_minichat Minichat
feature_comments_moderation Comments moderation
feature_comments_send_author_name Add author name in From email header
feature_comments_locking Comments locking
feature_comments_post_as_anonymous Allow logged-in users to post comments anonymously
feature_wiki_description Show the page description
feature_page_title Display page name as page title
feature_wiki_pageid Show the page ID
feature_wiki_icache Individual wiki cache
feature_jscalendar Date picker for date selection
feature_htmlpurifier_output Output should be HTML purified
feature_fullscreen Full screen
feature_shadowbox Shadowbox / ColorBox
feature_quick_object_perms Quick permission assignment
feature_user_encryption User encryption
feature_password_domains Password domains
feature_purifier HTML purifier
feature_ajax Ajax
feature_webmail Webmail
feature_intertiki Intertiki
feature_mailin Mail-in
feature_print_indexed Print indexed
feature_sheet Spreadsheet
feature_slideshow Slideshow (reveal.js)
feature_slideshow_pdfexport Slideshow (reveal.js) PDF export
feature_wysiwyg Full WYSIWYG editor
feature_kaltura Kaltura video management
feature_friends Friendship Network
feature_banning Banning system
feature_banning_email Ban usernames and emails
feature_stats Stats
feature_action_calendar Action calendar
feature_referer_stats Referrer stats
feature_redirect_on_error Redirect on error
feature_comm Communications (send/receive objects)
feature_mytiki Display "My Account" in the application menu
feature_minical Mini calendar
feature_userPreferences User preferences screen
feature_notepad User notepad
feature_user_bookmarks My bookmarks
feature_contacts User contacts
feature_user_watches User watches
feature_group_watches Group watches
feature_daily_report_watches Daily reports for user watches
feature_user_watches_translations User watches translations
feature_user_watches_languages User watches languages
feature_usermenu User menu
feature_tasks User tasks
feature_messages User messages
feature_userfiles User files
feature_userlevels Menu user levels
feature_groupalert Group alert
feature_integrator Integrator
feature_xmlrpc Edit Blogs with XMLRPC API
feature_debug_console Debugger console
feature_tikitests TikiTests
feature_version_checks Check for updates automatically
feature_ticketlib Require confirmation of an action if a possible CSRF is detected
feature_detect_language Detect browser language
feature_best_language Show pages in user's preferred language
feature_sync_language Synchronize page and site language
feature_translation Translation assistant
feature_urgent_translation Urgent translation notifications
feature_translation_incomplete_notice Incomplete translation notice
feature_multilingual_structures Multilingual structures
feature_multilingual_one_page Display all languages in a single page
feature_obzip GZip output
feature_help Help system
feature_display_my_to_others Show user's contribution on the user information page
feature_smileys Smileys
feature_tag_users Tagging users
feature_notify_users_mention User mention notifications
feature_draw Draw (SVG edit)
feature_draw_hide_buttons Draw (SVG edit) hide buttons
feature_draw_separate_base_image Separate base image
feature_draw_in_userfiles Draw in user file gallery
feature_docs Docs (WebODF)
feature_dynamic_content Dynamic content system
feature_filegals_manager Use file galleries to store images
feature_wiki_ext_icon External link icon
feature_wiki_ext_rel_nofollow Add "rel=nofollow" to external links
feature_semantic Semantic links
feature_webservices Web services
feature_menusfolderstyle Use folder icons for menu section (parent) items
feature_breadcrumbs Breadcrumbs
feature_antibot Anonymous editors must enter anti-bot code (CAPTCHA)
feature_wiki_protect_email Protect email against spam
feature_sitead Site ads
feature_poll_anonymous Anonymous voting
feature_poll_revote Allow re-voting
feature_poll_comments Comments for polls
feature_faq_comments Comments for FAQs
feature_sefurl Search engine friendly URL
feature_sefurl_filter SEFURL postfilter
feature_sefurl_title_article Article title in SEFURL
feature_sefurl_title_blog Blog title in SEFURL
feature_sefurl_title_forumthread Display forum thread or forum post title in the search engine friendly URL
feature_sefurl_title_trackeritem Tracker title in SEFURL
feature_sefurl_title_max_size Max size of title in the search engine friendly URL (Tracker Items and Forum Threads)
feature_sefurl_tracker_prefixalias Rewrite tiki-view_tracker.php?itemId=yyy to Prefixyyy page
feature_canonical_url Canonical URL tag
feature_canonical_domain Canonical URL domain
feature_sefurl_routes Custom Routes
feature_modulecontrols Show module controls
feature_perspective Perspectives
feature_wiki_replace Search and replace
feature_submissions Submissions
feature_cms_rankings Rankings
feature_article_comments Comments on articles
feature_cms_templates Article content templates
feature_cms_print Print articles
feature_cms_emails Specify notification emails when creating articles
feature_cms_sharethis ShareThis buttons
feature_categorypath Category path
feature_categoryobjects Show category objects
feature_search_show_forbidden_cat Ignore category viewing restrictions
feature_listPages List pages
feature_lastChanges Latest changes
feature_listorphanPages Orphan pages
feature_search_fulltext MySQL full-text search
feature_referer_highlight Referer search highlighting
feature_search_stats Search statistics
feature_search_show_forbidden_obj Ignore individual object permissions
feature_search_show_object_filter Object filter
feature_search_show_search_box Search box
feature_search_show_visit_count Visits
feature_search_show_pertinence Relevance
feature_search_show_object_type Object type
feature_search_show_last_modification Last-modified date
feature_blog_rankings Rankings
feature_blog_heading Custom blog headings
feature_blog_edit_publish_date Publish dates can be modified
feature_blogposts_comments Blog post Comments
feature_blog_sharethis ShareThis buttons
feature_file_galleries_rankings Rankings
feature_file_galleries_comments File gallery comments
feature_use_fgal_for_user_files Store user files in a file gallery
feature_use_fgal_for_wiki_attachments Use file galleries for wiki attachments
feature_file_galleries_author Require file creator's name for anonymous uploads
feature_file_galleries_batch Batch uploading
feature_forum_rankings Rankings
feature_forum_parse Accept wiki syntax
feature_forum_topics_archiving Topic archiving
feature_forum_quickjump Quick jumps
feature_forum_replyempty Replies are empty
feature_forum_allow_flat_forum_quotes Allows quoting in flat forums
feature_forums_allow_thread_titles First post of a thread can have an empty body
feature_forums_name_search Forum name search
feature_forums_search Forum content search
feature_forum_content_search Topic content search
feature_forum_local_tiki_search Unified search for forums and file galleries
feature_forum_post_index Index posts on forum section change.
feature_editcss Edit CSS
feature_theme_control Theme Control
feature_view_tpl Tiki template viewing
feature_edit_templates Edit templates
feature_custom_html_head_content Custom HTML head content
feature_html_head_base_tag Add base tag in the HTML head section
feature_sitelogo Site logo and title
feature_left_column Left column
feature_right_column Right column
feature_siteloclabel Prefix breadcrumbs with "Location : "
feature_siteloc Site location bar
feature_sitetitle Larger font
feature_sitedesc Use page description
feature_endbody_code Custom code just before the closing tag
feature_site_report Webmaster report
feature_site_report_email Webmaster email
feature_layoutshadows Shadow layer
feature_jquery_tooltips Tooltips
feature_jquery_autocomplete Autocomplete
feature_jquery_reflection Reflection
feature_jquery_ui JQuery UI
feature_jquery_ui_theme jQuery UI theme
feature_jquery_validation Validation
feature_jquery_carousel jQuery infinite carousel
feature_jquery_tablesorter jQuery sortable tables
feature_jquery_media jQuery media
feature_jquery_tagcanvas TagCanvas
feature_jquery_zoom jQuery zoom
feature_tabs Use tabs
feature_wiki_1like_redirection Redirect to similar wiki page
feature_wiki_pagealias Redirect to page alias, if any
feature_wiki_templates Wiki content templates
feature_warn_on_edit Warn on edit conflict
feature_wiki_undo Undo
feature_wiki_footnotes Footnotes
feature_wiki_allowhtml Allow HTML
feature_actionlog_bytes Log bytes changes (+/-) in action logs
feature_sandbox Sandbox
feature_wiki_comments Comments below wiki pages
feature_wiki_pictures Images
feature_wiki_export Export
feature_wikiwords WikiWords
feature_wiki_plurals Link plural WikiWords to their singular forms
feature_wikiwords_usedash Accept dashes and underscores in WikiWords
feature_history History
feature_wiki_history_ip Display IP address
feature_wiki_history_full Wiki full history
feature_page_contribution View page contributions by author
feature_wiki_discuss Discuss pages on forums
feature_source View source
feature_wiki_ratings Rating
feature_backlinks Backlinks
feature_likePages Similar pages
feature_wiki_rankings Rankings
feature_wiki_structure Structures
feature_wiki_structure_drilldownmenu Structures drill down menu
feature_wiki_open_as_structure Open page as structure
feature_wiki_make_structure Make structure from page
feature_wiki_categorize_structure Categorize structure pages together
feature_wiki_no_inherit_perms_structure Disable inherited direct object permissions
feature_create_webhelp Create webhelp from structure
feature_wiki_import_html Import HTML
feature_wiki_use_date Use date parameter
feature_wiki_use_date_links Report it in wiki links
feature_wiki_import_page Import pages
feature_wiki_userpage User's information page
feature_wiki_userpage_prefix Userpage prefix
feature_wiki_usrlock Users can lock pages
feature_wiki_multiprint MultiPrint
feature_wiki_print Print Wiki
feature_listorphanStructure Pages not in structure
feature_wiki_attachments Attachments
feature_wiki_sharethis ShareThis buttons
feature_wiki_mandatory_category Limit wiki page categories to those under this category
feature_wiki_show_hide_before Show/hide icon before headings
feature_wiki_argvariable Wiki argument variables
feature_show_stay_in_ssl_mode Users can choose to stay in SSL mode after an HTTPS login
feature_switch_ssl_mode Users can switch between secured or standard mode at login
feature_wiki_paragraph_formatting Wiki paragraph formatting
feature_wiki_paragraph_formatting_add_br Create line breaks within paragraphs
feature_wiki_monosp Automonospaced text
feature_wiki_tables Tables syntax
feature_autolinks AutoLinks
feature_hotwords Hotwords
feature_hotwords_nw Open hotwords in new window
feature_hotwords_sep Characters that limit a hotword
feature_use_quoteplugin Use Quote plugin rather than ">" for quoting
feature_use_three_colon_centertag Center text using
: instead of
feature_simplebox_delim String to use to delimit simplebox
feature_community_gender Users can choose to show their gender
feature_community_mouseover Allow showing user's information on mouseover
feature_community_mouseover_name Real name
feature_community_mouseover_gender Gender
feature_community_mouseover_picture Profile picture (avatar)
feature_community_mouseover_score Score
feature_community_mouseover_country Country
feature_community_mouseover_email Email
feature_community_mouseover_lastlogin Last login
feature_community_mouseover_distance Distance
feature_community_list_name Name
feature_community_list_score Score
feature_community_list_country Country
feature_community_list_distance Distance
feature_cal_manual_time Manual selection of time/date
feature_webdav WebDAV access to Tiki
feature_fixed_width Fixed width
feature_socialnetworks Social networks
feature_group_transition Group transition
feature_category_transition Category transition
feature_credits Tiki user credits
feature_invite Invite users
feature_alternate_registration_page Alternate registration page
feature_loadbalancer Load balancer
feature_port_rewriting Tiki is behind a frontend-proxy/load-balancer that rewrites ports
feature_accounting Accounting
feature_syntax_highlighter Code editor (CodeMirror)
feature_syntax_highlighter_theme Syntax highlighter (CodeMirror) Theme
feature_dummy Dummy preference
feature_htmlfeed HTML feed
feature_inline_comments Inline comments
feature_equal_height_rows_js Enable JavaScript plugin for equal-height rows
feature_conditional_formatting Conditional formatting
feature_theme_control_savesession Store session variable for current theme
feature_theme_control_parentcategory Parent category of theme control categories
feature_theme_control_autocategorize Automatically select the theme-control category of the current theme when categorizing
feature_lang_nonswitchingpages Certain pages redirect to homepage when language is changed
feature_lang_nonswitchingpages_names List of pages that redirect
feature_wizard_user User wizard
feature_userWizardDifferentUsersFieldIds Present different input fields in the User Wizard than are in the Registration form
feature_userWizardUsersFieldIds Tracker fields presented in the User Wizard as User Details
feature_typo_enable Enable Typography Features
feature_typo_quotes Smart “curly” quotes
feature_typo_approximative_quotes Convert approximative ASCII quotes
feature_typo_dashes_and_ellipses Smart em-dash and ellipsis
feature_typo_nobreak_spaces Smart no-break space
feature_default_calendars Display only select calendars by default
feature_intertiki_mymaster Master Tiki server
feature_intertiki_import_preferences Import user preferences
feature_intertiki_import_groups Import user groups
feature_intertiki_imported_groups Limit group import
feature_intertiki_sharedcookie Intertiki shared cookie
feature_intertiki_server This site is a master server
feature_scheduler Scheduler
feature_absolute_to_relative_links Convert from absolute to relative link
feature_system_suggestions Tiki suggestions
feature_templated_groups Templated Groups
feature_machine_learning Machine learning
feature_tiki_manager Tiki manager
feature_url_suffix_cleaner URL Suffix Cleaner
feature_realtime Realtime Tiki
federated_enabled Federated search
federated_elastic_url Elasticsearch tribe node URL
feed_default_version Default feed format
feed_atom_author_name Feed author name
feed_atom_author_email Feed author email
feed_atom_author_url Feed author homepage
feed_rss_editor_email Feed editor email
feed_rss_webmaster_email Feed webmaster email
feed_img Feed image path
feed_language Feed language
feed_basic_auth RSS basic authentication
feed_cache_time Feed caching time
feed_articles RSS for articles
feed_blogs RSS for blogs
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fgal_drawio_service_endpoint Draw.io service endpoint
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gal_nmatch_regex Uploaded image names cannot match regex
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gal_use_dir Directory path
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generate_password Generate password
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geo_locate_blogpost Geolocate blog posts
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geo_google_streetview_overlay Google Street View overlay
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geo_zoomlevel_to_found_location Zoom level for the found location
geo_openlayers_version OpenLayers version
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geo_nextzen_key Nextzen Maps API Key
browsertitle Browser title
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ogr2ogr Full path to ogr2ogr
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modseparateanon Hide anonymous-only modules from registered users
modhideanonadmin Hide anonymous-only modules from Admins
maxArticles Maximum number of articles on the articles homepage
sitead Site Ads and Banners Content
urlOnUsername URL to go to when clicking on a username
forgotPass Forgot password
twoFactorAuth Allow users to use 2FA
useGroupTheme Group theme
sitetitle Site title
sitesubtitle Subtitle
maxRecords Maximum number of records in listings
maxVersions Maximum number of versions:
allowRegister Users can register
validateEmail Validate user's email server
validateRegistration Require validation by Admin
useRegisterPasscode Require passcode to register
registerPasscode Passcode
showRegisterPasscode Show passcode on registration form
registerKey Registration page key
userTracker Use a tracker to collect more user information
groupTracker Use tracker to collect more group information
eponymousGroups Create a new group for each user
syncGroupsWithDirectory Synchronize Tiki groups with a directory
syncUsersWithDirectory Synchronize Tiki users with a directory
rememberme Remember me
remembertime Duration
urlIndexBrowserTitle Homepage Browser title
urlIndex Homepage URL
useUrlIndex Use custom homepage
tikiIndex Use the top page of a Tiki feature as the homepage
disableJavascript Disable JavaScript
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rowImagesGalleries Images per row
thumbSizeXGalleries Thumbnail width
thumbSizeYGalleries Thumbnail height
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h5p_site_key Site Key
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h5p_enable_lrs_content_types LRS Content Types
h5p_custom_js_files Custom H5P Javascript Files
h5p_custom_css_files Custom H5P CSS Files
header_shadow_start HHeader shadow div start
header_shadow_end Header shadow div end
header_custom_css Custom CSS
header_custom_js Custom JavaScript
highlight_group Highlight group
home_blog Home blog (main blog)
home_forum Home forum (main forum)
home_file_gallery Home file gallery (main file gallery)
http_port HTTP port
http_skip_frameset HTTP lookup: skip framesets
http_referer_registration_check Registration referrer check
http_header_frame_options HTTP header x-frame options
http_header_frame_options_value Header value
http_header_xss_protection HTTP header x-xss-protection
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ids_mode Intrusion detection system mode
ids_threshold Intrusion detection system threshold
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ids_log_to_file Log to file
ids_log_to_database Log to database
image_responsive_class Default for img-fluid class used in the IMG plugin
intertiki_errfile Errors log file
intertiki_logfile Access log file
ip_can_be_checked IP can be checked
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jquery_effect_tabs_speed Speed
jquery_effect_tabs_direction Direction
jquery_select2 jQuery Select2 Select Boxes
jquery_select2_sortable Sortable Select2 Multi-selects
jquery_colorbox_theme Visual style of Colorbox (a.k.a. "Shadowbox")
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jquery_fitvidjs_additional_domains FitVids.js additional domains
jquery_timeago jQuery Timeago
jquery_smartmenus_enable SmartMenus
jquery_smartmenus_collapsible_behavior SmartMenus collapsible behavior
jquery_smartmenus_open_close_click SmartMenus open/close on click
jquery_ui_modals_draggable Draggable Modals
jquery_ui_modals_resizable Resizable Modals
jquery_jqdoublescroll jQuery Double Scroll
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ldap_create_user_ldap Create user if not in LDAP
ldap_skip_admin Use Tiki authentication for Admin log-in
load_threshold Maximum average server load threshold in the last minute
lock_content_templates Lock Content Templates
lock_wiki_structures Lock Wiki Structures
log_mail Log mail in Tiki logs
log_tpl Smarty template usage indicator
log_sql Log SQL
log_sql_perf_min Log queries using more than
login_is_email Use email as username
login_is_email_obscure Obscure email when using email as username
login_allow_email User can login via username or email.
login_autogenerate Auto-generate 6-digit username on registration
login_http_basic HTTP Basic Authentication
login_multiple_forbidden Prevent multiple log-ins by the same user
login_grab_session Grab session if already logged in
login_autologin Enable autologin from remote Tiki
login_autologin_user System username to use to initiate autologin from remote Tiki
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login_autologin_createnew Create user if not registered in Tiki
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login_autologin_logoutremote Automatically logout remote Tiki after logout.
login_autologin_redirectlogin Redirect direct logins to this site to remote Tiki
login_autologin_redirectlogin_url URL of autologin page on remote Tiki to redirect user to login
login_text_explanation Descriptive sentence to ask a user to log in
login_cookies_auto_clean Clean expired cookies
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long_time_format Long time format
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mail_crlf Email newline character(s)
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messu_sent_size Maximum sent box size
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middle_shadow_end Middle shadow div end
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morelikethis_basic_mincommon Minimum number of tags in common
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namespace_indicator_in_page_title Hide namespace indicator in page title
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oauthserver_public_key Public key for OAuthServer
oauthserver_private_key Private key for OAuthServer
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ocr_enable OCR Files
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openidconnect_name Provider name
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openidconnect_details_url Provider URL resource owner details
openidconnect_client_id Client ID
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openidconnect_jwks_url JWKS URL
openidconnect_cert Public certificate
openpgp_gpg_pgpmimemail PGP/MIME encrypted email messaging
openpgp_gpg_home Path to gnupg keyring
openpgp_gpg_path Path to gpg executable
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openpgp_gpg_signer_passphrase Signer pass phrase
openpgp_gpg_signer_passfile Path to signer pass phrase filename
page_bar_position Wiki buttons
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pam_create_user_tiki Create user if not registered in Tiki
pam_skip_admin Use Tiki authentication for Admin log-in
pass_chr_num Require characters and numerals
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pass_blacklist Prevent common passwords
pass_due Password expires after
pass_chr_case Require alphabetical characters in lower and upper case
pass_chr_special Require special characters
pass_repetition Require no consecutive repetition of the same character
pass_diff_username The password must be different from the user's log-in name
payment_feature Payment
payment_system Payment system
payment_paypal_business PayPal ID
payment_paypal_password PayPal business password
payment_paypal_signature Paypal business signature
payment_paypal_environment PayPal environment
payment_paypal_ipn PayPal instant payment notification (IPN)
payment_paypal_pdt Payment data transfer (PDT)
payment_paypal_pdt_token Payment data transfer (PDT) token
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payment_user_only_his_own_past User can only see own past or cancelled payments
payment_anonymous_allowed Anonymous users can pay outstanding invoices
payment_cart_inventory Manage product inventory
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payment_cart_inventory_lesshold_field Inventory total less hold field ID
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payment_cart_eventend_fieldname Event end field name
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payment_cart_productclasses_tracker_name Product classes tracker name
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saml_advanced_want_assertion_signed Reject Unsigned Assertions
saml_advanced_want_assertion_encrypted Reject Unencrypted Assertions
saml_advanced_retrieve_parameters_from_server Retrieve Parameters From Server
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saml_advanced_sp_privatekey Service Provider Private Key
saml_advanced_sign_algorithm Signature Algorithm
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socialnetworks_linkedin_names First and last name tracker field IDs to set on creation
socnets_socnetsAll Enabled settings socnets:
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socnets_enabledProvidersNames Enabled socnets Names- DO NOT USE in FORMS:
socnets_socLoginBaseUrl socnets Login Base Url:
socnets_AOLOpenID_socnetEnabled AOLOpenID socnet settings enabled?
socnets_AOLOpenID_loginEnabled AOLOpenID login allowed?
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socnets_AOLOpenID_app_secret AOLOpenID Application secret
socnets_AOLOpenID_app_api AOLOpenID API (or Graph) version - NOT YET
socnets_AOLOpenID_app_site_name AOLOpenID site name
socnets_AOLOpenID_app_site_image AOLOpenID site image
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socnets_AOLOpenID_autocreate_user_trackeritem AOLOpenID auto-create user tracker item?
socnets_AOLOpenID_autocreate_names AOLOpenID auto-create user name(s)?
socnets_Amazon_socnetEnabled Amazon socnet settings enabled?
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socnets_Amazon_app_id Amazon Application ID
socnets_Amazon_app_secret Amazon Application secret
socnets_Amazon_app_api Amazon API (or Graph) version - NOT YET
socnets_Amazon_app_site_name Amazon site name
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socnets_Amazon_autocreate_user_trackeritem Amazon auto-create user tracker item?
socnets_Amazon_autocreate_names Amazon auto-create user name(s)?
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socnets_Apple_autocreate_user_trackeritem Apple auto-create user tracker item?
socnets_Apple_autocreate_names Apple auto-create user name(s)?
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socnets_Authentiq_loginEnabled Authentiq login allowed?
socnets_Authentiq_app_id Authentiq Application ID
socnets_Authentiq_app_secret Authentiq Application secret
socnets_Authentiq_app_api Authentiq API (or Graph) version - NOT YET
socnets_Authentiq_app_site_name Authentiq site name
socnets_Authentiq_app_site_image Authentiq site image
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socnets_Authentiq_autocreate_names Authentiq auto-create user name(s)?
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socnets_AutoDesk_app_secret AutoDesk Application secret
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socnets_AutoDesk_autocreate_user_trackeritem AutoDesk auto-create user tracker item?
socnets_AutoDesk_autocreate_names AutoDesk auto-create user name(s)?
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socnets_BitBucket_loginEnabled BitBucket login allowed?
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socnets_BitBucket_app_secret BitBucket Application secret
socnets_BitBucket_app_api BitBucket API (or Graph) version - NOT YET
socnets_BitBucket_app_site_name BitBucket site name
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socnets_BitBucket_autocreate_user_trackeritem BitBucket auto-create user tracker item?
socnets_BitBucket_autocreate_names BitBucket auto-create user name(s)?
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socnets_Blizzard_loginEnabled Blizzard login allowed?
socnets_Blizzard_app_id Blizzard Application ID
socnets_Blizzard_app_secret Blizzard Application secret
socnets_Blizzard_app_api Blizzard API (or Graph) version - NOT YET
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socnets_Blizzard_app_site_image Blizzard site image
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socnets_Blizzard_autocreate_names Blizzard auto-create user name(s)?
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socnets_BlizzardAPAC_app_id BlizzardAPAC Application ID
socnets_BlizzardAPAC_app_secret BlizzardAPAC Application secret
socnets_BlizzardAPAC_app_api BlizzardAPAC API (or Graph) version - NOT YET
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socnets_BlizzardAPAC_app_site_image BlizzardAPAC site image
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socnets_BlizzardAPAC_autocreate_user_trackeritem BlizzardAPAC auto-create user tracker item?
socnets_BlizzardAPAC_autocreate_names BlizzardAPAC auto-create user name(s)?
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socnets_BlizzardEU_app_secret BlizzardEU Application secret
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socnets_BlizzardEU_autocreate_user_trackeritem BlizzardEU auto-create user tracker item?
socnets_BlizzardEU_autocreate_names BlizzardEU auto-create user name(s)?
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socnets_DeviantArt_app_id DeviantArt Application ID
socnets_DeviantArt_app_secret DeviantArt Application secret
socnets_DeviantArt_app_api DeviantArt API (or Graph) version - NOT YET
socnets_DeviantArt_app_site_name DeviantArt site name
socnets_DeviantArt_app_site_image DeviantArt site image
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socnets_DeviantArt_autocreate_user_trackeritem DeviantArt auto-create user tracker item?
socnets_DeviantArt_autocreate_names DeviantArt auto-create user name(s)?
socnets_Discord_socnetEnabled Discord socnet settings enabled?
socnets_Discord_loginEnabled Discord login allowed?
socnets_Discord_app_id Discord Application ID
socnets_Discord_app_secret Discord Application secret
socnets_Discord_app_api Discord API (or Graph) version - NOT YET
socnets_Discord_app_site_name Discord site name
socnets_Discord_app_site_image Discord site image
socnets_Discord_autocreateuser Discord auto-create user?
socnets_Discord_autocreate_prefix Discord user prefix to auto-create
socnets_Discord_autocreate_email Discord auto-create user email?
socnets_Discord_autocreate_user_trackeritem Discord auto-create user tracker item?
socnets_Discord_autocreate_names Discord auto-create user name(s)?
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socnets_Disqus_app_secret Disqus Application secret
socnets_Disqus_app_api Disqus API (or Graph) version - NOT YET
socnets_Disqus_app_site_name Disqus site name
socnets_Disqus_app_site_image Disqus site image
socnets_Disqus_autocreateuser Disqus auto-create user?
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socnets_Disqus_autocreate_user_trackeritem Disqus auto-create user tracker item?
socnets_Disqus_autocreate_names Disqus auto-create user name(s)?
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socnets_Dribbble_app_secret Dribbble Application secret
socnets_Dribbble_app_api Dribbble API (or Graph) version - NOT YET
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socnets_Dribbble_app_site_image Dribbble site image
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socnets_Dribbble_autocreate_user_trackeritem Dribbble auto-create user tracker item?
socnets_Dribbble_autocreate_names Dribbble auto-create user name(s)?
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socnets_Dropbox_app_secret Dropbox Application secret
socnets_Dropbox_app_api Dropbox API (or Graph) version - NOT YET
socnets_Dropbox_app_site_name Dropbox site name
socnets_Dropbox_app_site_image Dropbox site image
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socnets_Dropbox_autocreate_prefix Dropbox user prefix to auto-create
socnets_Dropbox_autocreate_email Dropbox auto-create user email?
socnets_Dropbox_autocreate_user_trackeritem Dropbox auto-create user tracker item?
socnets_Dropbox_autocreate_names Dropbox auto-create user name(s)?
socnets_Facebook_socnetEnabled Facebook socnet settings enabled?
socnets_Facebook_loginEnabled Facebook login allowed?
socnets_Facebook_app_id Facebook Application ID
socnets_Facebook_app_secret Facebook Application secret
socnets_Facebook_app_api Facebook API (or Graph) version - NOT YET
socnets_Facebook_app_site_name Facebook site name
socnets_Facebook_app_site_image Facebook site image
socnets_Facebook_autocreateuser Facebook auto-create user?
socnets_Facebook_autocreate_prefix Facebook user prefix to auto-create
socnets_Facebook_autocreate_email Facebook auto-create user email?
socnets_Facebook_autocreate_user_trackeritem Facebook auto-create user tracker item?
socnets_Facebook_autocreate_names Facebook auto-create user name(s)?
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socnets_Foursquare_app_secret Foursquare Application secret
socnets_Foursquare_app_api Foursquare API (or Graph) version - NOT YET
socnets_Foursquare_app_site_name Foursquare site name
socnets_Foursquare_app_site_image Foursquare site image
socnets_Foursquare_autocreateuser Foursquare auto-create user?
socnets_Foursquare_autocreate_prefix Foursquare user prefix to auto-create
socnets_Foursquare_autocreate_email Foursquare auto-create user email?
socnets_Foursquare_autocreate_user_trackeritem Foursquare auto-create user tracker item?
socnets_Foursquare_autocreate_names Foursquare auto-create user name(s)?
socnets_GitHub_socnetEnabled GitHub socnet settings enabled?
socnets_GitHub_loginEnabled GitHub login allowed?
socnets_GitHub_app_id GitHub Application ID
socnets_GitHub_app_secret GitHub Application secret
socnets_GitHub_app_api GitHub API (or Graph) version - NOT YET
socnets_GitHub_app_site_name GitHub site name
socnets_GitHub_app_site_image GitHub site image
socnets_GitHub_autocreateuser GitHub auto-create user?
socnets_GitHub_autocreate_prefix GitHub user prefix to auto-create
socnets_GitHub_autocreate_email GitHub auto-create user email?
socnets_GitHub_autocreate_user_trackeritem GitHub auto-create user tracker item?
socnets_GitHub_autocreate_names GitHub auto-create user name(s)?
socnets_GitLab_socnetEnabled GitLab socnet settings enabled?
socnets_GitLab_loginEnabled GitLab login allowed?
socnets_GitLab_app_id GitLab Application ID
socnets_GitLab_app_secret GitLab Application secret
socnets_GitLab_app_api GitLab API (or Graph) version - NOT YET
socnets_GitLab_app_site_name GitLab site name
socnets_GitLab_app_site_image GitLab site image
socnets_GitLab_autocreateuser GitLab auto-create user?
socnets_GitLab_autocreate_prefix GitLab user prefix to auto-create
socnets_GitLab_autocreate_email GitLab auto-create user email?
socnets_GitLab_autocreate_user_trackeritem GitLab auto-create user tracker item?
socnets_GitLab_autocreate_names GitLab auto-create user name(s)?
socnets_Google_socnetEnabled Google socnet settings enabled?
socnets_Google_loginEnabled Google login allowed?
socnets_Google_app_id Google Application ID
socnets_Google_app_secret Google Application secret
socnets_Google_app_api Google API (or Graph) version - NOT YET
socnets_Google_app_site_name Google site name
socnets_Google_app_site_image Google site image
socnets_Google_autocreateuser Google auto-create user?
socnets_Google_autocreate_prefix Google user prefix to auto-create
socnets_Google_autocreate_email Google auto-create user email?
socnets_Google_autocreate_user_trackeritem Google auto-create user tracker item?
socnets_Google_autocreate_names Google auto-create user name(s)?
socnets_Instagram_socnetEnabled Instagram socnet settings enabled?
socnets_Instagram_loginEnabled Instagram login allowed?
socnets_Instagram_app_id Instagram Application ID
socnets_Instagram_app_secret Instagram Application secret
socnets_Instagram_app_api Instagram API (or Graph) version - NOT YET
socnets_Instagram_app_site_name Instagram site name
socnets_Instagram_app_site_image Instagram site image
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socnets_Instagram_autocreate_prefix Instagram user prefix to auto-create
socnets_Instagram_autocreate_email Instagram auto-create user email?
socnets_Instagram_autocreate_user_trackeritem Instagram auto-create user tracker item?
socnets_Instagram_autocreate_names Instagram auto-create user name(s)?
socnets_Keycloak_socnetEnabled Keycloak socnet settings enabled?
socnets_Keycloak_loginEnabled Keycloak login allowed?
socnets_Keycloak_app_id Keycloak Application ID
socnets_Keycloak_app_secret Keycloak Application secret
socnets_Keycloak_app_api Keycloak API (or Graph) version - NOT YET
socnets_Keycloak_app_site_name Keycloak site name
socnets_Keycloak_app_site_image Keycloak site image
socnets_Keycloak_autocreateuser Keycloak auto-create user?
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socnets_Keycloak_autocreate_user_trackeritem Keycloak auto-create user tracker item?
socnets_Keycloak_autocreate_names Keycloak auto-create user name(s)?
socnets_LinkedIn_socnetEnabled LinkedIn socnet settings enabled?
socnets_LinkedIn_loginEnabled LinkedIn login allowed?
socnets_LinkedIn_app_id LinkedIn Application ID
socnets_LinkedIn_app_secret LinkedIn Application secret
socnets_LinkedIn_app_api LinkedIn API (or Graph) version - NOT YET
socnets_LinkedIn_app_site_name LinkedIn site name
socnets_LinkedIn_app_site_image LinkedIn site image
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socnets_LinkedIn_autocreate_user_trackeritem LinkedIn auto-create user tracker item?
socnets_LinkedIn_autocreate_names LinkedIn auto-create user name(s)?
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socnets_Mastodon_app_id Mastodon Application ID
socnets_Mastodon_app_secret Mastodon Application secret
socnets_Mastodon_app_api Mastodon API (or Graph) version - NOT YET
socnets_Mastodon_app_site_name Mastodon site name
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socnets_Mastodon_autocreate_names Mastodon auto-create user name(s)?
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socnets_Medium_app_secret Medium Application secret
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socnets_Medium_app_site_name Medium site name
socnets_Medium_app_site_image Medium site image
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socnets_Medium_autocreate_names Medium auto-create user name(s)?
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socnets_MicrosoftGraph_app_id MicrosoftGraph Application ID
socnets_MicrosoftGraph_app_secret MicrosoftGraph Application secret
socnets_MicrosoftGraph_app_api MicrosoftGraph API (or Graph) version - NOT YET
socnets_MicrosoftGraph_app_site_name MicrosoftGraph site name
socnets_MicrosoftGraph_app_site_image MicrosoftGraph site image
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socnets_MicrosoftGraph_autocreate_prefix MicrosoftGraph user prefix to auto-create
socnets_MicrosoftGraph_autocreate_email MicrosoftGraph auto-create user email?
socnets_MicrosoftGraph_autocreate_user_trackeritem MicrosoftGraph auto-create user tracker item?
socnets_MicrosoftGraph_autocreate_names MicrosoftGraph auto-create user name(s)?
socnets_ORCID_socnetEnabled ORCID socnet settings enabled?
socnets_ORCID_loginEnabled ORCID login allowed?
socnets_ORCID_app_id ORCID Application ID
socnets_ORCID_app_secret ORCID Application secret
socnets_ORCID_app_api ORCID API (or Graph) version - NOT YET
socnets_ORCID_app_site_name ORCID site name
socnets_ORCID_app_site_image ORCID site image
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socnets_ORCID_autocreate_email ORCID auto-create user email?
socnets_ORCID_autocreate_user_trackeritem ORCID auto-create user tracker item?
socnets_ORCID_autocreate_names ORCID auto-create user name(s)?
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socnets_OpenID_app_id OpenID Application ID
socnets_OpenID_app_secret OpenID Application secret
socnets_OpenID_app_api OpenID API (or Graph) version - NOT YET
socnets_OpenID_app_site_name OpenID site name
socnets_OpenID_app_site_image OpenID site image
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socnets_OpenID_autocreate_prefix OpenID user prefix to auto-create
socnets_OpenID_autocreate_email OpenID auto-create user email?
socnets_OpenID_autocreate_user_trackeritem OpenID auto-create user tracker item?
socnets_OpenID_autocreate_names OpenID auto-create user name(s)?
socnets_Patreon_socnetEnabled Patreon socnet settings enabled?
socnets_Patreon_loginEnabled Patreon login allowed?
socnets_Patreon_app_id Patreon Application ID
socnets_Patreon_app_secret Patreon Application secret
socnets_Patreon_app_api Patreon API (or Graph) version - NOT YET
socnets_Patreon_app_site_name Patreon site name
socnets_Patreon_app_site_image Patreon site image
socnets_Patreon_autocreateuser Patreon auto-create user?
socnets_Patreon_autocreate_prefix Patreon user prefix to auto-create
socnets_Patreon_autocreate_email Patreon auto-create user email?
socnets_Patreon_autocreate_user_trackeritem Patreon auto-create user tracker item?
socnets_Patreon_autocreate_names Patreon auto-create user name(s)?
socnets_Paypal_socnetEnabled Paypal socnet settings enabled?
socnets_Paypal_loginEnabled Paypal login allowed?
socnets_Paypal_app_id Paypal Application ID
socnets_Paypal_app_secret Paypal Application secret
socnets_Paypal_app_api Paypal API (or Graph) version - NOT YET
socnets_Paypal_app_site_name Paypal site name
socnets_Paypal_app_site_image Paypal site image
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socnets_Paypal_autocreate_prefix Paypal user prefix to auto-create
socnets_Paypal_autocreate_email Paypal auto-create user email?
socnets_Paypal_autocreate_user_trackeritem Paypal auto-create user tracker item?
socnets_Paypal_autocreate_names Paypal auto-create user name(s)?
socnets_PaypalOpenID_socnetEnabled PaypalOpenID socnet settings enabled?
socnets_PaypalOpenID_loginEnabled PaypalOpenID login allowed?
socnets_PaypalOpenID_app_id PaypalOpenID Application ID
socnets_PaypalOpenID_app_secret PaypalOpenID Application secret
socnets_PaypalOpenID_app_api PaypalOpenID API (or Graph) version - NOT YET
socnets_PaypalOpenID_app_site_name PaypalOpenID site name
socnets_PaypalOpenID_app_site_image PaypalOpenID site image
socnets_PaypalOpenID_autocreateuser PaypalOpenID auto-create user?
socnets_PaypalOpenID_autocreate_prefix PaypalOpenID user prefix to auto-create
socnets_PaypalOpenID_autocreate_email PaypalOpenID auto-create user email?
socnets_PaypalOpenID_autocreate_user_trackeritem PaypalOpenID auto-create user tracker item?
socnets_PaypalOpenID_autocreate_names PaypalOpenID auto-create user name(s)?
socnets_Pinterest_socnetEnabled Pinterest socnet settings enabled?
socnets_Pinterest_loginEnabled Pinterest login allowed?
socnets_Pinterest_app_id Pinterest Application ID
socnets_Pinterest_app_secret Pinterest Application secret
socnets_Pinterest_app_api Pinterest API (or Graph) version - NOT YET
socnets_Pinterest_app_site_name Pinterest site name
socnets_Pinterest_app_site_image Pinterest site image
socnets_Pinterest_autocreateuser Pinterest auto-create user?
socnets_Pinterest_autocreate_prefix Pinterest user prefix to auto-create
socnets_Pinterest_autocreate_email Pinterest auto-create user email?
socnets_Pinterest_autocreate_user_trackeritem Pinterest auto-create user tracker item?
socnets_Pinterest_autocreate_names Pinterest auto-create user name(s)?
socnets_QQ_socnetEnabled QQ socnet settings enabled?
socnets_QQ_loginEnabled QQ login allowed?
socnets_QQ_app_id QQ Application ID
socnets_QQ_app_secret QQ Application secret
socnets_QQ_app_api QQ API (or Graph) version - NOT YET
socnets_QQ_app_site_name QQ site name
socnets_QQ_app_site_image QQ site image
socnets_QQ_autocreateuser QQ auto-create user?
socnets_QQ_autocreate_prefix QQ user prefix to auto-create
socnets_QQ_autocreate_email QQ auto-create user email?
socnets_QQ_autocreate_user_trackeritem QQ auto-create user tracker item?
socnets_QQ_autocreate_names QQ auto-create user name(s)?
socnets_Reddit_socnetEnabled Reddit socnet settings enabled?
socnets_Reddit_loginEnabled Reddit login allowed?
socnets_Reddit_app_id Reddit Application ID
socnets_Reddit_app_secret Reddit Application secret
socnets_Reddit_app_api Reddit API (or Graph) version - NOT YET
socnets_Reddit_app_site_name Reddit site name
socnets_Reddit_app_site_image Reddit site image
socnets_Reddit_autocreateuser Reddit auto-create user?
socnets_Reddit_autocreate_prefix Reddit user prefix to auto-create
socnets_Reddit_autocreate_email Reddit auto-create user email?
socnets_Reddit_autocreate_user_trackeritem Reddit auto-create user tracker item?
socnets_Reddit_autocreate_names Reddit auto-create user name(s)?
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socnets_Seznam_loginEnabled Seznam login allowed?
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socnets_Seznam_app_secret Seznam Application secret
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socnets_Seznam_app_site_name Seznam site name
socnets_Seznam_app_site_image Seznam site image
socnets_Seznam_autocreateuser Seznam auto-create user?
socnets_Seznam_autocreate_prefix Seznam user prefix to auto-create
socnets_Seznam_autocreate_email Seznam auto-create user email?
socnets_Seznam_autocreate_user_trackeritem Seznam auto-create user tracker item?
socnets_Seznam_autocreate_names Seznam auto-create user name(s)?
socnets_Slack_socnetEnabled Slack socnet settings enabled?
socnets_Slack_loginEnabled Slack login allowed?
socnets_Slack_app_id Slack Application ID
socnets_Slack_app_secret Slack Application secret
socnets_Slack_app_api Slack API (or Graph) version - NOT YET
socnets_Slack_app_site_name Slack site name
socnets_Slack_app_site_image Slack site image
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socnets_Slack_autocreate_prefix Slack user prefix to auto-create
socnets_Slack_autocreate_email Slack auto-create user email?
socnets_Slack_autocreate_user_trackeritem Slack auto-create user tracker item?
socnets_Slack_autocreate_names Slack auto-create user name(s)?
socnets_Spotify_socnetEnabled Spotify socnet settings enabled?
socnets_Spotify_loginEnabled Spotify login allowed?
socnets_Spotify_app_id Spotify Application ID
socnets_Spotify_app_secret Spotify Application secret
socnets_Spotify_app_api Spotify API (or Graph) version - NOT YET
socnets_Spotify_app_site_name Spotify site name
socnets_Spotify_app_site_image Spotify site image
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socnets_Spotify_autocreate_prefix Spotify user prefix to auto-create
socnets_Spotify_autocreate_email Spotify auto-create user email?
socnets_Spotify_autocreate_user_trackeritem Spotify auto-create user tracker item?
socnets_Spotify_autocreate_names Spotify auto-create user name(s)?
socnets_StackExchange_socnetEnabled StackExchange socnet settings enabled?
socnets_StackExchange_loginEnabled StackExchange login allowed?
socnets_StackExchange_app_id StackExchange Application ID
socnets_StackExchange_app_secret StackExchange Application secret
socnets_StackExchange_app_api StackExchange API (or Graph) version - NOT YET
socnets_StackExchange_app_site_name StackExchange site name
socnets_StackExchange_app_site_image StackExchange site image
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socnets_StackExchange_autocreate_prefix StackExchange user prefix to auto-create
socnets_StackExchange_autocreate_email StackExchange auto-create user email?
socnets_StackExchange_autocreate_user_trackeritem StackExchange auto-create user tracker item?
socnets_StackExchange_autocreate_names StackExchange auto-create user name(s)?
socnets_StackExchangeOpenID_socnetEnabled StackExchangeOpenID socnet settings enabled?
socnets_StackExchangeOpenID_loginEnabled StackExchangeOpenID login allowed?
socnets_StackExchangeOpenID_app_id StackExchangeOpenID Application ID
socnets_StackExchangeOpenID_app_secret StackExchangeOpenID Application secret
socnets_StackExchangeOpenID_app_api StackExchangeOpenID API (or Graph) version - NOT YET
socnets_StackExchangeOpenID_app_site_name StackExchangeOpenID site name
socnets_StackExchangeOpenID_app_site_image StackExchangeOpenID site image
socnets_StackExchangeOpenID_autocreateuser StackExchangeOpenID auto-create user?
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socnets_StackExchangeOpenID_autocreate_email StackExchangeOpenID auto-create user email?
socnets_StackExchangeOpenID_autocreate_user_trackeritem StackExchangeOpenID auto-create user tracker item?
socnets_StackExchangeOpenID_autocreate_names StackExchangeOpenID auto-create user name(s)?
socnets_Steam_socnetEnabled Steam socnet settings enabled?
socnets_Steam_loginEnabled Steam login allowed?
socnets_Steam_app_id Steam Application ID
socnets_Steam_app_secret Steam Application secret
socnets_Steam_app_api Steam API (or Graph) version - NOT YET
socnets_Steam_app_site_name Steam site name
socnets_Steam_app_site_image Steam site image
socnets_Steam_autocreateuser Steam auto-create user?
socnets_Steam_autocreate_prefix Steam user prefix to auto-create
socnets_Steam_autocreate_email Steam auto-create user email?
socnets_Steam_autocreate_user_trackeritem Steam auto-create user tracker item?
socnets_Steam_autocreate_names Steam auto-create user name(s)?
socnets_SteemConnect_socnetEnabled SteemConnect socnet settings enabled?
socnets_SteemConnect_loginEnabled SteemConnect login allowed?
socnets_SteemConnect_app_id SteemConnect Application ID
socnets_SteemConnect_app_secret SteemConnect Application secret
socnets_SteemConnect_app_api SteemConnect API (or Graph) version - NOT YET
socnets_SteemConnect_app_site_name SteemConnect site name
socnets_SteemConnect_app_site_image SteemConnect site image
socnets_SteemConnect_autocreateuser SteemConnect auto-create user?
socnets_SteemConnect_autocreate_prefix SteemConnect user prefix to auto-create
socnets_SteemConnect_autocreate_email SteemConnect auto-create user email?
socnets_SteemConnect_autocreate_user_trackeritem SteemConnect auto-create user tracker item?
socnets_SteemConnect_autocreate_names SteemConnect auto-create user name(s)?
socnets_Strava_socnetEnabled Strava socnet settings enabled?
socnets_Strava_loginEnabled Strava login allowed?
socnets_Strava_app_id Strava Application ID
socnets_Strava_app_secret Strava Application secret
socnets_Strava_app_api Strava API (or Graph) version - NOT YET
socnets_Strava_app_site_name Strava site name
socnets_Strava_app_site_image Strava site image
socnets_Strava_autocreateuser Strava auto-create user?
socnets_Strava_autocreate_prefix Strava user prefix to auto-create
socnets_Strava_autocreate_email Strava auto-create user email?
socnets_Strava_autocreate_user_trackeritem Strava auto-create user tracker item?
socnets_Strava_autocreate_names Strava auto-create user name(s)?
socnets_Telegram_socnetEnabled Telegram socnet settings enabled?
socnets_Telegram_loginEnabled Telegram login allowed?
socnets_Telegram_app_id Telegram Application ID
socnets_Telegram_app_secret Telegram Application secret
socnets_Telegram_app_api Telegram API (or Graph) version - NOT YET
socnets_Telegram_app_site_name Telegram site name
socnets_Telegram_app_site_image Telegram site image
socnets_Telegram_autocreateuser Telegram auto-create user?
socnets_Telegram_autocreate_prefix Telegram user prefix to auto-create
socnets_Telegram_autocreate_email Telegram auto-create user email?
socnets_Telegram_autocreate_user_trackeritem Telegram auto-create user tracker item?
socnets_Telegram_autocreate_names Telegram auto-create user name(s)?
socnets_Tumblr_socnetEnabled Tumblr socnet settings enabled?
socnets_Tumblr_loginEnabled Tumblr login allowed?
socnets_Tumblr_app_id Tumblr Application ID
socnets_Tumblr_app_secret Tumblr Application secret
socnets_Tumblr_app_api Tumblr API (or Graph) version - NOT YET
socnets_Tumblr_app_site_name Tumblr site name
socnets_Tumblr_app_site_image Tumblr site image
socnets_Tumblr_autocreateuser Tumblr auto-create user?
socnets_Tumblr_autocreate_prefix Tumblr user prefix to auto-create
socnets_Tumblr_autocreate_email Tumblr auto-create user email?
socnets_Tumblr_autocreate_user_trackeritem Tumblr auto-create user tracker item?
socnets_Tumblr_autocreate_names Tumblr auto-create user name(s)?
socnets_TwitchTV_socnetEnabled TwitchTV socnet settings enabled?
socnets_TwitchTV_loginEnabled TwitchTV login allowed?
socnets_TwitchTV_app_id TwitchTV Application ID
socnets_TwitchTV_app_secret TwitchTV Application secret
socnets_TwitchTV_app_api TwitchTV API (or Graph) version - NOT YET
socnets_TwitchTV_app_site_name TwitchTV site name
socnets_TwitchTV_app_site_image TwitchTV site image
socnets_TwitchTV_autocreateuser TwitchTV auto-create user?
socnets_TwitchTV_autocreate_prefix TwitchTV user prefix to auto-create
socnets_TwitchTV_autocreate_email TwitchTV auto-create user email?
socnets_TwitchTV_autocreate_user_trackeritem TwitchTV auto-create user tracker item?
socnets_TwitchTV_autocreate_names TwitchTV auto-create user name(s)?
socnets_Twitter_socnetEnabled Twitter socnet settings enabled?
socnets_Twitter_loginEnabled Twitter login allowed?
socnets_Twitter_app_id Twitter Application ID
socnets_Twitter_app_secret Twitter Application secret
socnets_Twitter_app_api Twitter API (or Graph) version - NOT YET
socnets_Twitter_app_site_name Twitter site name
socnets_Twitter_app_site_image Twitter site image
socnets_Twitter_autocreateuser Twitter auto-create user?
socnets_Twitter_autocreate_prefix Twitter user prefix to auto-create
socnets_Twitter_autocreate_email Twitter auto-create user email?
socnets_Twitter_autocreate_user_trackeritem Twitter auto-create user tracker item?
socnets_Twitter_autocreate_names Twitter auto-create user name(s)?
socnets_WeChat_socnetEnabled WeChat socnet settings enabled?
socnets_WeChat_loginEnabled WeChat login allowed?
socnets_WeChat_app_id WeChat Application ID
socnets_WeChat_app_secret WeChat Application secret
socnets_WeChat_app_api WeChat API (or Graph) version - NOT YET
socnets_WeChat_app_site_name WeChat site name
socnets_WeChat_app_site_image WeChat site image
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socnets_WeChat_autocreate_prefix WeChat user prefix to auto-create
socnets_WeChat_autocreate_email WeChat auto-create user email?
socnets_WeChat_autocreate_user_trackeritem WeChat auto-create user tracker item?
socnets_WeChat_autocreate_names WeChat auto-create user name(s)?
socnets_WeChatChina_socnetEnabled WeChatChina socnet settings enabled?
socnets_WeChatChina_loginEnabled WeChatChina login allowed?
socnets_WeChatChina_app_id WeChatChina Application ID
socnets_WeChatChina_app_secret WeChatChina Application secret
socnets_WeChatChina_app_api WeChatChina API (or Graph) version - NOT YET
socnets_WeChatChina_app_site_name WeChatChina site name
socnets_WeChatChina_app_site_image WeChatChina site image
socnets_WeChatChina_autocreateuser WeChatChina auto-create user?
socnets_WeChatChina_autocreate_prefix WeChatChina user prefix to auto-create
socnets_WeChatChina_autocreate_email WeChatChina auto-create user email?
socnets_WeChatChina_autocreate_user_trackeritem WeChatChina auto-create user tracker item?
socnets_WeChatChina_autocreate_names WeChatChina auto-create user name(s)?
socnets_WindowsLive_socnetEnabled WindowsLive socnet settings enabled?
socnets_WindowsLive_loginEnabled WindowsLive login allowed?
socnets_WindowsLive_app_id WindowsLive Application ID
socnets_WindowsLive_app_secret WindowsLive Application secret
socnets_WindowsLive_app_api WindowsLive API (or Graph) version - NOT YET
socnets_WindowsLive_app_site_name WindowsLive site name
socnets_WindowsLive_app_site_image WindowsLive site image
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socnets_WindowsLive_autocreate_prefix WindowsLive user prefix to auto-create
socnets_WindowsLive_autocreate_email WindowsLive auto-create user email?
socnets_WindowsLive_autocreate_user_trackeritem WindowsLive auto-create user tracker item?
socnets_WindowsLive_autocreate_names WindowsLive auto-create user name(s)?
socnets_WordPress_socnetEnabled WordPress socnet settings enabled?
socnets_WordPress_loginEnabled WordPress login allowed?
socnets_WordPress_app_id WordPress Application ID
socnets_WordPress_app_secret WordPress Application secret
socnets_WordPress_app_api WordPress API (or Graph) version - NOT YET
socnets_WordPress_app_site_name WordPress site name
socnets_WordPress_app_site_image WordPress site image
socnets_WordPress_autocreateuser WordPress auto-create user?
socnets_WordPress_autocreate_prefix WordPress user prefix to auto-create
socnets_WordPress_autocreate_email WordPress auto-create user email?
socnets_WordPress_autocreate_user_trackeritem WordPress auto-create user tracker item?
socnets_WordPress_autocreate_names WordPress auto-create user name(s)?
socnets_Yahoo_socnetEnabled Yahoo socnet settings enabled?
socnets_Yahoo_loginEnabled Yahoo login allowed?
socnets_Yahoo_app_id Yahoo Application ID
socnets_Yahoo_app_secret Yahoo Application secret
socnets_Yahoo_app_api Yahoo API (or Graph) version - NOT YET
socnets_Yahoo_app_site_name Yahoo site name
socnets_Yahoo_app_site_image Yahoo site image
socnets_Yahoo_autocreateuser Yahoo auto-create user?
socnets_Yahoo_autocreate_prefix Yahoo user prefix to auto-create
socnets_Yahoo_autocreate_email Yahoo auto-create user email?
socnets_Yahoo_autocreate_user_trackeritem Yahoo auto-create user tracker item?
socnets_Yahoo_autocreate_names Yahoo auto-create user name(s)?
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tiki_allow_trust_input Allow the tiki_p_trust_input permission.
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tiki_key Client key for this site
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wikiplugininline_shopperinfo Inline plugin Collect Anonymous Shopper Info
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wikiplugininline_stat Inline plugin Stat
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wikiplugininline_tikimanagerclone Inline plugin TikiManagerClone
wikiplugininline_tikimanagerupdate Inline plugin Tiki Manager Update
wikiplugininline_timeline Inline plugin Timeline
wikiplugininline_timeperworker Inline plugin Time per Worker
wikiplugininline_timesheets Inline plugin Timesheet
wikiplugininline_titlesearch Inline plugin Title Search
wikiplugininline_toc Inline plugin Table of Contents (Structure)
wikiplugininline_together Inline plugin Together
wikiplugininline_totp Inline plugin Time-based One-time Password
wikiplugininline_tour Inline plugin Tour
wikiplugininline_tr Inline plugin Translate
wikiplugininline_tracker Inline plugin Tracker
wikiplugininline_trackercalendar Inline plugin Tracker Calendar
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wikiplugininline_trackerlist Inline plugin Tracker List
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wikiplugininline_trackertimeline Inline plugin Tracker Timeline
wikiplugininline_trackertoggle Inline plugin Tracker Toggle
wikiplugininline_trade Inline plugin Trade
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wikiplugininline_translationof Inline plugin TranslationOf
wikiplugininline_twitter Inline plugin Twitter
wikiplugininline_usercount Inline plugin User Count
wikiplugininline_useringroup Inline plugin UserInGroup
wikiplugininline_userlastlogged Inline plugin Last Login information
wikiplugininline_userlink Inline plugin User Link
wikiplugininline_userlist Inline plugin User List
wikiplugininline_userpref Inline plugin User Preference
wikiplugininline_versions Inline plugin Versions
wikiplugininline_vimeo Inline plugin Vimeo
wikiplugininline_vote Inline plugin Vote
wikiplugininline_votings Inline plugin Votings
wikiplugininline_vue Inline plugin Vue
wikiplugininline_wantedpages Inline plugin Wanted Pages
wikiplugininline_webdocviewer Inline plugin Web Document Viewer
wikiplugininline_webservice Inline plugin Web Service
wikiplugininline_wikidiff Inline plugin Wiki Diff
wikiplugininline_wysiwyg Inline plugin WYSIWYG
wikiplugininline_xmlupdate Inline plugin XMLupdate
wikiplugininline_xmpp Inline plugin Xmpp
wikiplugininline_youtube Inline plugin YouTube
wikiplugininline_zotero Inline plugin Zotero Citation
wikiplugininline_zoterolist Inline plugin Zotero Reference List
wikipluginprefs_pending_notification Plugin pending approval notification
wizard_admin_hide_on_login Hide admin wizard on log-in when an admin user logs in
workspace_ui Workspace UI
workspace_root_category Workspace root category
wysiwyg_optional Full WYSIWYG editor is optional
wysiwyg_default Full WYSIWYG editor is displayed by default
wysiwyg_memo Reopen with the same editor
wysiwyg_wiki_parsed Support Tiki's "wiki syntax" in HTML pages
wysiwyg_htmltowiki Use Wiki syntax in WYSIWYG
wysiwyg_toolbar_skin Full WYSIWYG editor skin
wysiwyg_fonts Typefaces
wysiwyg_inline_editing Inline WYSIWYG editor
wysiwyg_extra_plugins Extra plugins
xmpp_feature XMPP client (ConverseJS)
xmpp_server_host XMPP server domain
xmpp_muc_component_domain XMPP MUC Domain
xmpp_server_http_bind XMPP http-bind URL
xmpp_auth_method Authentication method
xmpp_openfire_allow_anonymous Allow anonymous
xmpp_openfire_rest_api Openfire REST API endpoint
xmpp_openfire_rest_api_username Rest API username
xmpp_openfire_rest_api_password Rest API password
xmpp_conversejs_debug ConverseJS Debug Mode
xmpp_conversejs_init_json ConverseJS Extra Settings
xmpp_conversejs_always_load Always Load ConverseJS
zend_mail_amazon_ses_key Amazon SES Key
zend_mail_amazon_ses_secret Amazon SES Secret
zend_mail_amazon_ses_region Amazon SES Region
zend_mail_amazon_ses_version Amazon SES version
zend_mail_elastic_email_username Elastic Email Username
zend_mail_elastic_email_key Elastic Email Key
zend_mail_mailgun_domain Mailgun Domain
zend_mail_mailgun_key Mailgun Key
zend_mail_mailgun_api_endpoint Mailgun API Endpoint
zend_mail_mandrill_key Mandrill Key
zend_mail_postage_key Postage Key
zend_mail_postmark_key Postmark Key
zend_mail_send_grid_username SendGrid Username
zend_mail_send_grid_key SendGrid Key
zend_mail_spark_post_key SparkPost Key
zend_mail_smtp_server SMTP server
zend_mail_smtp_user Username
zend_mail_smtp_pass Password
zend_mail_smtp_port Port
zend_mail_smtp_security Security
zend_mail_handler Mail sender
zend_mail_smtp_auth Authentication
zend_mail_smtp_helo Local server name
zend_mail_queue Mail delivery
zend_http_sslverifypeer Verify HTTPS certificates of remote servers
zend_http_use_curl Use CURL for HTTP connections
zend_mail_redirect Catch-all email address
zotero_enabled Zotero bibliography
zotero_client_key Zotero client key
zotero_client_secret Zotero client secret
zotero_group_id Zotero group ID
zotero_style Zotero reference style


Information Version
Josue Zirimwabagabo 20
Josue Zirimwabagabo 19
Josue Zirimwabagabo 18
Gary Cunningham-Lee Removed line breaks that were making new table rows, etc. 16
Gary Cunningham-Lee Added more no-parse tags around pipe characters that aren't used to make table cells. 15
Gary Cunningham-Lee Put no-parse tags around pipe characters that shouldn't be parsed. 14
Gary Cunningham-Lee Put no-parse tags around pipe characters that shouldn't be parsed for table construction. 13
Marc Laporte 12
Marc Laporte 11
Marc Laporte 10
Marc Laporte 9
Marc Laporte 8
Marc Laporte 7
Marc Laporte 6
Marc Laporte How to do it 5
Marc Laporte Description as well 4
Marc Laporte An update 3
Loïc Yabili 2
Loïc Yabili 1