RND_/ = name beginning by RND_)(Optional) Can do for wiki only (optional). Rename will only reassign the categories for wiki pages.|category/1
category_i18n_sync|Synchronize multilingual categories|Make sure that the categories of the translations are synchronized when modified on any version.|category/1, i18n/1
category_i18n_synced|Synchronized categories|List of categories affected by the multilingual synchronization. Depending on the parent feature, this list will be used as a white list (the only categories allowed) or as a black list (all categories allowed except those specified).|category/1, i18n/1
category_sort_ascii|Sort categories case insensitively|Ignore case and accents when listing categories. Disable to use the "locale" sort settings.|category/1
category_autogeocode_within|Automatically geocode items with this category|Automatically geocode items based on category name when categorized in the sub-categories of this category ID|category/1
category_autogeocode_replace|Replace any existing geocode|When automatically geocoding items based on category name, replace existing geocode, if any|category/1
category_autogeocode_fudge|Use approximate geocode location|When automatically geocoding items based on category name, use randomly approximated location instead of precise location|category/1
category_morelikethis_mincommon_orless|List objects with most categories in common|No minimum is applied.|category/1
category_morelikethis_mincommon_max|Maximum number of "more like this" objects|The default maximum records setting for the site is used of this is set to 0.|category/1
category_custom_facets|Generate custom facets from categories|Comma-separated list of category IDs.|category/1, search/2
category_browse_count_objects|Show category object count|Show object count when browsing categories, complying with search and type filters|category/1, performance/8
categorypath_excluded|Exclude these category IDs|Category path won't appear for these category IDs.|category/1
categorypath_format|Category path format|Alter how the category path will be rendered.|category/1
change_language|Users can choose the language of their interface|Allow users to change the language of the menus and labels.|i18n/1
conditions_enabled|Terms and Conditions|Automatically present a terms of use page to be accepted by users accessing the site.|general/2
conditions_page_name|Terms of Use page name|Wiki page for Terms of Use content. The page may be translated using the multilingual feature.|general/2
conditions_minimum_age|Minimum age|When presenting the terms of use, request age.|general/2
connect_feature|Tiki connect|Connect your Tiki with the community by sending anonymised statistical data to tiki.org|features/1, connect/2
connect_send_info|Send site information|Additionally send keywords, location, etc. to tiki.org so you can connect with other Tiki sites near you.|connect/2
connect_site_title|Site title|Name of site to be listed on Tiki Connect|connect/2
connect_site_email|Email contact|Email to register|connect/2
connect_site_url|URL|URL to register|connect/2
connect_site_keywords|Key words|Key words or tags describing your site|connect/2
connect_site_location|Site location|Site location expressed as longitude, latitude, and zoom|connect/2
connect_send_anonymous_info|Send anonymous information|Send anonymous usage information.|connect/2
connect_frequency|Connection frequency|How often to send information|connect/2
connect_server|Tiki connect server URL|Where to send the information.|connect/2
contact_priority_onoff|Display contact priority|Display contact priority option|general/2
contact_user|Contact user|User to contact|general/2
cookie_name|Cookie name|Name of the cookie to remember the user's login|login/1
cookie_domain|Domain|The domain that the cookie is available to.|login/1
cookie_path|Path|The path on the server in which the cookie will be available on. Tiki will detect if it is installed in a subdirectory and will use that automatically.|login/1
cookie_consent_feature|Cookie Consent|Ask permission of the user before setting any cookies, and comply with the response.|login/1
cookie_consent_name|Cookie consent name|Name of the cookie to record the user's consent if the user agrees.|login/1
cookie_consent_expires|Cookie consent expiration|Expiration date of the cookie to record consent (in days).|login/1
cookie_consent_description|Cookie consent text|Description for the dialog.|login/1
cookie_consent_question|Cookie consent question|Specific question next to the checkbox for agreement. Leave empty to not display a checkbox.|login/1
cookie_consent_button|Cookie consent button|Label on the agreement button.|login/1
cookie_consent_alert|Cookie consent alert|Alert displayed when user tries to access or use a feature requiring cookies.|login/1
cookie_consent_mode|Cookie consent display mode|Appearance of consent dialog|login/1
cookie_consent_dom_id|Cookie consent dialog ID|DOM id for the dialog container div.|login/1
cookie_consent_disable|Cookie consent disabled|Do not give the option to refuse cookies but still inform the user about cookie usage.|login/1
cookie_consent_analytics|Cookie consent for analytics|Make it possible for users to opt in to essential cookies, such as "remember login", "timezone" etc without opting in to third party cookies such as those for Google Analytics and other external services.|login/1
cookie_refresh_rememberme|Refresh the remember-me cookie expiration|Each time a user is logged in with a cookie set in a previous session, the cookie expiration date is updated.|login/1
count_admin_pvs|Count admin pageviews|Include pageviews by Admin when reporting stats.|general/2, stats/1
dailyreports_enabled_for_new_users|Enable daily reports for new users|Determines if daily reports will be automatically enabled for new users.|user/4, features/1
default_mail_charset|Default character set for sending mail|Specify the character encoding used by Tiki when sending mail notifications.|i18n/1, general/1
default_group_transitions|Group transition sets default|Sets the group transitioned to as the user's default group.|community/1
desactive_login_autocomplete|Disable browser's autocomplete feature for username and password fields|Use to deactivate the autocomplete in the log-in box. The autocomplete features can be optionally set in the user’s browser to remember the form input and proposes the remember the password. If enabled, the user log-in name and password cannot be remembered. You should enable this feature for highly secure sites.|login/1
direct_pagination_max_ending_links|Maximum number of links after the first or before the last item
feature_search|Unified search index|Enables searching for content at the site using a Tiki-managed index.<br>It's recommended to set a cron job to periodically rebuild the search index.|features/1, search/1
feature_freetags|Tags|Enables tags to be set on pages and other items for freeform categorization.|features/1, freetags/1
feature_actionlog|Action log|Provides the ability to track the actions of users and produce reports on a per-user or per-category basis.|features/1
feature_contribution|Contribution|Enables users to specify the type of contribution they are making while editing items at the site. The contributions are then displayed color-coded in history and other reports.|features/1
feature_multilingual|Multilingual|Enables internationalization features and multilingual support at the site.|i18n/1
feature_faqs|FAQs|Frequently asked questions and answers|features/1, faqs/1
feature_surveys|Surveys|Create questionnaires with multiple-choice or open-ended questions|features/1, polls/2
feature_directory|Directory|User-submitted Web links|features/1, directory/1
feature_quizzes|Quizzes|Sets of questions that can be presented, with the sessions timed and the scores recorded.|features/1
feature_featuredLinks|Featured links|A simple menu system to display external web pages in a new browser tab or an iframe within the site, etc.|general/3
feature_copyright|Copyright|Use the Copyright Management System (or ©MS) to display the license of your content|features/1, copyright/1
feature_references|Wiki references|Permits using references and the reference library.|wiki/2
feature_library_references|Library references|Enforce library reference as master|wiki/2
feature_references_style|Reference style|Default style when using references|wiki/2
feature_references_popover|Display reference in a popover|Display the details of the reference in a popover|wiki/2
feature_shoutbox|Shoutbox|Quick comment (graffiti) box. Like a group chat, but not in real time.|features/1
feature_live_support|Live support system|One-on-one chatting with customer|features/1
feature_share|Share|Add a "Share" link in all pages to send it via email, Twitter, Facebook, message or forums|features/1, share/1
feature_html_pages|HTML pages|Static and dynamic HTML content|features/1
feature_contact|Contact us|A basic contact form a visitor can use to contact the site admin|general/2
feature_minichat|Minichat|Real-time group text chatting enabled through a module.|features/1
feature_comments_moderation|Comments moderation|Enables the admin or other authorized group member to validate comments before they are visible|security/2, comments/1
feature_comments_send_author_name|Add author name in From email header|Add the name of the comment author in the email header "From", making the email look like sent from "John Doe <noreply@example.com>"|comments/1
feature_comments_locking|Comments locking|Comments can be closed (no comments, or no new comments)|comments/1
feature_comments_post_as_anonymous|Allow logged-in users to post comments anonymously|This can be used to encourage honest feedback without self-censorship, such as in a forum for brainstorming or feedback for improvement.|comments/1
feature_wiki_description|Show the page description|Display the wiki page description between the page title and the page content.|wiki/1
feature_page_title|Display page name as page title|Display the page name at the top of each page as page title. If not enabled, the page content should contain an h1 heading to function as the page title, or the page description can be used as the title.|wiki/1
feature_wiki_pageid|Show the page ID|Each wiki page has a numeric ID and this can be displayed.|wiki/1
feature_wiki_icache|Individual wiki cache|Allow users to change the duration of the cache on a per-page basis.|performance/3
feature_jscalendar|Date picker for date selection|JavaScript popup date selector (uses jQuery UI DatePicker).|look/4, calendar/1
feature_htmlpurifier_output|Output should be HTML purified|This activates HTML Purifier on wiki content and other outputs, to filter out potential security problems like XSS code. Keep in mind that HTML Purifier is not HTML5 compatible and may rewrite HTML5 syntax, producing unwanted results.|security/1
feature_fullscreen|Full screen|Allow users to activate full-screen mode.|textarea/1
feature_shadowbox|Shadowbox / ColorBox|Display images in a modal popup window (also referred to as shadowbox, lightbox or colorbox).|look/4
feature_quick_object_perms|Quick permission assignment|Quickperms are an interface in addition to the normal edit-permissions page, for quick assignment of permissions for a page or other object.|security/1
feature_user_encryption|User encryption|Tiki user encryption enables a personal, secure storage of sensitive data, e.g. password. Only the user can see the data. No decryption passwords are stored.|security/1
feature_password_domains|Password domains|Securely store extra user passwords and other user specific data for other "domains", or just for yourself|security/1
feature_purifier|HTML purifier|HTML Purifier is a standards-compliant HTML filter library written in PHP and integrated in Tiki. HTML Purifier will not only remove all malicious code (better known as XSS) with a thoroughly audited, secure yet permissive whitelist, it will also ensure that your documents are standards-compliant. Keep in mind that HTML Purifier is not HTML5 compatible and may rewrite HTML5 syntax and produce unwanted results.|textarea/1, security/1
feature_ajax|Ajax|Allows for efficient retrieval and display of information from the server, thus improving the user experience. This feature is required for the interface for many features to work.|features/2, wysiwyg/1
feature_webmail|Webmail|Provides a webmail interface for site users' own IMAP or POP accounts.|user/4, features/1
feature_intertiki|Intertiki|Allows several Tiki sites (slaves) to get authentication from a master Tiki site|intertiki/1, login/1
feature_mailin|Mail-in|Create and publish wiki pages and articles via email|features/1
feature_print_indexed|Print indexed|Generate a printable version of the whole wiki or a subset of pages, filtered by category.|print/1
feature_sheet|Spreadsheet|Spreadsheets with calculations and charts|features/1
feature_slideshow|Slideshow (reveal.js)|Create simple presentations via Wiki Syntax.|features/1
feature_slideshow_pdfexport|Slideshow (reveal.js) PDF export|Wiki page based slideshow to pdf export|features/1, print/1
feature_wysiwyg|Full WYSIWYG editor|WYSIWYG is an acronym for "What You See Is What You Get". <a href="https://ckeditor.com">CKEditor</a> is used to provide a word-processor-like editing experience.|textarea/1, wiki/1, wysiwyg/1
feature_kaltura|Kaltura video management|Integration with the Kaltura video management platform|features/1, video/1
feature_friends|Friendship Network|Users can identify other users as their friends|community/2
feature_banning|Banning system|Deny access to specific users based on username, IP, and date/time range.|security/2, login/1
feature_banning_email|Ban usernames and emails|Banning rules use both email and username to match rules.|security/2, login/1
feature_stats|Stats|Record basic statistics about major Tiki features (number of wiki pages, size of file galleries, etc.)|features/1, general/2, stats/1
feature_action_calendar|Action calendar|Displays a calendar of system events, such as wiki page modifications, forum posts and article publications. Days with events show links to the action calendar page.|calendar/1
feature_referer_stats|Referrer stats|Record domain name of sites that send visitors to this Tiki.|general/2, stats/1
feature_redirect_on_error|Redirect on error|On an error, refresh to the homepage as specified on the Admin General page.|general/3
feature_comm|Communications (send/receive objects)|Send/receive wiki pages and articles between Tiki-powered sites|features/1
feature_user_watches_languages|User watches languages|Watch language-specific changes within a category.|features/1
feature_messages|User messages|Enables inter-user messages (for this to work for new users, the tiki_p_messages permission must be assigned to at least the Registered group)..|user/4, messages/1
feature_xmlrpc|Edit Blogs with XMLRPC API|Tiki implements the XML-RPC API of wBlogger. This API is used by several Windows applications that can be used to manage weblogs. Any application implementing the wBlogger XML-RPC API can be used to edit Tiki blogs.|features/3
feature_debug_console|Debugger console|A popup console with a list of all PHP and Smarty variables used to render the current webpage. It can be viewed by clicking 'Quick Administration->Smarty debug window' or by appending ?show_smarty_debug=1 or &show_smarty_debug=1 to the page URL. You may also execute SQL, watch vars and perform a number of other functions.|features/3, security/1
feature_tikitests|TikiTests|Permits recording and playback of functional tests|features/3
feature_version_checks|Check for updates automatically|Tiki will automatically check for new updates each time you access the Admin Home page, based on your Check frequency selection.|
feature_ticketlib|Require confirmation of an action if a possible CSRF is detected
feature_sefurl_title_article|Article title in SEFURL|The article title rather than article number can be displayed in the search engine friendly URL.|sefurl/1, articles/1
feature_sefurl_title_blog|Blog title in SEFURL|The blog title rather than blog number can be displayed in the search engine friendly URL.|blogs/1, sefurl/1
feature_sefurl_title_forumthread|Display forum thread or forum post title in the search engine friendly URL
feature_cms_emails|Specify notification emails when creating articles|Send a notification email when creating an article. Remember that notification emails for article topics can be redefined when the topic is edited after its creation.|articles/1
feature_cms_sharethis|ShareThis buttons|Enable sharing site content via ShareThis|articles/1
feature_categorypath|Category path|Show the category tree above the wiki page|category/1
feature_categoryobjects|Show category objects|Show, at the bottom of the wiki page, objects in the same category|category/1
feature_search_show_forbidden_cat|Ignore category viewing restrictions|Display items the user may not be entitled to view in search results.|category/1, performance/4, search/1, security/3
feature_listPages|List pages|Allow viewing the wiki page list|wiki/4
feature_lastChanges|Latest changes|Enable users (with permission) to see the sortable, searchable list of wiki pages (tiki-lastchanges.php) organized by last-updated date. Use the Configuration area to specify which items to display..|wiki/4
feature_listorphanPages|Orphan pages|Allow listing of "orphan pages" (pages not linked to from another page).|wiki/4
feature_search_fulltext|MySQL full-text search|Also known as 'Basic Search'. This search uses the MySQL full-text search feature. The indexation is continuously updated.|search/1
feature_referer_highlight|Referer search highlighting|When a user lands on a Tiki page from a search engine, Tiki highlights the search words they used. Its similar to using Tiki’s search facility.|search/1
feature_search_stats|Search statistics|Enables administrators to collect and view statistics on search activity.|search/1
feature_search_show_forbidden_obj|Ignore individual object permissions|Display items the user may not be entitled to view in search results.|performance/4, search/1, security/3
feature_search_show_object_filter|Object filter|Enables object type filters to be displayed above the search results to further reduce search results by object type.|search/2
feature_search_show_search_box|Search box|Shows a search box above the search results to do additional searches.|search/2
feature_search_show_visit_count|Visits|Include the number of visits in the search results.|search/2
feature_search_show_pertinence|Relevance|Display Tiki's estimate of the relevance of search matches in the search results.|search/2
feature_search_show_object_type|Object type|Shows object type filters above the search results to further reduce search results by object type.|search/2
feature_search_show_last_modification|Last-modified date|Show the last-modified date in search results.|search/2
feature_blog_rankings|Rankings|Users can see several charts or rankings about the page.|blogs/1
feature_blogposts_comments|Blog post Comments|Users with permission may post threaded comments. The comments will appear at the bottom of the page.|blogs/1, comments/1
feature_blog_sharethis|ShareThis buttons|Enable sharing site content via ShareThis|blogs/1
feature_file_galleries_rankings|Rankings|Users can view the “top” or “most” downloaded files.|fgal/1
feature_file_galleries_comments|File gallery comments|Users with permission may post threaded comments. The comments will appear at the bottom of the page.|fgal/1, comments/1
feature_file_galleries_batch|Batch uploading|Direct import of local files into a file gallery. This method can handle large files. The user can upload files via FTP to the target folder. It is highly recommended to use a file directory as the file gallery storage when using this feature.|fgal/1
feature_forum_rankings|Rankings|Users can see several charts or rankings about the page.|forums/1
feature_forum_allow_flat_forum_quotes|Allows quoting in flat forums|Allows users to reply.|forums/1
feature_forums_allow_thread_titles|First post of a thread can have an empty body
forums/1, search/1
feature_forum_local_tiki_search|Unified search for forums and file galleries
feature_endbody_code|Custom code just before the closing </body> tag|Enter lines here to be placed near the end of the HTML file.|look/5
feature_site_report|Webmaster report|Activate the feature to report a problematic page to the webmaster..|look/2
feature_site_report_email|Webmaster email|A specific email address can be set for receiving the webmaster reports.|look/2
feature_wiki_footnotes|Footnotes|Logged-in users can write personal footnotes when editing a page. The footnotes display immediately below the wiki page only to the user who edited it. This is a good way for users to make personal notes about pages..|wiki/1
feature_wiki_allowhtml|Allow HTML|Per-page option: HTML tags are used to create elements of the wiki page, instead of being displayed as code.|wiki/1
feature_wiki_history_full|Wiki full history|Record all versions, rather than only when page content or description changes or when an edit comment is given|wiki/2
feature_page_contribution|View page contributions by author|Visualize the contributions that different authors have made to a wiki page|wiki/2
feature_wiki_discuss|Discuss pages on forums|Enabling the option will add, on each wiki page, a Discuss button that links to a forum thread dedicated to discussion of the particular page.|wiki/2
feature_source|View source|Users (with permission) can see the wiki and/or HTML syntax of the page.|wiki/2
feature_wiki_ratings|Rating|Enables adding a poll from the polls feature to a wiki page. The poll is unique to the page, created from a “poll template” which is created in the Polls feature: set a poll’s ‘active’ drop-down to “template”.|wiki/2, rating/1
feature_backlinks|Backlinks|Present a list of pages that link to the current page.|wiki/2, semantic/1
feature_likePages|Similar pages|Display a list of pages named similarly to the current page.|wiki/2
feature_wiki_rankings|Rankings|Users can see several charts or rankings about the page.|wiki/2
feature_wiki_structure|Structures|Structures allow grouping any number of wiki pages in a hierarchy, with a common navigation bar and the option to print them all together as a single HTML document.|wiki/2
feature_wiki_structure_drilldownmenu|Structures drill down menu|Ajax-style menu in which the user moves through the page hierarchy by clicking to reveal the next level down|wiki/2
feature_wiki_open_as_structure|Open page as structure|Open a page within its structure (with structure navigation, etc.), even if no structure parameter is given in the URL|wiki/2
feature_wiki_make_structure|Make structure from page|Show a button below each wiki page to allow converting it from a simple wiki page into the root page of a new structure|wiki/2
feature_wiki_categorize_structure|Categorize structure pages together|Place new pages of a structure in the same category as the structure's root page|category/1, wiki/2
feature_wiki_no_inherit_perms_structure|Disable inherited direct object permissions|Normally pages will inherit object permissions from their parent page. However, object permissions override category permissions. So, if you are relying on category permissions in structures, you may want to consider this setting, in order to disable inheritance of direct object permissions when adding pages from a structure|wiki/2
feature_create_webhelp|Create webhelp from structure|If enabled, the Structure Admin page will include a new option for generating WebHelp (a self-contained, HTML “help” version of the wikii structure). Use this option to distribute wiki pages to offline users in a usable format.|wiki/2
feature_wiki_import_html|Import HTML|Enable import of HTML pages.|wiki/2
feature_wiki_use_date|Use date parameter|Allow wiki page version to be selected from a parameter "date" on the url.|wiki/2
feature_wiki_use_date_links|Report it in wiki links|Add the date parameter to wiki links.|wiki/2
feature_switch_ssl_mode|Users can switch between secured or standard mode at login
feature_autolinks|AutoLinks|Web (http://) and email addresses will automatically be converted to links.|textarea/1
feature_community_gender|Users can choose to show their gender|Display a user's gender if permitted by the user.|community/1
feature_community_mouseover|Allow showing user's information on mouseover|Show users' information on mouseover.|community/1
feature_community_mouseover_name|Real name|Show the user's real name|community/1
feature_webdav|WebDAV access to Tiki|Allow file gallery access with WebDAV|fgal/6
feature_fixed_width|Fixed width|Restrict the width of the site content area, in contrast to a liquid (full-width) layout.|look/2
feature_socialnetworks|Social networks|Integration with social applications and networks like Twitter and Facebook|features/1, socnets/1, socialnetworks/1
feature_group_transition|Group transition|Enables transitions for users between different groups. Transitions will create a user approval workflow.|community/1
feature_category_transition|Category transition|Enables transitions for objects between different categories. Transitions will create a document workflow.|category/1
feature_lang_nonswitchingpages_names|List of pages that redirect|List of names of pages that always redirect to the homepage when the language is switched|i18n/1
feature_wizard_user|User wizard|Wizard to help users set up their basic settings and account details|user/2
feature_userWizardDifferentUsersFieldIds|Present different input fields in the User Wizard than are in the Registration form|Ask a different set of fields for the User Details section in the User Wizard than the ones shown in the Registration form|login/1
feature_userWizardUsersFieldIds|Tracker fields presented in the User Wizard as User Details|User's information tracker fields presented in the User Wizard as User Details (separate field IDs with colons)|login/1
feature_typo_enable|Enable Typography Features|Features to replace normal characters with typographic equivalents|performance/8, textarea/1
feature_typo_quotes|Smart “curly” quotes|Convert "straight" quotes to “curly” ones, also convert ’ apostrophe and ‘single’ quotes|textarea/1
feature_typo_approximative_quotes|Convert approximative ASCII quotes|Convert plain-ASCII quote substitutes `` '' ,, << >> to their typographic equivalent “ ” „ « »|textarea/1
feature_typo_dashes_and_ellipses|Smart em-dash and ellipsis|Convert double hyphen — to em-dash — and three consecutive dots ... to typographic ellipsis character…|textarea/1
feature_typo_nobreak_spaces|Smart no-break space|Prevents line breaks from occuring at unfortunate places in the text by replacing regular space character with no-break spaces where appropriate: around some punctuation, when used as thousand separator, and between a unit abbreviation and the number preceding it.|textarea/1
feature_scheduler|Scheduler|Provides the ability to run tasks at a scheduled time.|features/1, general/1
feature_absolute_to_relative_links|Convert from absolute to relative link|Process wiki text and convert internal links from absolute to relative links|textarea/1
feature_system_suggestions|Tiki suggestions|Tiki suggestions displayed once per login session based on a list of rules|features/1
feature_templated_groups|Templated Groups|Templated Groups enables Organic Groups, although strictly speaking not all Templated Groups are Organic in the sense of being created by users since they can be completely admin managed.|features/1
feature_machine_learning|Machine learning|Define machine learning models, train them and run queries against them.|features/1
feature_tiki_manager|Tiki manager|Use local Tiki Manager to install, upgrade, clone and manage local or remote Tikies.|features/1
feature_url_suffix_cleaner|URL Suffix Cleaner|When the requested page does not exist, tests removing 1 or 2 of the last characters from the URL to see if it gets an existing page.|wiki/2, general/3
feature_realtime|Realtime Tiki|Use built-in websockets server within Tiki to enable realtime communication features of the app. See help page for more information on how to start the server.|general/2
federated_enabled|Federated search|Search through alternate site indices.|search/4
federated_elastic_url|Elasticsearch tribe node URL|URL of the tribe client node accessing multiple clusters.|search/4
feed_blog_title|Title|Title to be prepended to the blog title for all blogs. If this field is empty only the blog title will be used.|rss/2
fgal_podcast_dir|Podcast directory|File system directory for storing podcast files|fgal/1
fgal_allow_duplicates|Allow file duplicates|Allow the same file to be uploaded more than once.|fgal/1
fgal_display_zip_option|Display ZIP option in gallery|Users can upload a .zip (archive file). Tiki will automatically un-zip the archive and add each file to the gallery..|fgal/1
fgal_match_regex|Must match|A regular expression that must be matched to accept the file example A-Za-z* (filename can only have a-z letters)
For example, if you want to require that uploads must have a wordprocessing file extension, you could enter .*.(odt|sxw|doc|dot|rtf|wpt|frm|wpd|txt|ODT|SXW|DOC|DOT|RTF|WPT|FRM|WPD|TXT)|fgal/1
fgal_nmatch_regex|Cannot match|A regular expression that, if matched, causes the file to be rejected. For example, .gif rejects gif images. Note that the period must be escaped since a regular expression is being used. If you don’t know anything about regular expressions just leave the fields blank and all the files will be accepted.|fgal/1
fgal_quota|Quota for all files and archives|The total size of files uploaded to all the file galleries or to a specific file gallery can be limited. The quota for a file gallery applies to that file gallery and all the file galleries under it.
When the limit is reached, no more files can be uploaded. The user will see an explanatory error message. An email can be sent via the Mail notifications feature.)|fgal/1
fgal_quota_per_fgal|Quota for each file gallery|A different quota can be defined for each file gallery.|fgal/1
fgal_use_db|Storage|Specify if uploaded files should be stored in the database or file directory.|fgal/1
fgal_use_dir|Path to the directory to store file gallery files|Specify a directory on this server, for example: /var/www/ It's recommended that this directory not be web-accessible. PHP must be able to read/write to the directory.|fgal/1
fgal_preserve_filenames|Preserve filenames|Preserve original filename instead assigning a hash as name|fgal/1
fgal_search_in_content|Searchable file gallery content|Include the search form on the current gallery page just after "Find"|fgal/3
fgal_upload_from_source|Upload files from remote source|Enable copying files to file galleries from a URL that will be polled for new revisions.|fgal/1
fgal_source_refresh_frequency|Remote source refresh frequency limit|Minimum number of seconds to elapse between remote source checks to prevent flooding the server with requests.|fgal/1
fgal_source_show_refresh|Display controls to attempt a file refresh|Let users trigger a refresh attempt from the remote host.|fgal/1
fgal_tracker_existing_search|Allow searching for existing files in the tracker files field|Search files using the search index.|fgal/1, trackers/1
fgal_fix_mime_type|Set MIME type based on file suffix|Sets the MIME type of an image file according to the file suffix when it is incorrectly detected as application/octet-stream|fgal/1
fgal_clean_xml_always|Clean XML Always|Sanitize XML based files such as SVG for all users.|fgal/1
fgal_allow_svg|Allow SVG file upload|Because SVG files may contain malicious code and compromise system security, specifically grant permission to upload SVG files..|fgal/1
fgal_browse_name_max_length|Maximum name length|Length to which to truncate file names in browse view.|fgal/3
fgal_image_max_size_x|Maximum width of images|Default maximum width of images in galleries.|fgal/3
fgal_image_max_size_y|Maximum height of images|Default maximum height of images in galleries.|fgal/3
fgal_elfinder_feature|Use elFinder UI|Alternative file manager with drag and drop capability|fgal/6
fgal_elfinder_on_toolbar|Use elFinder on Toolbars|Use elFinder in the popup on toolbar FileGallery buttons|fgal/6
fgal_elfinder_debug|Enable elFinder debug mode|Shows errors and warnings in the elFinder window and adds debugging information to service calls.|fgal/6
fgal_pdfjs_feature|Use PDF.js|Uses PDF.js to display PDF files in web pages|fgal/6
fgal_list_backlinks|Backlinks|Present a list of pages that link to the current page.|fgal/3
fgal_list_backlinks_admin|Backlinks|Present a list of pages that link to the current page.|fgal/4
forum_thread_user_settings_keep|Keep settings for all forums during the user session
freetags_show_middle|Show tags in middle column|On pages that have content tagged, this option enables the display of the tags at the top of those pages. Tags can be set, among other places, in the properties tab when editing a wiki page..|freetags/1
freetags_preload_random_search|Preload random tag|A random tag will be selected on the tag search page (if no tag is pre-selected)..|freetags/1
freetags_browse_amount_tags_suggestion|Tag Suggestions|Number of tags to show in tag suggestions|freetags/1
freetags_normalized_valid_chars|Valid characters pattern|Click on the links below to set or clear a pattern to limit characters accepted in tags. |freetags/1
freetags_lowercase_only|Lowercase tags only|Convert uppercase characters in tags to lowercase, if this is a preferred style for making tags more user-friendly..|freetags/1
limitedGoGroupHome|Go to the group homepage only if logging in from the default homepage
modallgroups|Always display modules to all groups|Any setting for the Groups parameter will be ignored and the module will be displayed to all users.|module/1
modseparateanon|Hide anonymous-only modules from registered users|If an individual module is assigned to the Anonymous group, the module will be displayed only to anonymous visitors. Registered users will not see the module.|module/1
urlOnUsername|URL to go to when clicking on a username|URL to go to when clicking on a username. Default: tiki-user_information.php?userId=No value assigned <em>(Use No value assigned for login name and No value assigned for userId))</em>|user/3, general/3
forgotPass|Forgot password|Users can request a password reset. They will receive a link by email.|login/1
twoFactorAuth|Allow users to use 2FA|Allow users to enable Two-factor Authentication.|login/1
useGroupTheme|Group theme|Enable groups to each have their own visual theme.|look/1
sitetitle|Site title|The displayed title of the website.|look/2
sitesubtitle|Subtitle|A short phrase that, for example, describes the site.|look/2
allowRegister|Users can register|Allow site visitors to register, using the registration form. The log-in module will include a "Register" link. If this is not activated, new users will have to be added manually by the admin on the Admin-Users page.|login/1
validateEmail|Validate user's email server|Tiki will attempt to validate the user’s email address by examining the syntax of the email address. It must be a string of letters, or digits or _ or . or - follows by a @ follows by a string of letters, or digits or _ or . or -. Tiki will perform a DNS lookup and attempt to open a SMTP session to validate the email server.|login/1
validateRegistration|Require validation by Admin|The administrator will receive an email for each new user registration, and must validate the user before the user can log in.|login/1
useRegisterPasscode|Require passcode to register|Users must enter an alphanumeric code to register. The site administrator must inform users of this code. This is to restrict registration to invited users.|security/2, login/1
eponymousGroups|Create a new group for each user|Automatically create a group for each user in order to, for example, assign permissions on the individual-user level.|login/1
rememberme|Remember me|After logging in, users will automatically be logged in again when they leave and return to the site.|login/1
remembertime|Duration|The length of time before the user will need to log in again.|login/1
urlIndexBrowserTitle|Homepage Browser title|Customize Browser title for the custom homepage|general/3
gmap_key|Google Maps API Key|Needed for Street View or other advanced features|maps/1
home_file_gallery|Home file gallery (main file gallery)|Select the default file gallery|fgal/1, general/3
http_port|HTTP port|The port used to access this server; if not specified, port %0 will be used|login/1
http_skip_frameset|HTTP lookup: skip framesets|When performing an HTTP request to an external source, verify if the result is a frameset and use heuristic to provide the real content.|general/2
http_referer_registration_check|Registration referrer check|Use the HTTP referrer to check registration POST is sent from same host. (May not work on some setups.)|login/1
http_header_frame_options|HTTP header x-frame options|The x-frame-options HTTP response header can be used to indicate whether or not a browser should be allowed to render a page in a <frame>, <iframe> or <object>|security/1
http_header_content_type_options|HTTP header x-content-type-options|The x-content-type-options header is a marker used by the server to indicate that the MIME types advertised in the Content-Type headers should not be changed and be followed.|security/1
http_header_content_security_policy|HTTP header content-security-policy|The Content-Security-Policy header allows web site administrators to control resources the user agent is allowed to load for a given page.|security/1
http_header_content_security_policy_value|Header value|For example, to allow your Tiki to appear in an iframe on example.com set this value to <code>frame-ancestors https://example.com/</code>|security/1
http_header_strict_transport_security|HTTP header strict-transport-security|The Strict-Transport-Security header (often abbreviated as HSTS) is a security feature that lets a web site tell browsers that it should only be communicated with using HTTPS, instead of using HTTP.|security/1
https_external_links_for_users|HTTPS for user-specific links|When building notification emails, RSS feeds, the canonical URL or other externally available links, use HTTPS when the content applies to a specific user. HTTPS must be configured on the server.|sefurl/1, login/1
https_port|HTTPS port|the HTTPS port for this server.|login/1
https_login|Use HTTPS login|Increase security by allowing to transmit authentication credentials over SSL. Certificates must be configured on the server.|login/1
ids_enabled|Enable intrusion detection system|An intrusion detection system (IDS) is a device or software application that monitors a network or systems for malicious activity or policy violations.|security/4
ids_mode|Intrusion detection system mode|Define IDS operation mode, log only, or log and block with impact over a given threshold.|security/4
ids_threshold|Intrusion detection system threshold|Define IDS threshold, when configured in "Log and block requests" more.|security/4
jquery_fitvidjs|FitVids.js|jQuery plugin for fluid-width (responsive) embedded videos.|features/2
jquery_fitvidjs_additional_domains|FitVids.js additional domains|Youtube and Vimeo are supported by default. Also apply FitVids.js to videos from these domains.|features/2
jquery_timeago|jQuery Timeago|jQuery plugin for fuzzy timestamps.|features/2, general/4
jquery_smartmenus_enable|SmartMenus|Add "SmartMenus" to Bootstrap menus. See smartmenus.org for more.|features/2, general/3
jquery_smartmenus_collapsible_behavior|SmartMenus collapsible behavior|Parent items behavior in collapsible (mobile) view.|features/2
jquery_smartmenus_open_close_click|SmartMenus open/close on click|Use mouse clicks to open/close item/sub menus|features/2
jquery_ui_modals_draggable|Draggable Modals|Modal popups can be moved around.|look/4
jquery_ui_modals_resizable|Resizable Modals|Modal popups can be resized.|look/4
jquery_jqdoublescroll|jQuery Double Scroll|jQuery plugin which adds an extra horizontal scroll bar at the top.|features/2
kaltura_partnerId|Partner ID|Kaltura Partner ID|video/1
kaltura_secret|User secret|Kaltura partner-setting user secret.|video/1
kaltura_adminSecret|Admin secret|Kaltura partner-setting admin secret.|video/1
kaltura_kdpUIConf|Kaltura video player ID|Kaltura Dynamic Player (KDP) user interface configuration ID|video/1
kaltura_kdpEditUIConf|Kaltura video player ID (in entry edit mode)|Kaltura Dynamic Player (KDP) user interface configuration ID for use when editing. You can use a player which also has an option to select a frame as video thumbnail|video/1
kaltura_kcwUIConf|KCW UI configuration ID|Kaltura Configuration Wizard (KCW) user interface configuration ID|video/1
kaltura_kServiceUrl|Kaltura service URL|for example, https://www.kaltura.com/|video/1
kaltura_legacyremix|Show remixes from old versions of Kaltura|Show remixes from old versions of Kaltura (remixing is no longer supported)|video/1
keep_versions|Keep versions for|Do not delete versions younger than this number of days.|wiki/2
lang_use_db|Use database for translation|Use the database to store the translated strings and allow using interactive translation|i18n/1
lang_control_contribution|Manage contribution of translated strings|Offers to set whether each translated string should be contributed to the Tiki community or kept locally|i18n/1
lang_machine_translate_implementation|Machine translation implementation|Select between alternate impementations for machine translation. Depending on the implementation, different API keys may be required.|i18n/1
lang_machine_translate_wiki|Enable machine translation of wiki pages|Makes additional languages available to the list of languages on the page.|i18n/1
lang_google_api_key|Google Translate API Key|The key must be generated from the Google console. Choose to create a server key.|i18n/1
lang_bing_api_client_id|Bing Translate Client ID|The application must be registered.|i18n/1
lang_bing_api_client_secret|Bing Translate Client Secret|The application must be registered.|i18n/1
lang_available_translations_dropdown|Display available translations as dropdown|Instead of a simple icon to list available languages or translation options, show a more visible drop-down list.|i18n/1
language|Default language|The site language is used when no other language is specified by the user.|i18n/1
language_admin|Default admin language|The site language is used in admin section when no other language is specified by the user.|i18n/1
language_inclusion_threshold|Language inclusion threshold|When the number of languages is restricted on the site, and is below this number, all languages will be added to the preferred language list, even if unspecified by the user. However, priority will be given to the specified languages.|i18n/1
layout_fixed_width|Layout width|The width of the site's content area (Bootstrap container div), centered in the browser window.|look/2
layout_tabs_optional|Tabs optional|Users can choose not to have tabs. A <b>no tabs</b> button will be displayed.|look/6
layout_add_body_group_class|Add group CSS info|Either grp_Anonymous or grp_Registered and possibly grp_Admins as well|look/5
ldap_create_user_tiki|Create user if not registered in Tiki|If a user was externally authenticated, but not found in the Tiki user database, Tiki will create an entry in its user database.|login/3
ldap_create_user_ldap|Create user if not in LDAP|If a user was authenticated by Tiki’s user database, but not found on the LDAP server, Tiki will create an LDAP entry for this user.|login/3
ldap_skip_admin|Use Tiki authentication for Admin log-in|If this option is set, the user “admin” will be authenticated by only using Tiki’s user database and not via LDAP. This option has no effect on users other than “admin”.|login/3
login_autologin_redirectlogin_url|URL of autologin page on remote Tiki to redirect user to login|URL of autologin page on remote Tiki to redirect user to login, e.g. https://www.remotetiki.com/PageWithRedirectPlugin|login/2
login_text_explanation|Descriptive sentence to ask a user to log in|If the login module is called on the page and shown to users who are not logged in, this sentence may ask them to enter their credentials (supports wiki syntax)
login_cookies_auto_clean|Clean expired cookies|Automatically clean expired cookies from the database when anyone logs in.|login/1
long_date_format|Long date format|Specify how Tiki displays the date (longer version)|general/4
long_time_format|Long time format|Specify how Tiki displays the time (longer version)|general/4
lowercase_username|Force lowercase|Automatically convert all alphabetic characters in the username to lowercase letters. For example <b>JohnDoe</b> becomes <b>johndoe</b>.|login/1
mail_crlf|Email newline character(s)|End-of-line (EOL) character used in outgoing emails|general/1
mail_template_custom_text|Text string used to customise mail templates|Text string used to customise mail templates and added as a pref reference in the appropriate mail tpl files|textarea/1, general/1
mail_apply_css|Apply site styles to HTML emails|Add site CSS to all HTML formatted emails|general/1
menus_edit_icon|Edit menu icon|Adds an icon on the navbar to edit menu entries|general/3
messu_mailbox_size|Maximum mailbox size|Maximum number of messages allowed in the mailbox.|messages/1
messu_archive_size|Maximum mail archive size|Maximum number of archive messages allowed.|messages/1
messu_sent_size|Maximum sent box size|Maximum number of sent messages allowed in the mailbox.|messages/1
messu_truncate_internal_message|Truncate internal message notification|Number of characters to show in the message notification sent through email, with a link to read the full internal message.|messages/1
metatag_keywords|Keywords|A list of keywords (separated by commas) that describe this website.|metatags/1
metatag_freetags|Include tags|If the Tags feature is enabled, the tags for each page with tags set will be used as meta keywords. This allows individual pages at the site to have different meta tags.|metatags/1
metatag_threadtitle|Use thread title instead|Use the forum thread title in the meta title tag.|metatags/1
metatag_description|Description|A short description of the website. Some search engines display this information with the website's listing.|metatags/1
metatag_pagedesc|Page description|Use each page description as the title meta tag for that page.|metatags/1
metatag_author|Author|The author of this website. Typically this is the Admin or Webmaster.|metatags/1
metatag_geoposition|geo.position|The latitude and longitude of the physical location of the site. For example "38.898748, -77.037684".|metatags/2
metatag_georegion|geo.region|The ISO-3166 country and region codes for your location. For example, "US-NY".|metatags/2
metatag_geoplacename|geo.placename|A free-text description of your location.|metatags/2
metatag_robots|Meta robots|Specify how search engines robots should index your site. Will override page defaults. Valid values include: noindex, nofollow, none, all, noimageindex, noarchive, nocache, nosnippet, notranslate, unavailable_after and noyaca.|metatags/3
metatag_revisitafter|Revisit after|Specify how often (in days) Web robots should visit your site.|metatags/3
min_username_length|Minimum length|The least possible number of characters for a valid username.|login/1
min_pass_length|Minimum length|The least possible number of characters for a valid password.|login/1
mobile_feature|Mobile access|Allow automatic switching of the perspective according to the mobile_perspectives preference (behavior since Tiki 14).|features/2
oauthserver_encryption_key|Encryption key for OAuthServer|A key used to encrypt/decrypt authorization and refresh codes. This will be automatically generated if you leave it empty.|login/12
oauthserver_public_key|Public key for OAuthServer|The public/private key pair is used to sign and verify JWTs transmitted. If you have openssl installed, this will be automatically generated when needed.|login/12
oauthserver_private_key|Private key for OAuthServer|The public/private key pair is used to sign and verify JWTs transmitted. If you have openssl installed, this will be automatically generated when needed.|login/12
object_maintainers_enable|Object maintainers and freshness|Enable tiki objects to have maintainers, update frequency and freshness. Then, console.php objects:notify-maintainers can be used.|features/1
object_maintainers_default_update_frequency|Default update frequency|Default number of days for object update frequency.|features/1
ocr_enable|OCR Files|Extract and index text from supported file types.|fgal/5
ocr_every_file|OCR Every File|Attempt to OCR every supported file.|fgal/5
ocr_file_level|Allow file level OCR languages|Allow users to change the default languages that will be used to OCR a file.|fgal/5
ocr_limit_languages|OCR limit languages|Limit the number of languages one can select from this list.|fgal/5
ocr_tesseract_path|tesseract path|Path to the location of the binary. Defaults to the $PATH location.|fgal/5
ocr_pdfimages_path|pdfimages path|Path to the location of the binary. Defaults to the $PATH location.|fgal/5
openidconnect_auth_url|Provider URL authorization|Authorization URL from the OpenId provider.|login/13
openidconnect_access_token_url|Provider URL user access token url|URL from the OpenId provider to fetch the access_token|login/13
openidconnect_details_url|Provider URL resource owner details|URL from the OpenId provider that provides information on the granted user.|login/13
openidconnect_client_id|Client ID|OAuth 2.0 Client Identifier valid at the Authorization Server|login/13
openidconnect_client_secret|Client Secret|OAuth 2.0 Client Secret valid at the Authorization Server|login/13
openidconnect_jwks_url|JWKS URL|Read-only endpoint that contains the public keys information in the JWKS format|login/13
pam_create_user_tiki|Create user if not registered in Tiki|If a user was externally authenticated, but not found in the Tiki user database, Tiki will create an entry in its user database.|login/5
pam_skip_admin|Use Tiki authentication for Admin log-in|The user “admin” will be authenticated by <b>only</b> using Tiki’s user database. This option has no effect on users other than “admin”.|login/5
pass_chr_num|Require characters and numerals|For improved security, require users to include a mix of alphabetical characters and numerals in passwords.|login/1
pass_blacklist_file|Password file used|The automatically selected file is recommended unless you generate your own blacklist file.|login/11
pass_blacklist|Prevent common passwords|For improved security, prevent users from creating blacklisted passwords. Use default blacklist or create custom blacklists through Control Panel -> Log in -> Password Blacklist.|security/1, login/1
pass_due|Password expires after|The number of days after which a password will expire. Days are counted starting with the user’s first login. When the password expires, users will be required to select a new password when logging in.|login/1
pass_chr_case|Require alphabetical characters in lower and upper case|Password must contain at least one lowercase alphabetical character like "a" and one uppercase character like "A". Use this option to require users to select stronger passwords.|login/1
pass_chr_special|Require special characters|Password must contain at least one special character in lower case like <b>" / $ % ? & * ( ) _ + .</b> Use this option to require users to select stronger passwords.|login/1
pass_repetition|Require no consecutive repetition of the same character|Password must not contain a consecutive repetition of the same character such as "111" or "aab".|login/1
payment_cart_orders_tracker_name|Orders tracker name|Name of tracker that is the orders tracker|payment/2
payment_cart_orderitems_tracker_name|Order items tracker name|Name of tracker that is the order items tracker|payment/2
payment_cart_productclasses_tracker_name|Product classes tracker name|Name of tracker that is the product classes tracker|payment/2
payment_cart_heading|Payment heading|Heading displayed on payment form|payment/2
payment_israelpost_environment|Israel Post payment environment|Switch between test transactions and real transactions|payment/1
payment_israelpost_request_preauth|Israel Post use pre-authorization|Use the pre-authorization mechanism prior to processing the real transaction. Must match the account configuration at Israel Post.|payment/1
payment_israelpost_business_id|Israel Post business ID|Provided by Israel Post, usually the business name.|payment/1
payment_israelpost_api_password|Israel Post API password|Provided by Israel Post.|payment/1
payment_ilp_base_url|ILP server base url|Inter Ledger Protocol invoice server base url.|payment/1
payment_ilp_token|ILP bearer token|Bearer token of ILP invoice server.|payment/1
payment_ilp_ssl|Enforce SSL|Enforce SSL connecting to ILP server.|payment/1
payment_ilp_scale|ILP Asset scale|Scale of amount denoted in assetCode.|payment/1
permission_denied_url|Send to URL|URL to redirect to on "permission denied"|general/3
permission_denied_login_box|On permission denied, display login module|If an anonymous visitor attempts to access a page for which permission is not granted, Tiki will automatically display the Log-in module.
Alternatively, use the Send to URL field to display a specific page (relative to your Tiki installation) instead.|general/3, login/1
php_libxml|PHP libxml extension|This extension requires the libxml PHP extension.
This means that passing in --enable-libxml is also required, although this is
implicitly accomplished because libxml is enabled by default.|
php_datetime|PHP DateTime|DateTime class (and related functions) are enabled
by default since PHP 5.2.0.|
poll_comments_per_page|Number per page|Number of comments to show on poll pages|polls/1
poll_comments_default_ordering|Display order|The order in which order polls are displayed|polls/1
poll_list_categories|Show categories|For polls that are categorized, the category is displayed.|category/1, polls/1
poll_list_objects|Show objects|List wiki pages or other site objects that the poll is attached to.|polls/1
poll_multiple_per_object|Multiple polls per object|When used with the rating features, allow multiple polls to be attached to a single object.|polls/1
poll_surveys_textarea_hidetoolbar|Disable textarea toolbar|Don't display the toolbar on text inputs in surveys.|polls/2
poll_percent_decimals|Precision of survey results calculation|Number of decimal places in the percentage figures|polls/1
print_pdf_from_url|PDF from URL|Using external tools, generate PDF documents from URLs.|print/1
print_pdf_webservice_url|Webservice URL|URL to a service that takes a URL as the query string and returns a PDF document|print/1
print_pdf_webkit_path|WebKit path|Full path to the wkhtmltopdf executable to generate the PDF document with|print/1
print_pdf_weasyprint_path|WeasyPrint path|Full path to the weasyprint executable to generate the PDF document with|print/1
print_pdf_mpdf_printfriendly|Print Friendly PDF|Useful for dark themes, enabling this option will change the theme background color to white and the color of text to black. If not activated, theme colors will be retained in the pdf file.|print/1
print_pdf_mpdf_orientation|PDF Orientation|Landscape or portrait|print/1
print_pdf_mpdf_size|PDF page size|ISO Standard sizes: A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5 or North American paper sizes: Letter, Legal, Tabloid/Ledger (for ledger, select landscape orientation)|print/1
print_pdf_mpdf_toc|Table of contents|Generate auto table of contents with PDF|print/1
print_pdf_mpdf_toclinks|Link TOC with content|Link table of contents headings with content in the PDF|print/1
print_pdf_mpdf_tocheading|TOC heading|Heading to be displayed above the table of contents|print/1
print_pdf_mpdf_toclevels|PDF TOC levels|These will be automatically created from the content; the default will be heading 1, heading 2 and heading 3 - for example, H1|H2|H3.|print/1
print_pdf_mpdf_pagetitle|Show Page title|Print wiki page title with pdf|print/1
print_pdf_mpdf_header|PDF header text|Possible values, Plain text, HTML, Wiki syntax, {PAGENO},{PAGETITLE},{DATE j-m-Y}, Page {PAGENO} of {NB}, |print/1
print_pdf_mpdf_footer|PDF footer text|HTML, Wiki Syntax, plain text, {PAGENO}, {DATE j-m-Y}, Page {PAGENO} of {NB}.|print/1
print_pdf_mpdf_margin_left|Left margin|Numeric value.For example 10|print/1
print_pdf_mpdf_margin_right|Right margin|Numeric value, no need to add px. For example 10|print/1
print_pdf_mpdf_margin_top|Top margin|Numeric value, no need to add px. For example 10|print/1
print_pdf_mpdf_margin_bottom|Bottom margin|Numeric value, no need to add px. For example 10|print/1
print_pdf_mpdf_margin_header|Header margin from top of document|Only applicable if the header is set. Specify a numeric value, and there is no need to add "px". For example, 10.|print/1
print_pdf_mpdf_margin_footer|Footer margin from bottom of document|Only applicable if the footer is set. Specify a numeric value, and there is no need to add "px". For example, 10.|print/1
print_pdf_mpdf_password|PDF password for viewing|Password-protect the generated PDF.|print/1
print_pdf_mpdf_watermark|Watermark text|PDF watermark text, if any|print/1
print_pdf_mpdf_watermark_image|Watermark Image URL|The watermark image will appear under the text. Enter the complete image URL.|print/1
print_pdf_mpdf_background|PDF page background color|Enter a valid CSS color code.|print/1
print_pdf_mpdf_background_image|PDF page background image|Enter the full URL.|print/1
print_pdf_mpdf_coverpage_text_settings|CoverPage text settings|Heading|Subheading|Alignment|Background color|Text color|Page border|Border color. Enter settings separated by |. Leave blank to use default settings.|print/1
print_pdf_mpdf_coverpage_image_settings|Coverpage image URL|Enter the full URL.|print/1
print_pdf_mpdf_allow_unsafe_ssl_requests|Allow Unsafe SSL Requests|Allow curl unsafe ssl request|print/1
print_wiki_authors|Print wiki authors|Include wiki page authors and date in print versions of wiki pages.|print/1
print_pdf_modules|Print modules|Modules to show on when print a page|print/1
print_original_url_wiki|Print original wiki URL|Include original wiki page URL in print versions of wiki pages.|print/1
print_original_url_tracker|Print original tracker item URL|Include original wiki page URL in print versions of wiki pages.|print/1
print_original_url_forum|Print original forum post URL|Include original forum post URL in print version of forum posts.|print/1
profile_sources|Repository URLs|List of URLs for the profile repositories that will be used|profiles/3
profile_channels|Data channels|Data channels are templates that can be applied from a post request. They can be used to automate work on more complex installations.|profiles/3
profile_unapproved|Developer mode|For profiles under an approval workflow, always use the latest version, even if not approved.|profiles/3
profile_autoapprove_wikiplugins|Automatically approve wiki-plugins on pages installed by profiles|Some wiki-plugins require admin approval before they are executable. If turned on, then all wiki-plugins that are on wiki pages created via profiles are automatically approved.|textarea/2, profiles/3
proxy_host|Proxy host name|Proxy host - without http:// or similar, just the host name|general/2
proxy_port|Port|Proxy port|general/2
pwa_feature|Progressive Web Application Mode|Allow Tiki to be used offline and be installed in a mobile device.|features/1
pwa_cache_links|Links to cache in PWA Mode|List of links to be cached when PWA is enabled|features/1
quantify_changes|Quantify change size|In addition to tracking the changes, track the change size and display approximately how up-to-date the page is.|i18n/1
rating_advanced|Advanced Rating|In an advanced rating system, the options and calculation method can be configured.|rating/1
rating_recalculation|Rating recalculation mode|Determines when and how rating aggregates are recalculated. Depending on the site load, some options may be preferred to others. On large-volume sites, it should be done as a cron job. On vote recalculation, there may be inaccuracies if rating calculation is time-dependent.|rating/1
rating_recalculation_odd|Recalculation odds (1 in X)|Dice roll performed on every request. When successful, will recalculate a certain number of votes.|rating/1
rating_recalculation_count|Recalculation count|How many ratings should be recalculated when odds strike.|rating/1
rating_smileys|Smiley Ratings|Displays smiley faces or emojis in a simple ratings system with an easy-to-use interface. Works with 0-11 only, depending on the configuration.|rating/1
rating_results_detailed|Detailed rating results|Displays a table with the result count and percentage per rating option.|rating/1
rating_options_reversed|Reversed Rating Options|Displays the ratings options in reverse.|rating/1
rating_results_detailed_percent|Include percentages in the detailed rating results|Include percentages in the detailed rating results. Otherwise, only count numbers and bars are shown.|rating/1
rating_default_options|Default rating options|List of options available.|rating/1
rating_allow_multi_votes|Multiple votes per user|Allow users to vote multiple times in the same poll.|rating/1
realtime_port|Realtime port|The port used to access this server; if not specified, port 8080 will be used|general/2
recaptcha_enabled|Use reCAPTCHA|Use reCAPTCHA, a specialized captcha service, instead of default CAPTCHA|security/2, login/1
recaptcha_pubkey|Site key|reCAPTCHA public key obtained after registering.|security/2, login/1
recaptcha_privkey|Secret key|reCAPTCHA private key obtained after registering.|security/2, login/1
recaptcha_theme|reCAPTCHA theme|Choose a theme for the reCAPTCHA widget.|security/2, login/1
recaptcha_version|Version|reCAPTCHA version.|security/2, login/1
record_untranslated|Record untranslated strings|Keep track of the unsuccessful attemps to translate strings.|i18n/1
redis_enabled|Redis|Enable connection to Redis to store cache.|performance/6
redis_host|Redis Host|IP address or domain name for Redis server.|performance/6
redis_port|Redis Port|Port for Redis server.|performance/6
redis_timeout|Redis connection timeout|Seconds to wait before timeout when trying to connect to Redis. 0 means unlimited.|performance/6
redis_prefix|Redis Prefix|When the Redis cluster is used by multiple applications, using unique prefixes for each of them helps avoid conflicts. Leave blank for none.|performance/6
redis_expiry|Redis cache expiry|Duration for which the cache will be kept. 0 means unlimited.|performance/6
restrict_language|Restrict supported languages|Limit the languages made available on the site.|i18n/1
saml_advanced_authn_request_signed|Sign AuthnRequest|The samlp:AuthnRequest messages sent by this SP will be signed|login/7
saml_advanced_logout_request_signed|Sign LogoutRequest|The samlp:logoutRequest messages sent by this SP will be signed|login/7
saml_advanced_logout_response_signed|Sign LogoutResponse|The samlp:logoutResponse messages sent by this SP will be signed|login/7
saml_advanced_metadata_signed|Sign Metadata|The Metadata published by this SP will be signed|login/7
saml_advanced_want_message_signed|Reject Unsigned Messages|Reject unsigned samlp:Response, samlp:LogoutRequest and samlp:LogoutResponse received|login/7
saml_advanced_want_assertion_signed|Reject Unsigned Assertions|Reject unsigned saml:Assertion received|login/7
saml_advanced_want_assertion_encrypted|Reject Unencrypted Assertions|Reject unencrypted saml:Assertion received|login/7
saml_advanced_retrieve_parameters_from_server|Retrieve Parameters From Server|Sometimes when the app is behind a firewall or proxy, the query parameters can be modified an this affects the signature validation process on HTTP-Redirect binding. Active this when you noticed signature validation failures, the plugin will try to extract the original query parameters.|login/7
saml_advanced_sp_x509cert|Service Provider X.509 certificate|Public x509 certificate of the SP|login/7
saml_advanced_sp_privatekey|Service Provider Private Key|Private key of the SP|login/7
saml_advanced_sign_algorithm|Signature Algorithm|Algorithm that the toolkit will use on the signing process|login/7
scheduler_stalled_timeout|Scheduler stalled after (minutes)|Set a scheduler to stall if the running time is long. Set 0 to disable stall detection.|general/1
scheduler_notify_on_stalled|Notify on stalled schedulers|Send an email notification when a stalled scheduler is detected.|general/1
scheduler_users_to_notify_on_stalled|Users to notify on stalled task|List of users/emails separated by comma to be notified when a scheduler task is set to stalled.</br><code>Ex: admin,operations@example.com</code></br><strong>If empty, the email will be sent to all administrators.</strong>|general/1
scheduler_healing_timeout|Self healing after (minutes)|Self healing resets a stalled scheduler automatically after the timeout set. 0 disables self healing|general/1
scheduler_notify_on_healing|Notify on healed schedulers|Send an email notification when a stalled scheduler is healed.|general/1
scheduler_users_to_notify_on_healed|Users to notify on healed task|List of users/emails separated by comma to be notified when a scheduler task is set to healed.</br><code>Ex: admin,operations@example.com</code></br><strong>If empty, the email will be sent to all administrators.</strong>|general/1
scheduler_keep_logs|Number of logs to keep|0 will keep all logs|general/1
scheduler_delay|Delay scheduled time (minutes)|When calculating if the jobs should run, take the delay into consideration|general/1
scorm_enabled|SCORM support|Handle SCORM package files on upload. SCORM is a standard used in learning management systems.|fgal/6
scorm_tracker|SCORM Tracker|The ID number of the tracker used to store SCORM metadata|fgal/6
search_parsed_snippet|Parse search results|When enabled search results are parsed so content formatting is visible in the search results|performance/8, search/2
search_default_where|Default where|When object filter is not on, limit to search one type of object|search/2
search_default_interface_language|Restrict search language by default|Only search content that is in the interface language, otherwise show the language menu.|i18n/1, search/2
search_autocomplete|Autocomplete page names|Automatically complete page names as the user starts typing. For example the user types the start of the wiki page name “Sear” and Tiki returns “Search”, “Search General Settings”, etc|search/1
session_silent|Silent session|Do not automatically start sessions.|performance/9
session_cookie_name|Session cookie name|Session cookie name used instead of the PHP default configuration|general/2
session_protected|Protect all sessions with HTTPS|Always redirect to HTTPS to prevent a session hijack through network sniffing.|security/1, login/1
shib_affiliation|Valid affiliations|A list of affiliations which will allow users to log in to this wiki|login/6
shib_skip_admin|Use Tiki authentication for Admin log-in|The user “admin” will be authenticated by <b>only</b> using Tiki’s user database. This option has no effect on users other than “admin”.|login/6
shib_create_user_tiki|Create user if not registered in Tiki|If a user was externally authenticated, but not found in the Tiki user database, Tiki will create an entry in its user database.|login/6
shipping_service|Shipping service|Expose a JSON shipping rate estimation service. Accounts from providers may be required (FedEx, UPS, ...).|payment/4
shipping_fedex_enable|FedEx API|Enable shipping rate calculation through FedEx APIs|payment/4
shipping_fedex_key|FedEx key|Developer key|payment/4
site_layout | Site layout | Changes the template for the overall site layout | look/2
site_layout_admin | Admin layout | Specify which layout template to use for admin pages. | look/2
site_layout_per_object | Enable layout per page, etc. | Specify an alternate layout for a particular wiki page, etc. | look/2
site_piwik_analytics_server_url | Piwik server URL | The URL to the Piwik server of this site<br />In Piwik, the selected site (Site Id) must have view permission set for anonymous, or a token authentication parameter can be inserted in the Piwik server URL. | stats/3
site_piwik_site_id | Site Id | The ID of this website in Piwik | stats/3
site_piwik_code | Piwik JavaScript tracking code | Code to be placed on every page of this website just before the </body> tag | stats/3
site_piwik_group_option | Piwik Groups Option | Define option for Piwik groups | stats/3
site_piwik_groups | Piwik Available Groups | User groups for which piwik will be available | stats/3
site_short_lived_csrf_tokens | Use short lived CSRF tokens | CSRF tokens generated will be valid for one use only and will have a limited life span | security/1
site_security_timeout | Security timeout | Sets the expiration of CSRF tickets and related forms. The <code>session_lifetime</code>
preference is used for the default, if set, otherwise the <code>session.gc_maxlifetime</code> <code>php.ini</code> setting
is used, subject to a default maximum of four hours in any case. | security/1
sitead_publish | Publish | Make the banner visible to all site visitors. | ads/1
sitelogo_src | Logo source (image path) | This can be a conventional path to the image file, or the syntax for an image in a Tiki gallery. | look/2
sitelogo_title | Logo title (on mouseover) | This appears as tool tip text. The site logo is also a link to the site index (top page). | look/2
sitelogo_alt | HTML "alt" tag description | Normally a description of the image, such as "Example.com logo" | look/2
sitelogo_icon | Admin navbar icon | Icon (logo) that displays in the admin pages navbar. (Set the overall site logo using the logo module on tiki-admin_modules.php). | look/1
sitelogo_upload_icon | Site logo upload icon | Display an icon for admins to be able to change or upload the site logo. | look/2
sitemap_enable | Sitemap protocol | Allows generating site maps based on the Sitemap protocol, in the form of XML documents. Mostly used to facilitate indexation of a site by web search engines. | general/3
smarty_notice_reporting | Include Smarty notices in the PHP error report | Tiki will display <a href="https://www.smarty.net">Smarty</a> notices with the PHP error messages. | features/3, general/1
smarty_security | Smarty security | Do not allow PHP code in Smarty templates. | features/3, security/1
smarty_security_modifiers | Extra Smarty modifiers | Make additional PHP functions available as Smarty modifiers. This may be needed for custom templates. | security/1
smarty_security_functions | Extra Smarty functions | Make additional PHP functions available as Smarty functions. This may be needed for custom templates. | security/1
smarty_security_dirs | Extra Smarty directories | Make additional directories available as Smarty directories. This may be needed for custom icons (clear temp/cache after changing). | security/1
smarty_compilation | Smarty compilation | Indicates when the template cache should be refreshed. | look/6, features/3, performance/1
smarty_cache_perms | Smarty cache permissions | Permissions that enable Smarty to write to the templates_c directory. | look/6
social_network_type | Social network type | Select how the friendship relations within the social network should be treated. | community/2
socialnetworks_twitter_consumer_key | Consumer key | Consumer key generated by registering this Tiki site as an application at Twitter | socialnetworks/5
socialnetworks_twitter_consumer_secret | Consumer secret | Consumer secret generated by registering this Tiki site as an application at Twitter. | socialnetworks/5
socialnetworks_twitter_site_name | Twitter site name | The default website name that will be used by Twitter (twitter:site) for every web page. This parameter will be used instead of the browser title. | metatags/1, socialnetworks/5
socialnetworks_twitter_site_image | Twitter site image | The default image (logo, picture, etc) that will be used by Twitter (twitter:image) for every web page. The image must be specified as a URL. | metatags/1, socialnetworks/5
socialnetworks_facebook_application_secr | Application secret | Application secret generated by registering this Tiki site as an application at Facebook | socialnetworks/5
socialnetworks_facebook_application_id | Application ID | Application ID generated by registering this Tiki site as an application at Facebook | socialnetworks/5
socialnetworks_facebook_site_name | Facebook site name | The default website name that will be used by Facebook (og:site_name) for every webpage. This parameter will be used instead of the browser title. | metatags/1, socialnetworks/5
socialnetworks_facebook_site_image | Facebook site image | The default image (logo, picture, etc.) that will be used by Facebook (og:image) for every webpage. It must be specified as a URL. The minimum valid image size is 200x200px. However, Facebook recommends 1200x630px or larger for the best display on high resolution devices. | metatags/1, socialnetworks/5
socialnetworks_facebook_login | Login using Facebook | Allow users to log in using Facebook | socialnetworks/5
socialnetworks_facebook_autocreateuser | Auto-create Tiki user | Automatically create a Tiki user by the username of fb_xxxxxxxx for users logging in using Facebook if they do not yet have a Tiki account. If not, they will be asked to link or register a Tiki account | socialnetworks/5
socialnetworks_facebook_firstloginpopup | Require Facebook users to enter local account info on creation | Require Facebook users to enter local account info, specifically email and local log-in name | socialnetworks/5
socialnetworks_facebook_publish_stream | Tiki can post to the Facebook wall | Tiki may post status messages, notes, photos, and videos to the Facebook Wall. | socialnetworks/5
socialnetworks_facebook_manage_events | Tiki can manage events | Tiki may create and RSVP to Facebook events. | socialnetworks/5
socialnetworks_facebook_manage_pages | Tiki can manage pages | Tiki can manage user pages. | socialnetworks/5
socialnetworks_facebook_sms | Tiki can SMS | Tiki can use SMS functions via Facebook. | socialnetworks/5
socialnetworks_facebook_email | Set user email from Facebook on creation. | Tiki will set the user's email from Facebook on creation. | socialnetworks/5
socialnetworks_facebook_create_user_trackeritem | Create a user tracker item on registration | Sets whether a tracker item should be created for the user upon registration | socialnetworks/5
socialnetworks_facebook_names | First and last name tracker field IDs to set on creation | Comma-separated, with first name field followed by last name field; for example, '2,3' | socialnetworks/5
socialnetworks_bitly_login | bit.ly login | Site-wide log-in name (username) for bit.ly | socialnetworks/3
socialnetworks_bitly_key | bit.ly key | Site-wide API key for bit.ly | socialnetworks/3
socialnetworks_bitly_sitewide | Use site-wide account | When set to "yes", only the site-wide account will be used for all users. | socialnetworks/3
socialnetworks_linkedin_client_id | Client ID | Client ID generated by registering this site as an application at LinkedIn | socialnetworks/5
socialnetworks_linkedin_client_secr | Client secret | Client Secret generated by registering this site as an application at LinkedIn | socialnetworks/5
socialnetworks_linkedin_login | Log in using LinkedIn | Allow users to log in using LinkedIn. | socialnetworks/5
socialnetworks_linkedin_autocreateuser | Auto-create Tiki user from LinkedIn | Automatically create a Tiki user by the username of li_xxxxxxxx for users logging in using LinkedIn if they do not yet have a Tiki account. If not, they will be asked to link or register a Tiki account | socialnetworks/5
socialnetworks_linkedin_email | Set user email from LinkedIn on creation. | Tiki will set the user's email from LinkedIn on creation. | socialnetworks/5
socialnetworks_linkedin_create_user_trackeritem | Create a user tracker item on registration | Sets whether a tracker item should be created for the user upon registration | socialnetworks/5
socialnetworks_linkedin_names | First and last name tracker field IDs to set on creation | Comma-separated, with first name field followed by last name field; for example, '2,3' | socialnetworks/5
socnets_socnetsAll | Enabled settings socnets: | Hybridauth enabled settings socnets |
socnets_enabledProviders | Enabled settings socnets: | Hybridauth enabled settings socnets |
socnets_enabledProvidersNames | Enabled socnets Names- DO NOT USE in FORMS: | Hybridauth enabled socnets Names |
socnets_socLoginBaseUrl | socnets Login Base Url: | this is for programmers - just add socnet Name for new socnet |
socnets_AOLOpenID_socnetEnabled | AOLOpenID socnet settings enabled? | AOLOpenID socnet settings enabled by your website admins? |
socnets_AOLOpenID_loginEnabled | AOLOpenID login allowed? | Let AOLOpenID socnet to login users into your website |
socnets_AOLOpenID_app_id | AOLOpenID Application ID | AOLOpenID Application ID generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_AOLOpenID_app_secret | AOLOpenID Application secret | AOLOpenID Application secret generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_AOLOpenID_app_api | AOLOpenID API (or Graph) version - NOT YET | AOLOpenID socnets API (or Graph) version. Hybridauth default will be used until implemented |
socnets_AOLOpenID_app_site_name | AOLOpenID site name | AOLOpenID The default website name that will be used by socnet for every web page. This parameter will be used instead of the browser title. |
socnets_AOLOpenID_app_site_image | AOLOpenID site image | AOLOpenID The default image (logo, picture, etc) that will be used by socnet for every web page. The image must be specified as a URL or/and uploaded to socnet site. |
socnets_AOLOpenID_autocreateuser | AOLOpenID auto-create user? | Let AOLOpenID automatically create a Tiki user by the username of fb_xxxxxxxx for eg users logging in using Facebook if they do not yet have a Tiki account. If not, they will be asked to link or register a Tiki account |
socnets_AOLOpenID_autocreate_prefix | AOLOpenID user prefix to auto-create | What AOLOpenID Tiki user prefix auto-creates. Eg xx_nnnnnnn etc. Press reset if there is none! |
socnets_AOLOpenID_autocreate_email | AOLOpenID auto-create user email? | Let AOLOpenID automatically set a Tiki user email from socnet account. |
socnets_AOLOpenID_autocreate_user_trackeritem | AOLOpenID auto-create user tracker item? | Let AOLOpenID automatically set a Tiki user tracker item from socnet account. |
socnets_AOLOpenID_autocreate_names | AOLOpenID auto-create user name(s)? | Let AOLOpenID automatically set a Tiki user name/name from socnet account. |
socnets_Amazon_socnetEnabled | Amazon socnet settings enabled? | Amazon socnet settings enabled by your website admins? |
socnets_Amazon_loginEnabled | Amazon login allowed? | Let Amazon socnet to login users into your website |
socnets_Amazon_app_id | Amazon Application ID | Amazon Application ID generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_Amazon_app_secret | Amazon Application secret | Amazon Application secret generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_Amazon_app_api | Amazon API (or Graph) version - NOT YET | Amazon socnets API (or Graph) version. Hybridauth default will be used until implemented |
socnets_Amazon_app_site_name | Amazon site name | Amazon The default website name that will be used by socnet for every web page. This parameter will be used instead of the browser title. |
socnets_Amazon_app_site_image | Amazon site image | Amazon The default image (logo, picture, etc) that will be used by socnet for every web page. The image must be specified as a URL or/and uploaded to socnet site. |
socnets_Amazon_autocreateuser | Amazon auto-create user? | Let Amazon automatically create a Tiki user by the username of fb_xxxxxxxx for eg users logging in using Facebook if they do not yet have a Tiki account. If not, they will be asked to link or register a Tiki account |
socnets_Amazon_autocreate_prefix | Amazon user prefix to auto-create | What Amazon Tiki user prefix auto-creates. Eg xx_nnnnnnn etc. Press reset if there is none! |
socnets_Amazon_autocreate_email | Amazon auto-create user email? | Let Amazon automatically set a Tiki user email from socnet account. |
socnets_Amazon_autocreate_user_trackeritem | Amazon auto-create user tracker item? | Let Amazon automatically set a Tiki user tracker item from socnet account. |
socnets_Amazon_autocreate_names | Amazon auto-create user name(s)? | Let Amazon automatically set a Tiki user name/name from socnet account. |
socnets_Apple_socnetEnabled | Apple socnet settings enabled? | Apple socnet settings enabled by your website admins? |
socnets_Apple_loginEnabled | Apple login allowed? | Let Apple socnet to login users into your website |
socnets_Apple_app_id | Apple Application ID | Apple Application ID generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_Apple_app_secret | Apple Application secret | Apple Application secret generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_Apple_app_api | Apple API (or Graph) version - NOT YET | Apple socnets API (or Graph) version. Hybridauth default will be used until implemented |
socnets_Apple_app_site_name | Apple site name | Apple The default website name that will be used by socnet for every web page. This parameter will be used instead of the browser title. |
socnets_Apple_app_site_image | Apple site image | Apple The default image (logo, picture, etc) that will be used by socnet for every web page. The image must be specified as a URL or/and uploaded to socnet site. |
socnets_Apple_autocreateuser | Apple auto-create user? | Let Apple automatically create a Tiki user by the username of fb_xxxxxxxx for eg users logging in using Facebook if they do not yet have a Tiki account. If not, they will be asked to link or register a Tiki account |
socnets_Apple_autocreate_prefix | Apple user prefix to auto-create | What Apple Tiki user prefix auto-creates. Eg xx_nnnnnnn etc. Press reset if there is none! |
socnets_Apple_autocreate_email | Apple auto-create user email? | Let Apple automatically set a Tiki user email from socnet account. |
socnets_Apple_autocreate_user_trackeritem | Apple auto-create user tracker item? | Let Apple automatically set a Tiki user tracker item from socnet account. |
socnets_Apple_autocreate_names | Apple auto-create user name(s)? | Let Apple automatically set a Tiki user name/name from socnet account. |
socnets_Authentiq_socnetEnabled | Authentiq socnet settings enabled? | Authentiq socnet settings enabled by your website admins? |
socnets_Authentiq_loginEnabled | Authentiq login allowed? | Let Authentiq socnet to login users into your website |
socnets_Authentiq_app_id | Authentiq Application ID | Authentiq Application ID generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_Authentiq_app_secret | Authentiq Application secret | Authentiq Application secret generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_Authentiq_app_api | Authentiq API (or Graph) version - NOT YET | Authentiq socnets API (or Graph) version. Hybridauth default will be used until implemented |
socnets_Authentiq_app_site_name | Authentiq site name | Authentiq The default website name that will be used by socnet for every web page. This parameter will be used instead of the browser title. |
socnets_Authentiq_app_site_image | Authentiq site image | Authentiq The default image (logo, picture, etc) that will be used by socnet for every web page. The image must be specified as a URL or/and uploaded to socnet site. |
socnets_Authentiq_autocreateuser | Authentiq auto-create user? | Let Authentiq automatically create a Tiki user by the username of fb_xxxxxxxx for eg users logging in using Facebook if they do not yet have a Tiki account. If not, they will be asked to link or register a Tiki account |
socnets_Authentiq_autocreate_prefix | Authentiq user prefix to auto-create | What Authentiq Tiki user prefix auto-creates. Eg xx_nnnnnnn etc. Press reset if there is none! |
socnets_Authentiq_autocreate_email | Authentiq auto-create user email? | Let Authentiq automatically set a Tiki user email from socnet account. |
socnets_Authentiq_autocreate_user_trackeritem | Authentiq auto-create user tracker item? | Let Authentiq automatically set a Tiki user tracker item from socnet account. |
socnets_Authentiq_autocreate_names | Authentiq auto-create user name(s)? | Let Authentiq automatically set a Tiki user name/name from socnet account. |
socnets_AutoDesk_socnetEnabled | AutoDesk socnet settings enabled? | AutoDesk socnet settings enabled by your website admins? |
socnets_AutoDesk_loginEnabled | AutoDesk login allowed? | Let AutoDesk socnet to login users into your website |
socnets_AutoDesk_app_id | AutoDesk Application ID | AutoDesk Application ID generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_AutoDesk_app_secret | AutoDesk Application secret | AutoDesk Application secret generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_AutoDesk_app_api | AutoDesk API (or Graph) version - NOT YET | AutoDesk socnets API (or Graph) version. Hybridauth default will be used until implemented |
socnets_AutoDesk_app_site_name | AutoDesk site name | AutoDesk The default website name that will be used by socnet for every web page. This parameter will be used instead of the browser title. |
socnets_AutoDesk_app_site_image | AutoDesk site image | AutoDesk The default image (logo, picture, etc) that will be used by socnet for every web page. The image must be specified as a URL or/and uploaded to socnet site. |
socnets_AutoDesk_autocreateuser | AutoDesk auto-create user? | Let AutoDesk automatically create a Tiki user by the username of fb_xxxxxxxx for eg users logging in using Facebook if they do not yet have a Tiki account. If not, they will be asked to link or register a Tiki account |
socnets_AutoDesk_autocreate_prefix | AutoDesk user prefix to auto-create | What AutoDesk Tiki user prefix auto-creates. Eg xx_nnnnnnn etc. Press reset if there is none! |
socnets_AutoDesk_autocreate_email | AutoDesk auto-create user email? | Let AutoDesk automatically set a Tiki user email from socnet account. |
socnets_AutoDesk_autocreate_user_trackeritem | AutoDesk auto-create user tracker item? | Let AutoDesk automatically set a Tiki user tracker item from socnet account. |
socnets_AutoDesk_autocreate_names | AutoDesk auto-create user name(s)? | Let AutoDesk automatically set a Tiki user name/name from socnet account. |
socnets_BitBucket_socnetEnabled | BitBucket socnet settings enabled? | BitBucket socnet settings enabled by your website admins? |
socnets_BitBucket_loginEnabled | BitBucket login allowed? | Let BitBucket socnet to login users into your website |
socnets_BitBucket_app_id | BitBucket Application ID | BitBucket Application ID generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_BitBucket_app_secret | BitBucket Application secret | BitBucket Application secret generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_BitBucket_app_api | BitBucket API (or Graph) version - NOT YET | BitBucket socnets API (or Graph) version. Hybridauth default will be used until implemented |
socnets_BitBucket_app_site_name | BitBucket site name | BitBucket The default website name that will be used by socnet for every web page. This parameter will be used instead of the browser title. |
socnets_BitBucket_app_site_image | BitBucket site image | BitBucket The default image (logo, picture, etc) that will be used by socnet for every web page. The image must be specified as a URL or/and uploaded to socnet site. |
socnets_BitBucket_autocreateuser | BitBucket auto-create user? | Let BitBucket automatically create a Tiki user by the username of fb_xxxxxxxx for eg users logging in using Facebook if they do not yet have a Tiki account. If not, they will be asked to link or register a Tiki account |
socnets_BitBucket_autocreate_prefix | BitBucket user prefix to auto-create | What BitBucket Tiki user prefix auto-creates. Eg xx_nnnnnnn etc. Press reset if there is none! |
socnets_BitBucket_autocreate_email | BitBucket auto-create user email? | Let BitBucket automatically set a Tiki user email from socnet account. |
socnets_BitBucket_autocreate_user_trackeritem | BitBucket auto-create user tracker item? | Let BitBucket automatically set a Tiki user tracker item from socnet account. |
socnets_BitBucket_autocreate_names | BitBucket auto-create user name(s)? | Let BitBucket automatically set a Tiki user name/name from socnet account. |
socnets_Blizzard_socnetEnabled | Blizzard socnet settings enabled? | Blizzard socnet settings enabled by your website admins? |
socnets_Blizzard_loginEnabled | Blizzard login allowed? | Let Blizzard socnet to login users into your website |
socnets_Blizzard_app_id | Blizzard Application ID | Blizzard Application ID generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_Blizzard_app_secret | Blizzard Application secret | Blizzard Application secret generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_Blizzard_app_api | Blizzard API (or Graph) version - NOT YET | Blizzard socnets API (or Graph) version. Hybridauth default will be used until implemented |
socnets_Blizzard_app_site_name | Blizzard site name | Blizzard The default website name that will be used by socnet for every web page. This parameter will be used instead of the browser title. |
socnets_Blizzard_app_site_image | Blizzard site image | Blizzard The default image (logo, picture, etc) that will be used by socnet for every web page. The image must be specified as a URL or/and uploaded to socnet site. |
socnets_Blizzard_autocreateuser | Blizzard auto-create user? | Let Blizzard automatically create a Tiki user by the username of fb_xxxxxxxx for eg users logging in using Facebook if they do not yet have a Tiki account. If not, they will be asked to link or register a Tiki account |
socnets_Blizzard_autocreate_prefix | Blizzard user prefix to auto-create | What Blizzard Tiki user prefix auto-creates. Eg xx_nnnnnnn etc. Press reset if there is none! |
socnets_Blizzard_autocreate_email | Blizzard auto-create user email? | Let Blizzard automatically set a Tiki user email from socnet account. |
socnets_Blizzard_autocreate_user_trackeritem | Blizzard auto-create user tracker item? | Let Blizzard automatically set a Tiki user tracker item from socnet account. |
socnets_Blizzard_autocreate_names | Blizzard auto-create user name(s)? | Let Blizzard automatically set a Tiki user name/name from socnet account. |
socnets_BlizzardAPAC_socnetEnabled | BlizzardAPAC socnet settings enabled? | BlizzardAPAC socnet settings enabled by your website admins? |
socnets_BlizzardAPAC_loginEnabled | BlizzardAPAC login allowed? | Let BlizzardAPAC socnet to login users into your website |
socnets_BlizzardAPAC_app_id | BlizzardAPAC Application ID | BlizzardAPAC Application ID generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_BlizzardAPAC_app_secret | BlizzardAPAC Application secret | BlizzardAPAC Application secret generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_BlizzardAPAC_app_api | BlizzardAPAC API (or Graph) version - NOT YET | BlizzardAPAC socnets API (or Graph) version. Hybridauth default will be used until implemented |
socnets_BlizzardAPAC_app_site_name | BlizzardAPAC site name | BlizzardAPAC The default website name that will be used by socnet for every web page. This parameter will be used instead of the browser title. |
socnets_BlizzardAPAC_app_site_image | BlizzardAPAC site image | BlizzardAPAC The default image (logo, picture, etc) that will be used by socnet for every web page. The image must be specified as a URL or/and uploaded to socnet site. |
socnets_BlizzardAPAC_autocreateuser | BlizzardAPAC auto-create user? | Let BlizzardAPAC automatically create a Tiki user by the username of fb_xxxxxxxx for eg users logging in using Facebook if they do not yet have a Tiki account. If not, they will be asked to link or register a Tiki account |
socnets_BlizzardAPAC_autocreate_prefix | BlizzardAPAC user prefix to auto-create | What BlizzardAPAC Tiki user prefix auto-creates. Eg xx_nnnnnnn etc. Press reset if there is none! |
socnets_BlizzardAPAC_autocreate_email | BlizzardAPAC auto-create user email? | Let BlizzardAPAC automatically set a Tiki user email from socnet account. |
socnets_BlizzardAPAC_autocreate_user_trackeritem | BlizzardAPAC auto-create user tracker item? | Let BlizzardAPAC automatically set a Tiki user tracker item from socnet account. |
socnets_BlizzardAPAC_autocreate_names | BlizzardAPAC auto-create user name(s)? | Let BlizzardAPAC automatically set a Tiki user name/name from socnet account. |
socnets_BlizzardEU_socnetEnabled | BlizzardEU socnet settings enabled? | BlizzardEU socnet settings enabled by your website admins? |
socnets_BlizzardEU_loginEnabled | BlizzardEU login allowed? | Let BlizzardEU socnet to login users into your website |
socnets_BlizzardEU_app_id | BlizzardEU Application ID | BlizzardEU Application ID generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_BlizzardEU_app_secret | BlizzardEU Application secret | BlizzardEU Application secret generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_BlizzardEU_app_api | BlizzardEU API (or Graph) version - NOT YET | BlizzardEU socnets API (or Graph) version. Hybridauth default will be used until implemented |
socnets_BlizzardEU_app_site_name | BlizzardEU site name | BlizzardEU The default website name that will be used by socnet for every web page. This parameter will be used instead of the browser title. |
socnets_BlizzardEU_app_site_image | BlizzardEU site image | BlizzardEU The default image (logo, picture, etc) that will be used by socnet for every web page. The image must be specified as a URL or/and uploaded to socnet site. |
socnets_BlizzardEU_autocreateuser | BlizzardEU auto-create user? | Let BlizzardEU automatically create a Tiki user by the username of fb_xxxxxxxx for eg users logging in using Facebook if they do not yet have a Tiki account. If not, they will be asked to link or register a Tiki account |
socnets_BlizzardEU_autocreate_prefix | BlizzardEU user prefix to auto-create | What BlizzardEU Tiki user prefix auto-creates. Eg xx_nnnnnnn etc. Press reset if there is none! |
socnets_BlizzardEU_autocreate_email | BlizzardEU auto-create user email? | Let BlizzardEU automatically set a Tiki user email from socnet account. |
socnets_BlizzardEU_autocreate_user_trackeritem | BlizzardEU auto-create user tracker item? | Let BlizzardEU automatically set a Tiki user tracker item from socnet account. |
socnets_BlizzardEU_autocreate_names | BlizzardEU auto-create user name(s)? | Let BlizzardEU automatically set a Tiki user name/name from socnet account. |
socnets_DeviantArt_socnetEnabled | DeviantArt socnet settings enabled? | DeviantArt socnet settings enabled by your website admins? |
socnets_DeviantArt_loginEnabled | DeviantArt login allowed? | Let DeviantArt socnet to login users into your website |
socnets_DeviantArt_app_id | DeviantArt Application ID | DeviantArt Application ID generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_DeviantArt_app_secret | DeviantArt Application secret | DeviantArt Application secret generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_DeviantArt_app_api | DeviantArt API (or Graph) version - NOT YET | DeviantArt socnets API (or Graph) version. Hybridauth default will be used until implemented |
socnets_DeviantArt_app_site_name | DeviantArt site name | DeviantArt The default website name that will be used by socnet for every web page. This parameter will be used instead of the browser title. |
socnets_DeviantArt_app_site_image | DeviantArt site image | DeviantArt The default image (logo, picture, etc) that will be used by socnet for every web page. The image must be specified as a URL or/and uploaded to socnet site. |
socnets_DeviantArt_autocreateuser | DeviantArt auto-create user? | Let DeviantArt automatically create a Tiki user by the username of fb_xxxxxxxx for eg users logging in using Facebook if they do not yet have a Tiki account. If not, they will be asked to link or register a Tiki account |
socnets_DeviantArt_autocreate_prefix | DeviantArt user prefix to auto-create | What DeviantArt Tiki user prefix auto-creates. Eg xx_nnnnnnn etc. Press reset if there is none! |
socnets_DeviantArt_autocreate_email | DeviantArt auto-create user email? | Let DeviantArt automatically set a Tiki user email from socnet account. |
socnets_DeviantArt_autocreate_user_trackeritem | DeviantArt auto-create user tracker item? | Let DeviantArt automatically set a Tiki user tracker item from socnet account. |
socnets_DeviantArt_autocreate_names | DeviantArt auto-create user name(s)? | Let DeviantArt automatically set a Tiki user name/name from socnet account. |
socnets_Discord_socnetEnabled | Discord socnet settings enabled? | Discord socnet settings enabled by your website admins? |
socnets_Discord_loginEnabled | Discord login allowed? | Let Discord socnet to login users into your website |
socnets_Discord_app_id | Discord Application ID | Discord Application ID generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_Discord_app_secret | Discord Application secret | Discord Application secret generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_Discord_app_api | Discord API (or Graph) version - NOT YET | Discord socnets API (or Graph) version. Hybridauth default will be used until implemented |
socnets_Discord_app_site_name | Discord site name | Discord The default website name that will be used by socnet for every web page. This parameter will be used instead of the browser title. |
socnets_Discord_app_site_image | Discord site image | Discord The default image (logo, picture, etc) that will be used by socnet for every web page. The image must be specified as a URL or/and uploaded to socnet site. |
socnets_Discord_autocreateuser | Discord auto-create user? | Let Discord automatically create a Tiki user by the username of fb_xxxxxxxx for eg users logging in using Facebook if they do not yet have a Tiki account. If not, they will be asked to link or register a Tiki account |
socnets_Discord_autocreate_prefix | Discord user prefix to auto-create | What Discord Tiki user prefix auto-creates. Eg xx_nnnnnnn etc. Press reset if there is none! |
socnets_Discord_autocreate_email | Discord auto-create user email? | Let Discord automatically set a Tiki user email from socnet account. |
socnets_Discord_autocreate_user_trackeritem | Discord auto-create user tracker item? | Let Discord automatically set a Tiki user tracker item from socnet account. |
socnets_Discord_autocreate_names | Discord auto-create user name(s)? | Let Discord automatically set a Tiki user name/name from socnet account. |
socnets_Disqus_socnetEnabled | Disqus socnet settings enabled? | Disqus socnet settings enabled by your website admins? |
socnets_Disqus_loginEnabled | Disqus login allowed? | Let Disqus socnet to login users into your website |
socnets_Disqus_app_id | Disqus Application ID | Disqus Application ID generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_Disqus_app_secret | Disqus Application secret | Disqus Application secret generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_Disqus_app_api | Disqus API (or Graph) version - NOT YET | Disqus socnets API (or Graph) version. Hybridauth default will be used until implemented |
socnets_Disqus_app_site_name | Disqus site name | Disqus The default website name that will be used by socnet for every web page. This parameter will be used instead of the browser title. |
socnets_Disqus_app_site_image | Disqus site image | Disqus The default image (logo, picture, etc) that will be used by socnet for every web page. The image must be specified as a URL or/and uploaded to socnet site. |
socnets_Disqus_autocreateuser | Disqus auto-create user? | Let Disqus automatically create a Tiki user by the username of fb_xxxxxxxx for eg users logging in using Facebook if they do not yet have a Tiki account. If not, they will be asked to link or register a Tiki account |
socnets_Disqus_autocreate_prefix | Disqus user prefix to auto-create | What Disqus Tiki user prefix auto-creates. Eg xx_nnnnnnn etc. Press reset if there is none! |
socnets_Disqus_autocreate_email | Disqus auto-create user email? | Let Disqus automatically set a Tiki user email from socnet account. |
socnets_Disqus_autocreate_user_trackeritem | Disqus auto-create user tracker item? | Let Disqus automatically set a Tiki user tracker item from socnet account. |
socnets_Disqus_autocreate_names | Disqus auto-create user name(s)? | Let Disqus automatically set a Tiki user name/name from socnet account. |
socnets_Dribbble_socnetEnabled | Dribbble socnet settings enabled? | Dribbble socnet settings enabled by your website admins? |
socnets_Dribbble_loginEnabled | Dribbble login allowed? | Let Dribbble socnet to login users into your website |
socnets_Dribbble_app_id | Dribbble Application ID | Dribbble Application ID generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_Dribbble_app_secret | Dribbble Application secret | Dribbble Application secret generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_Dribbble_app_api | Dribbble API (or Graph) version - NOT YET | Dribbble socnets API (or Graph) version. Hybridauth default will be used until implemented |
socnets_Dribbble_app_site_name | Dribbble site name | Dribbble The default website name that will be used by socnet for every web page. This parameter will be used instead of the browser title. |
socnets_Dribbble_app_site_image | Dribbble site image | Dribbble The default image (logo, picture, etc) that will be used by socnet for every web page. The image must be specified as a URL or/and uploaded to socnet site. |
socnets_Dribbble_autocreateuser | Dribbble auto-create user? | Let Dribbble automatically create a Tiki user by the username of fb_xxxxxxxx for eg users logging in using Facebook if they do not yet have a Tiki account. If not, they will be asked to link or register a Tiki account |
socnets_Dribbble_autocreate_prefix | Dribbble user prefix to auto-create | What Dribbble Tiki user prefix auto-creates. Eg xx_nnnnnnn etc. Press reset if there is none! |
socnets_Dribbble_autocreate_email | Dribbble auto-create user email? | Let Dribbble automatically set a Tiki user email from socnet account. |
socnets_Dribbble_autocreate_user_trackeritem | Dribbble auto-create user tracker item? | Let Dribbble automatically set a Tiki user tracker item from socnet account. |
socnets_Dribbble_autocreate_names | Dribbble auto-create user name(s)? | Let Dribbble automatically set a Tiki user name/name from socnet account. |
socnets_Dropbox_socnetEnabled | Dropbox socnet settings enabled? | Dropbox socnet settings enabled by your website admins? |
socnets_Dropbox_loginEnabled | Dropbox login allowed? | Let Dropbox socnet to login users into your website |
socnets_Dropbox_app_id | Dropbox Application ID | Dropbox Application ID generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_Dropbox_app_secret | Dropbox Application secret | Dropbox Application secret generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_Dropbox_app_api | Dropbox API (or Graph) version - NOT YET | Dropbox socnets API (or Graph) version. Hybridauth default will be used until implemented |
socnets_Dropbox_app_site_name | Dropbox site name | Dropbox The default website name that will be used by socnet for every web page. This parameter will be used instead of the browser title. |
socnets_Dropbox_app_site_image | Dropbox site image | Dropbox The default image (logo, picture, etc) that will be used by socnet for every web page. The image must be specified as a URL or/and uploaded to socnet site. |
socnets_Dropbox_autocreateuser | Dropbox auto-create user? | Let Dropbox automatically create a Tiki user by the username of fb_xxxxxxxx for eg users logging in using Facebook if they do not yet have a Tiki account. If not, they will be asked to link or register a Tiki account |
socnets_Dropbox_autocreate_prefix | Dropbox user prefix to auto-create | What Dropbox Tiki user prefix auto-creates. Eg xx_nnnnnnn etc. Press reset if there is none! |
socnets_Dropbox_autocreate_email | Dropbox auto-create user email? | Let Dropbox automatically set a Tiki user email from socnet account. |
socnets_Dropbox_autocreate_user_trackeritem | Dropbox auto-create user tracker item? | Let Dropbox automatically set a Tiki user tracker item from socnet account. |
socnets_Dropbox_autocreate_names | Dropbox auto-create user name(s)? | Let Dropbox automatically set a Tiki user name/name from socnet account. |
socnets_Facebook_socnetEnabled | Facebook socnet settings enabled? | Facebook socnet settings enabled by your website admins? |
socnets_Facebook_loginEnabled | Facebook login allowed? | Let Facebook socnet to login users into your website |
socnets_Facebook_app_id | Facebook Application ID | Facebook Application ID generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_Facebook_app_secret | Facebook Application secret | Facebook Application secret generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_Facebook_app_api | Facebook API (or Graph) version - NOT YET | Facebook socnets API (or Graph) version. Hybridauth default will be used until implemented |
socnets_Facebook_app_site_name | Facebook site name | Facebook The default website name that will be used by socnet for every web page. This parameter will be used instead of the browser title. |
socnets_Facebook_app_site_image | Facebook site image | Facebook The default image (logo, picture, etc) that will be used by socnet for every web page. The image must be specified as a URL or/and uploaded to socnet site. |
socnets_Facebook_autocreateuser | Facebook auto-create user? | Let Facebook automatically create a Tiki user by the username of fb_xxxxxxxx for eg users logging in using Facebook if they do not yet have a Tiki account. If not, they will be asked to link or register a Tiki account |
socnets_Facebook_autocreate_prefix | Facebook user prefix to auto-create | What Facebook Tiki user prefix auto-creates. Eg xx_nnnnnnn etc. Press reset if there is none! |
socnets_Facebook_autocreate_email | Facebook auto-create user email? | Let Facebook automatically set a Tiki user email from socnet account. |
socnets_Facebook_autocreate_user_trackeritem | Facebook auto-create user tracker item? | Let Facebook automatically set a Tiki user tracker item from socnet account. |
socnets_Facebook_autocreate_names | Facebook auto-create user name(s)? | Let Facebook automatically set a Tiki user name/name from socnet account. |
socnets_Foursquare_socnetEnabled | Foursquare socnet settings enabled? | Foursquare socnet settings enabled by your website admins? |
socnets_Foursquare_loginEnabled | Foursquare login allowed? | Let Foursquare socnet to login users into your website |
socnets_Foursquare_app_id | Foursquare Application ID | Foursquare Application ID generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_Foursquare_app_secret | Foursquare Application secret | Foursquare Application secret generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_Foursquare_app_api | Foursquare API (or Graph) version - NOT YET | Foursquare socnets API (or Graph) version. Hybridauth default will be used until implemented |
socnets_Foursquare_app_site_name | Foursquare site name | Foursquare The default website name that will be used by socnet for every web page. This parameter will be used instead of the browser title. |
socnets_Foursquare_app_site_image | Foursquare site image | Foursquare The default image (logo, picture, etc) that will be used by socnet for every web page. The image must be specified as a URL or/and uploaded to socnet site. |
socnets_Foursquare_autocreateuser | Foursquare auto-create user? | Let Foursquare automatically create a Tiki user by the username of fb_xxxxxxxx for eg users logging in using Facebook if they do not yet have a Tiki account. If not, they will be asked to link or register a Tiki account |
socnets_Foursquare_autocreate_prefix | Foursquare user prefix to auto-create | What Foursquare Tiki user prefix auto-creates. Eg xx_nnnnnnn etc. Press reset if there is none! |
socnets_Foursquare_autocreate_email | Foursquare auto-create user email? | Let Foursquare automatically set a Tiki user email from socnet account. |
socnets_Foursquare_autocreate_user_trackeritem | Foursquare auto-create user tracker item? | Let Foursquare automatically set a Tiki user tracker item from socnet account. |
socnets_Foursquare_autocreate_names | Foursquare auto-create user name(s)? | Let Foursquare automatically set a Tiki user name/name from socnet account. |
socnets_GitHub_socnetEnabled | GitHub socnet settings enabled? | GitHub socnet settings enabled by your website admins? |
socnets_GitHub_loginEnabled | GitHub login allowed? | Let GitHub socnet to login users into your website |
socnets_GitHub_app_id | GitHub Application ID | GitHub Application ID generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_GitHub_app_secret | GitHub Application secret | GitHub Application secret generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_GitHub_app_api | GitHub API (or Graph) version - NOT YET | GitHub socnets API (or Graph) version. Hybridauth default will be used until implemented |
socnets_GitHub_app_site_name | GitHub site name | GitHub The default website name that will be used by socnet for every web page. This parameter will be used instead of the browser title. |
socnets_GitHub_app_site_image | GitHub site image | GitHub The default image (logo, picture, etc) that will be used by socnet for every web page. The image must be specified as a URL or/and uploaded to socnet site. |
socnets_GitHub_autocreateuser | GitHub auto-create user? | Let GitHub automatically create a Tiki user by the username of fb_xxxxxxxx for eg users logging in using Facebook if they do not yet have a Tiki account. If not, they will be asked to link or register a Tiki account |
socnets_GitHub_autocreate_prefix | GitHub user prefix to auto-create | What GitHub Tiki user prefix auto-creates. Eg xx_nnnnnnn etc. Press reset if there is none! |
socnets_GitHub_autocreate_email | GitHub auto-create user email? | Let GitHub automatically set a Tiki user email from socnet account. |
socnets_GitHub_autocreate_user_trackeritem | GitHub auto-create user tracker item? | Let GitHub automatically set a Tiki user tracker item from socnet account. |
socnets_GitHub_autocreate_names | GitHub auto-create user name(s)? | Let GitHub automatically set a Tiki user name/name from socnet account. |
socnets_GitLab_socnetEnabled | GitLab socnet settings enabled? | GitLab socnet settings enabled by your website admins? |
socnets_GitLab_loginEnabled | GitLab login allowed? | Let GitLab socnet to login users into your website |
socnets_GitLab_app_id | GitLab Application ID | GitLab Application ID generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_GitLab_app_secret | GitLab Application secret | GitLab Application secret generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_GitLab_app_api | GitLab API (or Graph) version - NOT YET | GitLab socnets API (or Graph) version. Hybridauth default will be used until implemented |
socnets_GitLab_app_site_name | GitLab site name | GitLab The default website name that will be used by socnet for every web page. This parameter will be used instead of the browser title. |
socnets_GitLab_app_site_image | GitLab site image | GitLab The default image (logo, picture, etc) that will be used by socnet for every web page. The image must be specified as a URL or/and uploaded to socnet site. |
socnets_GitLab_autocreateuser | GitLab auto-create user? | Let GitLab automatically create a Tiki user by the username of fb_xxxxxxxx for eg users logging in using Facebook if they do not yet have a Tiki account. If not, they will be asked to link or register a Tiki account |
socnets_GitLab_autocreate_prefix | GitLab user prefix to auto-create | What GitLab Tiki user prefix auto-creates. Eg xx_nnnnnnn etc. Press reset if there is none! |
socnets_GitLab_autocreate_email | GitLab auto-create user email? | Let GitLab automatically set a Tiki user email from socnet account. |
socnets_GitLab_autocreate_user_trackeritem | GitLab auto-create user tracker item? | Let GitLab automatically set a Tiki user tracker item from socnet account. |
socnets_GitLab_autocreate_names | GitLab auto-create user name(s)? | Let GitLab automatically set a Tiki user name/name from socnet account. |
socnets_Google_socnetEnabled | Google socnet settings enabled? | Google socnet settings enabled by your website admins? |
socnets_Google_loginEnabled | Google login allowed? | Let Google socnet to login users into your website |
socnets_Google_app_id | Google Application ID | Google Application ID generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_Google_app_secret | Google Application secret | Google Application secret generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_Google_app_api | Google API (or Graph) version - NOT YET | Google socnets API (or Graph) version. Hybridauth default will be used until implemented |
socnets_Google_app_site_name | Google site name | Google The default website name that will be used by socnet for every web page. This parameter will be used instead of the browser title. |
socnets_Google_app_site_image | Google site image | Google The default image (logo, picture, etc) that will be used by socnet for every web page. The image must be specified as a URL or/and uploaded to socnet site. |
socnets_Google_autocreateuser | Google auto-create user? | Let Google automatically create a Tiki user by the username of fb_xxxxxxxx for eg users logging in using Facebook if they do not yet have a Tiki account. If not, they will be asked to link or register a Tiki account |
socnets_Google_autocreate_prefix | Google user prefix to auto-create | What Google Tiki user prefix auto-creates. Eg xx_nnnnnnn etc. Press reset if there is none! |
socnets_Google_autocreate_email | Google auto-create user email? | Let Google automatically set a Tiki user email from socnet account. |
socnets_Google_autocreate_user_trackeritem | Google auto-create user tracker item? | Let Google automatically set a Tiki user tracker item from socnet account. |
socnets_Google_autocreate_names | Google auto-create user name(s)? | Let Google automatically set a Tiki user name/name from socnet account. |
socnets_Instagram_socnetEnabled | Instagram socnet settings enabled? | Instagram socnet settings enabled by your website admins? |
socnets_Instagram_loginEnabled | Instagram login allowed? | Let Instagram socnet to login users into your website |
socnets_Instagram_app_id | Instagram Application ID | Instagram Application ID generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_Instagram_app_secret | Instagram Application secret | Instagram Application secret generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_Instagram_app_api | Instagram API (or Graph) version - NOT YET | Instagram socnets API (or Graph) version. Hybridauth default will be used until implemented |
socnets_Instagram_app_site_name | Instagram site name | Instagram The default website name that will be used by socnet for every web page. This parameter will be used instead of the browser title. |
socnets_Instagram_app_site_image | Instagram site image | Instagram The default image (logo, picture, etc) that will be used by socnet for every web page. The image must be specified as a URL or/and uploaded to socnet site. |
socnets_Instagram_autocreateuser | Instagram auto-create user? | Let Instagram automatically create a Tiki user by the username of fb_xxxxxxxx for eg users logging in using Facebook if they do not yet have a Tiki account. If not, they will be asked to link or register a Tiki account |
socnets_Instagram_autocreate_prefix | Instagram user prefix to auto-create | What Instagram Tiki user prefix auto-creates. Eg xx_nnnnnnn etc. Press reset if there is none! |
socnets_Instagram_autocreate_email | Instagram auto-create user email? | Let Instagram automatically set a Tiki user email from socnet account. |
socnets_Instagram_autocreate_user_trackeritem | Instagram auto-create user tracker item? | Let Instagram automatically set a Tiki user tracker item from socnet account. |
socnets_Instagram_autocreate_names | Instagram auto-create user name(s)? | Let Instagram automatically set a Tiki user name/name from socnet account. |
socnets_Keycloak_socnetEnabled | Keycloak socnet settings enabled? | Keycloak socnet settings enabled by your website admins? |
socnets_Keycloak_loginEnabled | Keycloak login allowed? | Let Keycloak socnet to login users into your website |
socnets_Keycloak_app_id | Keycloak Application ID | Keycloak Application ID generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_Keycloak_app_secret | Keycloak Application secret | Keycloak Application secret generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_Keycloak_app_api | Keycloak API (or Graph) version - NOT YET | Keycloak socnets API (or Graph) version. Hybridauth default will be used until implemented |
socnets_Keycloak_app_site_name | Keycloak site name | Keycloak The default website name that will be used by socnet for every web page. This parameter will be used instead of the browser title. |
socnets_Keycloak_app_site_image | Keycloak site image | Keycloak The default image (logo, picture, etc) that will be used by socnet for every web page. The image must be specified as a URL or/and uploaded to socnet site. |
socnets_Keycloak_autocreateuser | Keycloak auto-create user? | Let Keycloak automatically create a Tiki user by the username of fb_xxxxxxxx for eg users logging in using Facebook if they do not yet have a Tiki account. If not, they will be asked to link or register a Tiki account |
socnets_Keycloak_autocreate_prefix | Keycloak user prefix to auto-create | What Keycloak Tiki user prefix auto-creates. Eg xx_nnnnnnn etc. Press reset if there is none! |
socnets_Keycloak_autocreate_email | Keycloak auto-create user email? | Let Keycloak automatically set a Tiki user email from socnet account. |
socnets_Keycloak_autocreate_user_trackeritem | Keycloak auto-create user tracker item? | Let Keycloak automatically set a Tiki user tracker item from socnet account. |
socnets_Keycloak_autocreate_names | Keycloak auto-create user name(s)? | Let Keycloak automatically set a Tiki user name/name from socnet account. |
socnets_LinkedIn_socnetEnabled | LinkedIn socnet settings enabled? | LinkedIn socnet settings enabled by your website admins? |
socnets_LinkedIn_loginEnabled | LinkedIn login allowed? | Let LinkedIn socnet to login users into your website |
socnets_LinkedIn_app_id | LinkedIn Application ID | LinkedIn Application ID generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_LinkedIn_app_secret | LinkedIn Application secret | LinkedIn Application secret generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_LinkedIn_app_api | LinkedIn API (or Graph) version - NOT YET | LinkedIn socnets API (or Graph) version. Hybridauth default will be used until implemented |
socnets_LinkedIn_app_site_name | LinkedIn site name | LinkedIn The default website name that will be used by socnet for every web page. This parameter will be used instead of the browser title. |
socnets_LinkedIn_app_site_image | LinkedIn site image | LinkedIn The default image (logo, picture, etc) that will be used by socnet for every web page. The image must be specified as a URL or/and uploaded to socnet site. |
socnets_LinkedIn_autocreateuser | LinkedIn auto-create user? | Let LinkedIn automatically create a Tiki user by the username of fb_xxxxxxxx for eg users logging in using Facebook if they do not yet have a Tiki account. If not, they will be asked to link or register a Tiki account |
socnets_LinkedIn_autocreate_prefix | LinkedIn user prefix to auto-create | What LinkedIn Tiki user prefix auto-creates. Eg xx_nnnnnnn etc. Press reset if there is none! |
socnets_LinkedIn_autocreate_email | LinkedIn auto-create user email? | Let LinkedIn automatically set a Tiki user email from socnet account. |
socnets_LinkedIn_autocreate_user_trackeritem | LinkedIn auto-create user tracker item? | Let LinkedIn automatically set a Tiki user tracker item from socnet account. |
socnets_LinkedIn_autocreate_names | LinkedIn auto-create user name(s)? | Let LinkedIn automatically set a Tiki user name/name from socnet account. |
socnets_Mastodon_socnetEnabled | Mastodon socnet settings enabled? | Mastodon socnet settings enabled by your website admins? |
socnets_Mastodon_loginEnabled | Mastodon login allowed? | Let Mastodon socnet to login users into your website |
socnets_Mastodon_app_id | Mastodon Application ID | Mastodon Application ID generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_Mastodon_app_secret | Mastodon Application secret | Mastodon Application secret generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_Mastodon_app_api | Mastodon API (or Graph) version - NOT YET | Mastodon socnets API (or Graph) version. Hybridauth default will be used until implemented |
socnets_Mastodon_app_site_name | Mastodon site name | Mastodon The default website name that will be used by socnet for every web page. This parameter will be used instead of the browser title. |
socnets_Mastodon_app_site_image | Mastodon site image | Mastodon The default image (logo, picture, etc) that will be used by socnet for every web page. The image must be specified as a URL or/and uploaded to socnet site. |
socnets_Mastodon_autocreateuser | Mastodon auto-create user? | Let Mastodon automatically create a Tiki user by the username of fb_xxxxxxxx for eg users logging in using Facebook if they do not yet have a Tiki account. If not, they will be asked to link or register a Tiki account |
socnets_Mastodon_autocreate_prefix | Mastodon user prefix to auto-create | What Mastodon Tiki user prefix auto-creates. Eg xx_nnnnnnn etc. Press reset if there is none! |
socnets_Mastodon_autocreate_email | Mastodon auto-create user email? | Let Mastodon automatically set a Tiki user email from socnet account. |
socnets_Mastodon_autocreate_user_trackeritem | Mastodon auto-create user tracker item? | Let Mastodon automatically set a Tiki user tracker item from socnet account. |
socnets_Mastodon_autocreate_names | Mastodon auto-create user name(s)? | Let Mastodon automatically set a Tiki user name/name from socnet account. |
socnets_Medium_socnetEnabled | Medium socnet settings enabled? | Medium socnet settings enabled by your website admins? |
socnets_Medium_loginEnabled | Medium login allowed? | Let Medium socnet to login users into your website |
socnets_Medium_app_id | Medium Application ID | Medium Application ID generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_Medium_app_secret | Medium Application secret | Medium Application secret generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_Medium_app_api | Medium API (or Graph) version - NOT YET | Medium socnets API (or Graph) version. Hybridauth default will be used until implemented |
socnets_Medium_app_site_name | Medium site name | Medium The default website name that will be used by socnet for every web page. This parameter will be used instead of the browser title. |
socnets_Medium_app_site_image | Medium site image | Medium The default image (logo, picture, etc) that will be used by socnet for every web page. The image must be specified as a URL or/and uploaded to socnet site. |
socnets_Medium_autocreateuser | Medium auto-create user? | Let Medium automatically create a Tiki user by the username of fb_xxxxxxxx for eg users logging in using Facebook if they do not yet have a Tiki account. If not, they will be asked to link or register a Tiki account |
socnets_Medium_autocreate_prefix | Medium user prefix to auto-create | What Medium Tiki user prefix auto-creates. Eg xx_nnnnnnn etc. Press reset if there is none! |
socnets_Medium_autocreate_email | Medium auto-create user email? | Let Medium automatically set a Tiki user email from socnet account. |
socnets_Medium_autocreate_user_trackeritem | Medium auto-create user tracker item? | Let Medium automatically set a Tiki user tracker item from socnet account. |
socnets_Medium_autocreate_names | Medium auto-create user name(s)? | Let Medium automatically set a Tiki user name/name from socnet account. |
socnets_MicrosoftGraph_socnetEnabled | MicrosoftGraph socnet settings enabled? | MicrosoftGraph socnet settings enabled by your website admins? |
socnets_MicrosoftGraph_loginEnabled | MicrosoftGraph login allowed? | Let MicrosoftGraph socnet to login users into your website |
socnets_MicrosoftGraph_app_id | MicrosoftGraph Application ID | MicrosoftGraph Application ID generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_MicrosoftGraph_app_secret | MicrosoftGraph Application secret | MicrosoftGraph Application secret generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_MicrosoftGraph_app_api | MicrosoftGraph API (or Graph) version - NOT YET | MicrosoftGraph socnets API (or Graph) version. Hybridauth default will be used until implemented |
socnets_MicrosoftGraph_app_site_name | MicrosoftGraph site name | MicrosoftGraph The default website name that will be used by socnet for every web page. This parameter will be used instead of the browser title. |
socnets_MicrosoftGraph_app_site_image | MicrosoftGraph site image | MicrosoftGraph The default image (logo, picture, etc) that will be used by socnet for every web page. The image must be specified as a URL or/and uploaded to socnet site. |
socnets_MicrosoftGraph_autocreateuser | MicrosoftGraph auto-create user? | Let MicrosoftGraph automatically create a Tiki user by the username of fb_xxxxxxxx for eg users logging in using Facebook if they do not yet have a Tiki account. If not, they will be asked to link or register a Tiki account |
socnets_MicrosoftGraph_autocreate_prefix | MicrosoftGraph user prefix to auto-create | What MicrosoftGraph Tiki user prefix auto-creates. Eg xx_nnnnnnn etc. Press reset if there is none! |
socnets_MicrosoftGraph_autocreate_email | MicrosoftGraph auto-create user email? | Let MicrosoftGraph automatically set a Tiki user email from socnet account. |
socnets_MicrosoftGraph_autocreate_user_trackeritem | MicrosoftGraph auto-create user tracker item? | Let MicrosoftGraph automatically set a Tiki user tracker item from socnet account. |
socnets_MicrosoftGraph_autocreate_names | MicrosoftGraph auto-create user name(s)? | Let MicrosoftGraph automatically set a Tiki user name/name from socnet account. |
socnets_ORCID_socnetEnabled | ORCID socnet settings enabled? | ORCID socnet settings enabled by your website admins? |
socnets_ORCID_loginEnabled | ORCID login allowed? | Let ORCID socnet to login users into your website |
socnets_ORCID_app_id | ORCID Application ID | ORCID Application ID generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_ORCID_app_secret | ORCID Application secret | ORCID Application secret generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_ORCID_app_api | ORCID API (or Graph) version - NOT YET | ORCID socnets API (or Graph) version. Hybridauth default will be used until implemented |
socnets_ORCID_app_site_name | ORCID site name | ORCID The default website name that will be used by socnet for every web page. This parameter will be used instead of the browser title. |
socnets_ORCID_app_site_image | ORCID site image | ORCID The default image (logo, picture, etc) that will be used by socnet for every web page. The image must be specified as a URL or/and uploaded to socnet site. |
socnets_ORCID_autocreateuser | ORCID auto-create user? | Let ORCID automatically create a Tiki user by the username of fb_xxxxxxxx for eg users logging in using Facebook if they do not yet have a Tiki account. If not, they will be asked to link or register a Tiki account |
socnets_ORCID_autocreate_prefix | ORCID user prefix to auto-create | What ORCID Tiki user prefix auto-creates. Eg xx_nnnnnnn etc. Press reset if there is none! |
socnets_ORCID_autocreate_email | ORCID auto-create user email? | Let ORCID automatically set a Tiki user email from socnet account. |
socnets_ORCID_autocreate_user_trackeritem | ORCID auto-create user tracker item? | Let ORCID automatically set a Tiki user tracker item from socnet account. |
socnets_ORCID_autocreate_names | ORCID auto-create user name(s)? | Let ORCID automatically set a Tiki user name/name from socnet account. |
socnets_OpenID_socnetEnabled | OpenID socnet settings enabled? | OpenID socnet settings enabled by your website admins? |
socnets_OpenID_loginEnabled | OpenID login allowed? | Let OpenID socnet to login users into your website |
socnets_OpenID_app_id | OpenID Application ID | OpenID Application ID generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_OpenID_app_secret | OpenID Application secret | OpenID Application secret generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_OpenID_app_api | OpenID API (or Graph) version - NOT YET | OpenID socnets API (or Graph) version. Hybridauth default will be used until implemented |
socnets_OpenID_app_site_name | OpenID site name | OpenID The default website name that will be used by socnet for every web page. This parameter will be used instead of the browser title. |
socnets_OpenID_app_site_image | OpenID site image | OpenID The default image (logo, picture, etc) that will be used by socnet for every web page. The image must be specified as a URL or/and uploaded to socnet site. |
socnets_OpenID_autocreateuser | OpenID auto-create user? | Let OpenID automatically create a Tiki user by the username of fb_xxxxxxxx for eg users logging in using Facebook if they do not yet have a Tiki account. If not, they will be asked to link or register a Tiki account |
socnets_OpenID_autocreate_prefix | OpenID user prefix to auto-create | What OpenID Tiki user prefix auto-creates. Eg xx_nnnnnnn etc. Press reset if there is none! |
socnets_OpenID_autocreate_email | OpenID auto-create user email? | Let OpenID automatically set a Tiki user email from socnet account. |
socnets_OpenID_autocreate_user_trackeritem | OpenID auto-create user tracker item? | Let OpenID automatically set a Tiki user tracker item from socnet account. |
socnets_OpenID_autocreate_names | OpenID auto-create user name(s)? | Let OpenID automatically set a Tiki user name/name from socnet account. |
socnets_Patreon_socnetEnabled | Patreon socnet settings enabled? | Patreon socnet settings enabled by your website admins? |
socnets_Patreon_loginEnabled | Patreon login allowed? | Let Patreon socnet to login users into your website |
socnets_Patreon_app_id | Patreon Application ID | Patreon Application ID generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_Patreon_app_secret | Patreon Application secret | Patreon Application secret generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_Patreon_app_api | Patreon API (or Graph) version - NOT YET | Patreon socnets API (or Graph) version. Hybridauth default will be used until implemented |
socnets_Patreon_app_site_name | Patreon site name | Patreon The default website name that will be used by socnet for every web page. This parameter will be used instead of the browser title. |
socnets_Patreon_app_site_image | Patreon site image | Patreon The default image (logo, picture, etc) that will be used by socnet for every web page. The image must be specified as a URL or/and uploaded to socnet site. |
socnets_Patreon_autocreateuser | Patreon auto-create user? | Let Patreon automatically create a Tiki user by the username of fb_xxxxxxxx for eg users logging in using Facebook if they do not yet have a Tiki account. If not, they will be asked to link or register a Tiki account |
socnets_Patreon_autocreate_prefix | Patreon user prefix to auto-create | What Patreon Tiki user prefix auto-creates. Eg xx_nnnnnnn etc. Press reset if there is none! |
socnets_Patreon_autocreate_email | Patreon auto-create user email? | Let Patreon automatically set a Tiki user email from socnet account. |
socnets_Patreon_autocreate_user_trackeritem | Patreon auto-create user tracker item? | Let Patreon automatically set a Tiki user tracker item from socnet account. |
socnets_Patreon_autocreate_names | Patreon auto-create user name(s)? | Let Patreon automatically set a Tiki user name/name from socnet account. |
socnets_Paypal_socnetEnabled | Paypal socnet settings enabled? | Paypal socnet settings enabled by your website admins? |
socnets_Paypal_loginEnabled | Paypal login allowed? | Let Paypal socnet to login users into your website |
socnets_Paypal_app_id | Paypal Application ID | Paypal Application ID generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_Paypal_app_secret | Paypal Application secret | Paypal Application secret generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_Paypal_app_api | Paypal API (or Graph) version - NOT YET | Paypal socnets API (or Graph) version. Hybridauth default will be used until implemented |
socnets_Paypal_app_site_name | Paypal site name | Paypal The default website name that will be used by socnet for every web page. This parameter will be used instead of the browser title. |
socnets_Paypal_app_site_image | Paypal site image | Paypal The default image (logo, picture, etc) that will be used by socnet for every web page. The image must be specified as a URL or/and uploaded to socnet site. |
socnets_Paypal_autocreateuser | Paypal auto-create user? | Let Paypal automatically create a Tiki user by the username of fb_xxxxxxxx for eg users logging in using Facebook if they do not yet have a Tiki account. If not, they will be asked to link or register a Tiki account |
socnets_Paypal_autocreate_prefix | Paypal user prefix to auto-create | What Paypal Tiki user prefix auto-creates. Eg xx_nnnnnnn etc. Press reset if there is none! |
socnets_Paypal_autocreate_email | Paypal auto-create user email? | Let Paypal automatically set a Tiki user email from socnet account. |
socnets_Paypal_autocreate_user_trackeritem | Paypal auto-create user tracker item? | Let Paypal automatically set a Tiki user tracker item from socnet account. |
socnets_Paypal_autocreate_names | Paypal auto-create user name(s)? | Let Paypal automatically set a Tiki user name/name from socnet account. |
socnets_PaypalOpenID_socnetEnabled | PaypalOpenID socnet settings enabled? | PaypalOpenID socnet settings enabled by your website admins? |
socnets_PaypalOpenID_loginEnabled | PaypalOpenID login allowed? | Let PaypalOpenID socnet to login users into your website |
socnets_PaypalOpenID_app_id | PaypalOpenID Application ID | PaypalOpenID Application ID generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_PaypalOpenID_app_secret | PaypalOpenID Application secret | PaypalOpenID Application secret generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_PaypalOpenID_app_api | PaypalOpenID API (or Graph) version - NOT YET | PaypalOpenID socnets API (or Graph) version. Hybridauth default will be used until implemented |
socnets_PaypalOpenID_app_site_name | PaypalOpenID site name | PaypalOpenID The default website name that will be used by socnet for every web page. This parameter will be used instead of the browser title. |
socnets_PaypalOpenID_app_site_image | PaypalOpenID site image | PaypalOpenID The default image (logo, picture, etc) that will be used by socnet for every web page. The image must be specified as a URL or/and uploaded to socnet site. |
socnets_PaypalOpenID_autocreateuser | PaypalOpenID auto-create user? | Let PaypalOpenID automatically create a Tiki user by the username of fb_xxxxxxxx for eg users logging in using Facebook if they do not yet have a Tiki account. If not, they will be asked to link or register a Tiki account |
socnets_PaypalOpenID_autocreate_prefix | PaypalOpenID user prefix to auto-create | What PaypalOpenID Tiki user prefix auto-creates. Eg xx_nnnnnnn etc. Press reset if there is none! |
socnets_PaypalOpenID_autocreate_email | PaypalOpenID auto-create user email? | Let PaypalOpenID automatically set a Tiki user email from socnet account. |
socnets_PaypalOpenID_autocreate_user_trackeritem | PaypalOpenID auto-create user tracker item? | Let PaypalOpenID automatically set a Tiki user tracker item from socnet account. |
socnets_PaypalOpenID_autocreate_names | PaypalOpenID auto-create user name(s)? | Let PaypalOpenID automatically set a Tiki user name/name from socnet account. |
socnets_Pinterest_socnetEnabled | Pinterest socnet settings enabled? | Pinterest socnet settings enabled by your website admins? |
socnets_Pinterest_loginEnabled | Pinterest login allowed? | Let Pinterest socnet to login users into your website |
socnets_Pinterest_app_id | Pinterest Application ID | Pinterest Application ID generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_Pinterest_app_secret | Pinterest Application secret | Pinterest Application secret generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_Pinterest_app_api | Pinterest API (or Graph) version - NOT YET | Pinterest socnets API (or Graph) version. Hybridauth default will be used until implemented |
socnets_Pinterest_app_site_name | Pinterest site name | Pinterest The default website name that will be used by socnet for every web page. This parameter will be used instead of the browser title. |
socnets_Pinterest_app_site_image | Pinterest site image | Pinterest The default image (logo, picture, etc) that will be used by socnet for every web page. The image must be specified as a URL or/and uploaded to socnet site. |
socnets_Pinterest_autocreateuser | Pinterest auto-create user? | Let Pinterest automatically create a Tiki user by the username of fb_xxxxxxxx for eg users logging in using Facebook if they do not yet have a Tiki account. If not, they will be asked to link or register a Tiki account |
socnets_Pinterest_autocreate_prefix | Pinterest user prefix to auto-create | What Pinterest Tiki user prefix auto-creates. Eg xx_nnnnnnn etc. Press reset if there is none! |
socnets_Pinterest_autocreate_email | Pinterest auto-create user email? | Let Pinterest automatically set a Tiki user email from socnet account. |
socnets_Pinterest_autocreate_user_trackeritem | Pinterest auto-create user tracker item? | Let Pinterest automatically set a Tiki user tracker item from socnet account. |
socnets_Pinterest_autocreate_names | Pinterest auto-create user name(s)? | Let Pinterest automatically set a Tiki user name/name from socnet account. |
socnets_QQ_socnetEnabled | QQ socnet settings enabled? | QQ socnet settings enabled by your website admins? |
socnets_QQ_loginEnabled | QQ login allowed? | Let QQ socnet to login users into your website |
socnets_QQ_app_id | QQ Application ID | QQ Application ID generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_QQ_app_secret | QQ Application secret | QQ Application secret generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_QQ_app_api | QQ API (or Graph) version - NOT YET | QQ socnets API (or Graph) version. Hybridauth default will be used until implemented |
socnets_QQ_app_site_name | QQ site name | QQ The default website name that will be used by socnet for every web page. This parameter will be used instead of the browser title. |
socnets_QQ_app_site_image | QQ site image | QQ The default image (logo, picture, etc) that will be used by socnet for every web page. The image must be specified as a URL or/and uploaded to socnet site. |
socnets_QQ_autocreateuser | QQ auto-create user? | Let QQ automatically create a Tiki user by the username of fb_xxxxxxxx for eg users logging in using Facebook if they do not yet have a Tiki account. If not, they will be asked to link or register a Tiki account |
socnets_QQ_autocreate_prefix | QQ user prefix to auto-create | What QQ Tiki user prefix auto-creates. Eg xx_nnnnnnn etc. Press reset if there is none! |
socnets_QQ_autocreate_email | QQ auto-create user email? | Let QQ automatically set a Tiki user email from socnet account. |
socnets_QQ_autocreate_user_trackeritem | QQ auto-create user tracker item? | Let QQ automatically set a Tiki user tracker item from socnet account. |
socnets_QQ_autocreate_names | QQ auto-create user name(s)? | Let QQ automatically set a Tiki user name/name from socnet account. |
socnets_Reddit_socnetEnabled | Reddit socnet settings enabled? | Reddit socnet settings enabled by your website admins? |
socnets_Reddit_loginEnabled | Reddit login allowed? | Let Reddit socnet to login users into your website |
socnets_Reddit_app_id | Reddit Application ID | Reddit Application ID generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_Reddit_app_secret | Reddit Application secret | Reddit Application secret generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_Reddit_app_api | Reddit API (or Graph) version - NOT YET | Reddit socnets API (or Graph) version. Hybridauth default will be used until implemented |
socnets_Reddit_app_site_name | Reddit site name | Reddit The default website name that will be used by socnet for every web page. This parameter will be used instead of the browser title. |
socnets_Reddit_app_site_image | Reddit site image | Reddit The default image (logo, picture, etc) that will be used by socnet for every web page. The image must be specified as a URL or/and uploaded to socnet site. |
socnets_Reddit_autocreateuser | Reddit auto-create user? | Let Reddit automatically create a Tiki user by the username of fb_xxxxxxxx for eg users logging in using Facebook if they do not yet have a Tiki account. If not, they will be asked to link or register a Tiki account |
socnets_Reddit_autocreate_prefix | Reddit user prefix to auto-create | What Reddit Tiki user prefix auto-creates. Eg xx_nnnnnnn etc. Press reset if there is none! |
socnets_Reddit_autocreate_email | Reddit auto-create user email? | Let Reddit automatically set a Tiki user email from socnet account. |
socnets_Reddit_autocreate_user_trackeritem | Reddit auto-create user tracker item? | Let Reddit automatically set a Tiki user tracker item from socnet account. |
socnets_Reddit_autocreate_names | Reddit auto-create user name(s)? | Let Reddit automatically set a Tiki user name/name from socnet account. |
socnets_Seznam_socnetEnabled | Seznam socnet settings enabled? | Seznam socnet settings enabled by your website admins? |
socnets_Seznam_loginEnabled | Seznam login allowed? | Let Seznam socnet to login users into your website |
socnets_Seznam_app_id | Seznam Application ID | Seznam Application ID generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_Seznam_app_secret | Seznam Application secret | Seznam Application secret generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_Seznam_app_api | Seznam API (or Graph) version - NOT YET | Seznam socnets API (or Graph) version. Hybridauth default will be used until implemented |
socnets_Seznam_app_site_name | Seznam site name | Seznam The default website name that will be used by socnet for every web page. This parameter will be used instead of the browser title. |
socnets_Seznam_app_site_image | Seznam site image | Seznam The default image (logo, picture, etc) that will be used by socnet for every web page. The image must be specified as a URL or/and uploaded to socnet site. |
socnets_Seznam_autocreateuser | Seznam auto-create user? | Let Seznam automatically create a Tiki user by the username of fb_xxxxxxxx for eg users logging in using Facebook if they do not yet have a Tiki account. If not, they will be asked to link or register a Tiki account |
socnets_Seznam_autocreate_prefix | Seznam user prefix to auto-create | What Seznam Tiki user prefix auto-creates. Eg xx_nnnnnnn etc. Press reset if there is none! |
socnets_Seznam_autocreate_email | Seznam auto-create user email? | Let Seznam automatically set a Tiki user email from socnet account. |
socnets_Seznam_autocreate_user_trackeritem | Seznam auto-create user tracker item? | Let Seznam automatically set a Tiki user tracker item from socnet account. |
socnets_Seznam_autocreate_names | Seznam auto-create user name(s)? | Let Seznam automatically set a Tiki user name/name from socnet account. |
socnets_Slack_socnetEnabled | Slack socnet settings enabled? | Slack socnet settings enabled by your website admins? |
socnets_Slack_loginEnabled | Slack login allowed? | Let Slack socnet to login users into your website |
socnets_Slack_app_id | Slack Application ID | Slack Application ID generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_Slack_app_secret | Slack Application secret | Slack Application secret generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_Slack_app_api | Slack API (or Graph) version - NOT YET | Slack socnets API (or Graph) version. Hybridauth default will be used until implemented |
socnets_Slack_app_site_name | Slack site name | Slack The default website name that will be used by socnet for every web page. This parameter will be used instead of the browser title. |
socnets_Slack_app_site_image | Slack site image | Slack The default image (logo, picture, etc) that will be used by socnet for every web page. The image must be specified as a URL or/and uploaded to socnet site. |
socnets_Slack_autocreateuser | Slack auto-create user? | Let Slack automatically create a Tiki user by the username of fb_xxxxxxxx for eg users logging in using Facebook if they do not yet have a Tiki account. If not, they will be asked to link or register a Tiki account |
socnets_Slack_autocreate_prefix | Slack user prefix to auto-create | What Slack Tiki user prefix auto-creates. Eg xx_nnnnnnn etc. Press reset if there is none! |
socnets_Slack_autocreate_email | Slack auto-create user email? | Let Slack automatically set a Tiki user email from socnet account. |
socnets_Slack_autocreate_user_trackeritem | Slack auto-create user tracker item? | Let Slack automatically set a Tiki user tracker item from socnet account. |
socnets_Slack_autocreate_names | Slack auto-create user name(s)? | Let Slack automatically set a Tiki user name/name from socnet account. |
socnets_Spotify_socnetEnabled | Spotify socnet settings enabled? | Spotify socnet settings enabled by your website admins? |
socnets_Spotify_loginEnabled | Spotify login allowed? | Let Spotify socnet to login users into your website |
socnets_Spotify_app_id | Spotify Application ID | Spotify Application ID generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_Spotify_app_secret | Spotify Application secret | Spotify Application secret generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_Spotify_app_api | Spotify API (or Graph) version - NOT YET | Spotify socnets API (or Graph) version. Hybridauth default will be used until implemented |
socnets_Spotify_app_site_name | Spotify site name | Spotify The default website name that will be used by socnet for every web page. This parameter will be used instead of the browser title. |
socnets_Spotify_app_site_image | Spotify site image | Spotify The default image (logo, picture, etc) that will be used by socnet for every web page. The image must be specified as a URL or/and uploaded to socnet site. |
socnets_Spotify_autocreateuser | Spotify auto-create user? | Let Spotify automatically create a Tiki user by the username of fb_xxxxxxxx for eg users logging in using Facebook if they do not yet have a Tiki account. If not, they will be asked to link or register a Tiki account |
socnets_Spotify_autocreate_prefix | Spotify user prefix to auto-create | What Spotify Tiki user prefix auto-creates. Eg xx_nnnnnnn etc. Press reset if there is none! |
socnets_Spotify_autocreate_email | Spotify auto-create user email? | Let Spotify automatically set a Tiki user email from socnet account. |
socnets_Spotify_autocreate_user_trackeritem | Spotify auto-create user tracker item? | Let Spotify automatically set a Tiki user tracker item from socnet account. |
socnets_Spotify_autocreate_names | Spotify auto-create user name(s)? | Let Spotify automatically set a Tiki user name/name from socnet account. |
socnets_StackExchange_socnetEnabled | StackExchange socnet settings enabled? | StackExchange socnet settings enabled by your website admins? |
socnets_StackExchange_loginEnabled | StackExchange login allowed? | Let StackExchange socnet to login users into your website |
socnets_StackExchange_app_id | StackExchange Application ID | StackExchange Application ID generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_StackExchange_app_secret | StackExchange Application secret | StackExchange Application secret generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_StackExchange_app_api | StackExchange API (or Graph) version - NOT YET | StackExchange socnets API (or Graph) version. Hybridauth default will be used until implemented |
socnets_StackExchange_app_site_name | StackExchange site name | StackExchange The default website name that will be used by socnet for every web page. This parameter will be used instead of the browser title. |
socnets_StackExchange_app_site_image | StackExchange site image | StackExchange The default image (logo, picture, etc) that will be used by socnet for every web page. The image must be specified as a URL or/and uploaded to socnet site. |
socnets_StackExchange_autocreateuser | StackExchange auto-create user? | Let StackExchange automatically create a Tiki user by the username of fb_xxxxxxxx for eg users logging in using Facebook if they do not yet have a Tiki account. If not, they will be asked to link or register a Tiki account |
socnets_StackExchange_autocreate_prefix | StackExchange user prefix to auto-create | What StackExchange Tiki user prefix auto-creates. Eg xx_nnnnnnn etc. Press reset if there is none! |
socnets_StackExchange_autocreate_email | StackExchange auto-create user email? | Let StackExchange automatically set a Tiki user email from socnet account. |
socnets_StackExchange_autocreate_user_trackeritem | StackExchange auto-create user tracker item? | Let StackExchange automatically set a Tiki user tracker item from socnet account. |
socnets_StackExchange_autocreate_names | StackExchange auto-create user name(s)? | Let StackExchange automatically set a Tiki user name/name from socnet account. |
socnets_StackExchangeOpenID_socnetEnabled | StackExchangeOpenID socnet settings enabled? | StackExchangeOpenID socnet settings enabled by your website admins? |
socnets_StackExchangeOpenID_loginEnabled | StackExchangeOpenID login allowed? | Let StackExchangeOpenID socnet to login users into your website |
socnets_StackExchangeOpenID_app_id | StackExchangeOpenID Application ID | StackExchangeOpenID Application ID generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_StackExchangeOpenID_app_secret | StackExchangeOpenID Application secret | StackExchangeOpenID Application secret generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_StackExchangeOpenID_app_api | StackExchangeOpenID API (or Graph) version - NOT YET | StackExchangeOpenID socnets API (or Graph) version. Hybridauth default will be used until implemented |
socnets_StackExchangeOpenID_app_site_name | StackExchangeOpenID site name | StackExchangeOpenID The default website name that will be used by socnet for every web page. This parameter will be used instead of the browser title. |
socnets_StackExchangeOpenID_app_site_image | StackExchangeOpenID site image | StackExchangeOpenID The default image (logo, picture, etc) that will be used by socnet for every web page. The image must be specified as a URL or/and uploaded to socnet site. |
socnets_StackExchangeOpenID_autocreateuser | StackExchangeOpenID auto-create user? | Let StackExchangeOpenID automatically create a Tiki user by the username of fb_xxxxxxxx for eg users logging in using Facebook if they do not yet have a Tiki account. If not, they will be asked to link or register a Tiki account |
socnets_StackExchangeOpenID_autocreate_prefix | StackExchangeOpenID user prefix to auto-create | What StackExchangeOpenID Tiki user prefix auto-creates. Eg xx_nnnnnnn etc. Press reset if there is none! |
socnets_StackExchangeOpenID_autocreate_email | StackExchangeOpenID auto-create user email? | Let StackExchangeOpenID automatically set a Tiki user email from socnet account. |
socnets_StackExchangeOpenID_autocreate_user_trackeritem | StackExchangeOpenID auto-create user tracker item? | Let StackExchangeOpenID automatically set a Tiki user tracker item from socnet account. |
socnets_StackExchangeOpenID_autocreate_names | StackExchangeOpenID auto-create user name(s)? | Let StackExchangeOpenID automatically set a Tiki user name/name from socnet account. |
socnets_Steam_socnetEnabled | Steam socnet settings enabled? | Steam socnet settings enabled by your website admins? |
socnets_Steam_loginEnabled | Steam login allowed? | Let Steam socnet to login users into your website |
socnets_Steam_app_id | Steam Application ID | Steam Application ID generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_Steam_app_secret | Steam Application secret | Steam Application secret generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_Steam_app_api | Steam API (or Graph) version - NOT YET | Steam socnets API (or Graph) version. Hybridauth default will be used until implemented |
socnets_Steam_app_site_name | Steam site name | Steam The default website name that will be used by socnet for every web page. This parameter will be used instead of the browser title. |
socnets_Steam_app_site_image | Steam site image | Steam The default image (logo, picture, etc) that will be used by socnet for every web page. The image must be specified as a URL or/and uploaded to socnet site. |
socnets_Steam_autocreateuser | Steam auto-create user? | Let Steam automatically create a Tiki user by the username of fb_xxxxxxxx for eg users logging in using Facebook if they do not yet have a Tiki account. If not, they will be asked to link or register a Tiki account |
socnets_Steam_autocreate_prefix | Steam user prefix to auto-create | What Steam Tiki user prefix auto-creates. Eg xx_nnnnnnn etc. Press reset if there is none! |
socnets_Steam_autocreate_email | Steam auto-create user email? | Let Steam automatically set a Tiki user email from socnet account. |
socnets_Steam_autocreate_user_trackeritem | Steam auto-create user tracker item? | Let Steam automatically set a Tiki user tracker item from socnet account. |
socnets_Steam_autocreate_names | Steam auto-create user name(s)? | Let Steam automatically set a Tiki user name/name from socnet account. |
socnets_SteemConnect_socnetEnabled | SteemConnect socnet settings enabled? | SteemConnect socnet settings enabled by your website admins? |
socnets_SteemConnect_loginEnabled | SteemConnect login allowed? | Let SteemConnect socnet to login users into your website |
socnets_SteemConnect_app_id | SteemConnect Application ID | SteemConnect Application ID generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_SteemConnect_app_secret | SteemConnect Application secret | SteemConnect Application secret generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_SteemConnect_app_api | SteemConnect API (or Graph) version - NOT YET | SteemConnect socnets API (or Graph) version. Hybridauth default will be used until implemented |
socnets_SteemConnect_app_site_name | SteemConnect site name | SteemConnect The default website name that will be used by socnet for every web page. This parameter will be used instead of the browser title. |
socnets_SteemConnect_app_site_image | SteemConnect site image | SteemConnect The default image (logo, picture, etc) that will be used by socnet for every web page. The image must be specified as a URL or/and uploaded to socnet site. |
socnets_SteemConnect_autocreateuser | SteemConnect auto-create user? | Let SteemConnect automatically create a Tiki user by the username of fb_xxxxxxxx for eg users logging in using Facebook if they do not yet have a Tiki account. If not, they will be asked to link or register a Tiki account |
socnets_SteemConnect_autocreate_prefix | SteemConnect user prefix to auto-create | What SteemConnect Tiki user prefix auto-creates. Eg xx_nnnnnnn etc. Press reset if there is none! |
socnets_SteemConnect_autocreate_email | SteemConnect auto-create user email? | Let SteemConnect automatically set a Tiki user email from socnet account. |
socnets_SteemConnect_autocreate_user_trackeritem | SteemConnect auto-create user tracker item? | Let SteemConnect automatically set a Tiki user tracker item from socnet account. |
socnets_SteemConnect_autocreate_names | SteemConnect auto-create user name(s)? | Let SteemConnect automatically set a Tiki user name/name from socnet account. |
socnets_Strava_socnetEnabled | Strava socnet settings enabled? | Strava socnet settings enabled by your website admins? |
socnets_Strava_loginEnabled | Strava login allowed? | Let Strava socnet to login users into your website |
socnets_Strava_app_id | Strava Application ID | Strava Application ID generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_Strava_app_secret | Strava Application secret | Strava Application secret generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_Strava_app_api | Strava API (or Graph) version - NOT YET | Strava socnets API (or Graph) version. Hybridauth default will be used until implemented |
socnets_Strava_app_site_name | Strava site name | Strava The default website name that will be used by socnet for every web page. This parameter will be used instead of the browser title. |
socnets_Strava_app_site_image | Strava site image | Strava The default image (logo, picture, etc) that will be used by socnet for every web page. The image must be specified as a URL or/and uploaded to socnet site. |
socnets_Strava_autocreateuser | Strava auto-create user? | Let Strava automatically create a Tiki user by the username of fb_xxxxxxxx for eg users logging in using Facebook if they do not yet have a Tiki account. If not, they will be asked to link or register a Tiki account |
socnets_Strava_autocreate_prefix | Strava user prefix to auto-create | What Strava Tiki user prefix auto-creates. Eg xx_nnnnnnn etc. Press reset if there is none! |
socnets_Strava_autocreate_email | Strava auto-create user email? | Let Strava automatically set a Tiki user email from socnet account. |
socnets_Strava_autocreate_user_trackeritem | Strava auto-create user tracker item? | Let Strava automatically set a Tiki user tracker item from socnet account. |
socnets_Strava_autocreate_names | Strava auto-create user name(s)? | Let Strava automatically set a Tiki user name/name from socnet account. |
socnets_Telegram_socnetEnabled | Telegram socnet settings enabled? | Telegram socnet settings enabled by your website admins? |
socnets_Telegram_loginEnabled | Telegram login allowed? | Let Telegram socnet to login users into your website |
socnets_Telegram_app_id | Telegram Application ID | Telegram Application ID generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_Telegram_app_secret | Telegram Application secret | Telegram Application secret generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_Telegram_app_api | Telegram API (or Graph) version - NOT YET | Telegram socnets API (or Graph) version. Hybridauth default will be used until implemented |
socnets_Telegram_app_site_name | Telegram site name | Telegram The default website name that will be used by socnet for every web page. This parameter will be used instead of the browser title. |
socnets_Telegram_app_site_image | Telegram site image | Telegram The default image (logo, picture, etc) that will be used by socnet for every web page. The image must be specified as a URL or/and uploaded to socnet site. |
socnets_Telegram_autocreateuser | Telegram auto-create user? | Let Telegram automatically create a Tiki user by the username of fb_xxxxxxxx for eg users logging in using Facebook if they do not yet have a Tiki account. If not, they will be asked to link or register a Tiki account |
socnets_Telegram_autocreate_prefix | Telegram user prefix to auto-create | What Telegram Tiki user prefix auto-creates. Eg xx_nnnnnnn etc. Press reset if there is none! |
socnets_Telegram_autocreate_email | Telegram auto-create user email? | Let Telegram automatically set a Tiki user email from socnet account. |
socnets_Telegram_autocreate_user_trackeritem | Telegram auto-create user tracker item? | Let Telegram automatically set a Tiki user tracker item from socnet account. |
socnets_Telegram_autocreate_names | Telegram auto-create user name(s)? | Let Telegram automatically set a Tiki user name/name from socnet account. |
socnets_Tumblr_socnetEnabled | Tumblr socnet settings enabled? | Tumblr socnet settings enabled by your website admins? |
socnets_Tumblr_loginEnabled | Tumblr login allowed? | Let Tumblr socnet to login users into your website |
socnets_Tumblr_app_id | Tumblr Application ID | Tumblr Application ID generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_Tumblr_app_secret | Tumblr Application secret | Tumblr Application secret generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_Tumblr_app_api | Tumblr API (or Graph) version - NOT YET | Tumblr socnets API (or Graph) version. Hybridauth default will be used until implemented |
socnets_Tumblr_app_site_name | Tumblr site name | Tumblr The default website name that will be used by socnet for every web page. This parameter will be used instead of the browser title. |
socnets_Tumblr_app_site_image | Tumblr site image | Tumblr The default image (logo, picture, etc) that will be used by socnet for every web page. The image must be specified as a URL or/and uploaded to socnet site. |
socnets_Tumblr_autocreateuser | Tumblr auto-create user? | Let Tumblr automatically create a Tiki user by the username of fb_xxxxxxxx for eg users logging in using Facebook if they do not yet have a Tiki account. If not, they will be asked to link or register a Tiki account |
socnets_Tumblr_autocreate_prefix | Tumblr user prefix to auto-create | What Tumblr Tiki user prefix auto-creates. Eg xx_nnnnnnn etc. Press reset if there is none! |
socnets_Tumblr_autocreate_email | Tumblr auto-create user email? | Let Tumblr automatically set a Tiki user email from socnet account. |
socnets_Tumblr_autocreate_user_trackeritem | Tumblr auto-create user tracker item? | Let Tumblr automatically set a Tiki user tracker item from socnet account. |
socnets_Tumblr_autocreate_names | Tumblr auto-create user name(s)? | Let Tumblr automatically set a Tiki user name/name from socnet account. |
socnets_TwitchTV_socnetEnabled | TwitchTV socnet settings enabled? | TwitchTV socnet settings enabled by your website admins? |
socnets_TwitchTV_loginEnabled | TwitchTV login allowed? | Let TwitchTV socnet to login users into your website |
socnets_TwitchTV_app_id | TwitchTV Application ID | TwitchTV Application ID generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_TwitchTV_app_secret | TwitchTV Application secret | TwitchTV Application secret generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_TwitchTV_app_api | TwitchTV API (or Graph) version - NOT YET | TwitchTV socnets API (or Graph) version. Hybridauth default will be used until implemented |
socnets_TwitchTV_app_site_name | TwitchTV site name | TwitchTV The default website name that will be used by socnet for every web page. This parameter will be used instead of the browser title. |
socnets_TwitchTV_app_site_image | TwitchTV site image | TwitchTV The default image (logo, picture, etc) that will be used by socnet for every web page. The image must be specified as a URL or/and uploaded to socnet site. |
socnets_TwitchTV_autocreateuser | TwitchTV auto-create user? | Let TwitchTV automatically create a Tiki user by the username of fb_xxxxxxxx for eg users logging in using Facebook if they do not yet have a Tiki account. If not, they will be asked to link or register a Tiki account |
socnets_TwitchTV_autocreate_prefix | TwitchTV user prefix to auto-create | What TwitchTV Tiki user prefix auto-creates. Eg xx_nnnnnnn etc. Press reset if there is none! |
socnets_TwitchTV_autocreate_email | TwitchTV auto-create user email? | Let TwitchTV automatically set a Tiki user email from socnet account. |
socnets_TwitchTV_autocreate_user_trackeritem | TwitchTV auto-create user tracker item? | Let TwitchTV automatically set a Tiki user tracker item from socnet account. |
socnets_TwitchTV_autocreate_names | TwitchTV auto-create user name(s)? | Let TwitchTV automatically set a Tiki user name/name from socnet account. |
socnets_Twitter_socnetEnabled | Twitter socnet settings enabled? | Twitter socnet settings enabled by your website admins? |
socnets_Twitter_loginEnabled | Twitter login allowed? | Let Twitter socnet to login users into your website |
socnets_Twitter_app_id | Twitter Application ID | Twitter Application ID generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_Twitter_app_secret | Twitter Application secret | Twitter Application secret generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_Twitter_app_api | Twitter API (or Graph) version - NOT YET | Twitter socnets API (or Graph) version. Hybridauth default will be used until implemented |
socnets_Twitter_app_site_name | Twitter site name | Twitter The default website name that will be used by socnet for every web page. This parameter will be used instead of the browser title. |
socnets_Twitter_app_site_image | Twitter site image | Twitter The default image (logo, picture, etc) that will be used by socnet for every web page. The image must be specified as a URL or/and uploaded to socnet site. |
socnets_Twitter_autocreateuser | Twitter auto-create user? | Let Twitter automatically create a Tiki user by the username of fb_xxxxxxxx for eg users logging in using Facebook if they do not yet have a Tiki account. If not, they will be asked to link or register a Tiki account |
socnets_Twitter_autocreate_prefix | Twitter user prefix to auto-create | What Twitter Tiki user prefix auto-creates. Eg xx_nnnnnnn etc. Press reset if there is none! |
socnets_Twitter_autocreate_email | Twitter auto-create user email? | Let Twitter automatically set a Tiki user email from socnet account. |
socnets_Twitter_autocreate_user_trackeritem | Twitter auto-create user tracker item? | Let Twitter automatically set a Tiki user tracker item from socnet account. |
socnets_Twitter_autocreate_names | Twitter auto-create user name(s)? | Let Twitter automatically set a Tiki user name/name from socnet account. |
socnets_WeChat_socnetEnabled | WeChat socnet settings enabled? | WeChat socnet settings enabled by your website admins? |
socnets_WeChat_loginEnabled | WeChat login allowed? | Let WeChat socnet to login users into your website |
socnets_WeChat_app_id | WeChat Application ID | WeChat Application ID generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_WeChat_app_secret | WeChat Application secret | WeChat Application secret generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_WeChat_app_api | WeChat API (or Graph) version - NOT YET | WeChat socnets API (or Graph) version. Hybridauth default will be used until implemented |
socnets_WeChat_app_site_name | WeChat site name | WeChat The default website name that will be used by socnet for every web page. This parameter will be used instead of the browser title. |
socnets_WeChat_app_site_image | WeChat site image | WeChat The default image (logo, picture, etc) that will be used by socnet for every web page. The image must be specified as a URL or/and uploaded to socnet site. |
socnets_WeChat_autocreateuser | WeChat auto-create user? | Let WeChat automatically create a Tiki user by the username of fb_xxxxxxxx for eg users logging in using Facebook if they do not yet have a Tiki account. If not, they will be asked to link or register a Tiki account |
socnets_WeChat_autocreate_prefix | WeChat user prefix to auto-create | What WeChat Tiki user prefix auto-creates. Eg xx_nnnnnnn etc. Press reset if there is none! |
socnets_WeChat_autocreate_email | WeChat auto-create user email? | Let WeChat automatically set a Tiki user email from socnet account. |
socnets_WeChat_autocreate_user_trackeritem | WeChat auto-create user tracker item? | Let WeChat automatically set a Tiki user tracker item from socnet account. |
socnets_WeChat_autocreate_names | WeChat auto-create user name(s)? | Let WeChat automatically set a Tiki user name/name from socnet account. |
socnets_WeChatChina_socnetEnabled | WeChatChina socnet settings enabled? | WeChatChina socnet settings enabled by your website admins? |
socnets_WeChatChina_loginEnabled | WeChatChina login allowed? | Let WeChatChina socnet to login users into your website |
socnets_WeChatChina_app_id | WeChatChina Application ID | WeChatChina Application ID generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_WeChatChina_app_secret | WeChatChina Application secret | WeChatChina Application secret generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_WeChatChina_app_api | WeChatChina API (or Graph) version - NOT YET | WeChatChina socnets API (or Graph) version. Hybridauth default will be used until implemented |
socnets_WeChatChina_app_site_name | WeChatChina site name | WeChatChina The default website name that will be used by socnet for every web page. This parameter will be used instead of the browser title. |
socnets_WeChatChina_app_site_image | WeChatChina site image | WeChatChina The default image (logo, picture, etc) that will be used by socnet for every web page. The image must be specified as a URL or/and uploaded to socnet site. |
socnets_WeChatChina_autocreateuser | WeChatChina auto-create user? | Let WeChatChina automatically create a Tiki user by the username of fb_xxxxxxxx for eg users logging in using Facebook if they do not yet have a Tiki account. If not, they will be asked to link or register a Tiki account |
socnets_WeChatChina_autocreate_prefix | WeChatChina user prefix to auto-create | What WeChatChina Tiki user prefix auto-creates. Eg xx_nnnnnnn etc. Press reset if there is none! |
socnets_WeChatChina_autocreate_email | WeChatChina auto-create user email? | Let WeChatChina automatically set a Tiki user email from socnet account. |
socnets_WeChatChina_autocreate_user_trackeritem | WeChatChina auto-create user tracker item? | Let WeChatChina automatically set a Tiki user tracker item from socnet account. |
socnets_WeChatChina_autocreate_names | WeChatChina auto-create user name(s)? | Let WeChatChina automatically set a Tiki user name/name from socnet account. |
socnets_WindowsLive_socnetEnabled | WindowsLive socnet settings enabled? | WindowsLive socnet settings enabled by your website admins? |
socnets_WindowsLive_loginEnabled | WindowsLive login allowed? | Let WindowsLive socnet to login users into your website |
socnets_WindowsLive_app_id | WindowsLive Application ID | WindowsLive Application ID generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_WindowsLive_app_secret | WindowsLive Application secret | WindowsLive Application secret generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_WindowsLive_app_api | WindowsLive API (or Graph) version - NOT YET | WindowsLive socnets API (or Graph) version. Hybridauth default will be used until implemented |
socnets_WindowsLive_app_site_name | WindowsLive site name | WindowsLive The default website name that will be used by socnet for every web page. This parameter will be used instead of the browser title. |
socnets_WindowsLive_app_site_image | WindowsLive site image | WindowsLive The default image (logo, picture, etc) that will be used by socnet for every web page. The image must be specified as a URL or/and uploaded to socnet site. |
socnets_WindowsLive_autocreateuser | WindowsLive auto-create user? | Let WindowsLive automatically create a Tiki user by the username of fb_xxxxxxxx for eg users logging in using Facebook if they do not yet have a Tiki account. If not, they will be asked to link or register a Tiki account |
socnets_WindowsLive_autocreate_prefix | WindowsLive user prefix to auto-create | What WindowsLive Tiki user prefix auto-creates. Eg xx_nnnnnnn etc. Press reset if there is none! |
socnets_WindowsLive_autocreate_email | WindowsLive auto-create user email? | Let WindowsLive automatically set a Tiki user email from socnet account. |
socnets_WindowsLive_autocreate_user_trackeritem | WindowsLive auto-create user tracker item? | Let WindowsLive automatically set a Tiki user tracker item from socnet account. |
socnets_WindowsLive_autocreate_names | WindowsLive auto-create user name(s)? | Let WindowsLive automatically set a Tiki user name/name from socnet account. |
socnets_WordPress_socnetEnabled | WordPress socnet settings enabled? | WordPress socnet settings enabled by your website admins? |
socnets_WordPress_loginEnabled | WordPress login allowed? | Let WordPress socnet to login users into your website |
socnets_WordPress_app_id | WordPress Application ID | WordPress Application ID generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_WordPress_app_secret | WordPress Application secret | WordPress Application secret generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_WordPress_app_api | WordPress API (or Graph) version - NOT YET | WordPress socnets API (or Graph) version. Hybridauth default will be used until implemented |
socnets_WordPress_app_site_name | WordPress site name | WordPress The default website name that will be used by socnet for every web page. This parameter will be used instead of the browser title. |
socnets_WordPress_app_site_image | WordPress site image | WordPress The default image (logo, picture, etc) that will be used by socnet for every web page. The image must be specified as a URL or/and uploaded to socnet site. |
socnets_WordPress_autocreateuser | WordPress auto-create user? | Let WordPress automatically create a Tiki user by the username of fb_xxxxxxxx for eg users logging in using Facebook if they do not yet have a Tiki account. If not, they will be asked to link or register a Tiki account |
socnets_WordPress_autocreate_prefix | WordPress user prefix to auto-create | What WordPress Tiki user prefix auto-creates. Eg xx_nnnnnnn etc. Press reset if there is none! |
socnets_WordPress_autocreate_email | WordPress auto-create user email? | Let WordPress automatically set a Tiki user email from socnet account. |
socnets_WordPress_autocreate_user_trackeritem | WordPress auto-create user tracker item? | Let WordPress automatically set a Tiki user tracker item from socnet account. |
socnets_WordPress_autocreate_names | WordPress auto-create user name(s)? | Let WordPress automatically set a Tiki user name/name from socnet account. |
socnets_Yahoo_socnetEnabled | Yahoo socnet settings enabled? | Yahoo socnet settings enabled by your website admins? |
socnets_Yahoo_loginEnabled | Yahoo login allowed? | Let Yahoo socnet to login users into your website |
socnets_Yahoo_app_id | Yahoo Application ID | Yahoo Application ID generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_Yahoo_app_secret | Yahoo Application secret | Yahoo Application secret generated when registering this Tiki site as an application with them. |
socnets_Yahoo_app_api | Yahoo API (or Graph) version - NOT YET | Yahoo socnets API (or Graph) version. Hybridauth default will be used until implemented |
socnets_Yahoo_app_site_name | Yahoo site name | Yahoo The default website name that will be used by socnet for every web page. This parameter will be used instead of the browser title. |
socnets_Yahoo_app_site_image | Yahoo site image | Yahoo The default image (logo, picture, etc) that will be used by socnet for every web page. The image must be specified as a URL or/and uploaded to socnet site. |
socnets_Yahoo_autocreateuser | Yahoo auto-create user? | Let Yahoo automatically create a Tiki user by the username of fb_xxxxxxxx for eg users logging in using Facebook if they do not yet have a Tiki account. If not, they will be asked to link or register a Tiki account |
socnets_Yahoo_autocreate_prefix | Yahoo user prefix to auto-create | What Yahoo Tiki user prefix auto-creates. Eg xx_nnnnnnn etc. Press reset if there is none! |
socnets_Yahoo_autocreate_email | Yahoo auto-create user email? | Let Yahoo automatically set a Tiki user email from socnet account. |
socnets_Yahoo_autocreate_user_trackeritem | Yahoo auto-create user tracker item? | Let Yahoo automatically set a Tiki user tracker item from socnet account. |
socnets_Yahoo_autocreate_names | Yahoo auto-create user name(s)? | Let Yahoo automatically set a Tiki user name/name from socnet account. |
storedsearch_enabled | Stored searches | Allow users to store search queries. | search/3
suite_jitsi_provision | Expose Jitsi provision URL | Provide connection configuration information for Jitsi users to connect to a community/organization instant messaging server. | connect/4
suite_jitsi_configuration | Jitsi configuration | Content of a Jitsi-format Java properties file | connect/4
t_use_db | Storage | Location where tracker attachment files are stored | trackers/1
t_use_dir | Directory path | Path of a directory on Tiki's host, such as /var/www/. For confidentiality, this directory should not be web accessible. PHP must be able to read/write to the directory. | trackers/1
theme | Site theme | The default theme for the site. Themes are bootstrap.css variants, including original Tiki themes as well as implementations of themes from Bootswatch.com. For more information about Bootstrap, see getbootstrap.com. | look/1
theme_option | Site theme option | Supplemental style sheet for the selected theme | look/1
theme_custom_url | Custom theme URL | Local or external URL of the custom Bootstrap-compatible CSS file to use. | look/1
theme_unified_admin_backend | Unified Admin Backend | Use modern layout for control panels. | look/1
theme_admin | Admin theme | Theme for the settings panels and other administration pages | look/1
theme_option_admin | Admin theme option | Supplemental style sheet for the selected theme | look/1
theme_navbar_color_variant_admin | Admin navbar background color | Select a dark or light navbar (containing horizontal menu, etc.), as styled by the theme. | look/1
theme_option_includes_main | Option theme includes main theme CSS | Don't include the main theme stylesheet because its contents are included in the option stylesheet. | look/1
theme_navbar_color_variant | Navbar background color | Select a dark or light navbar (containing horizontal menu, etc.), as styled by the theme. | look/1
theme_navbar_fixed_topbar_offset | Fixed-top navbar height | For the Classic Bootstrap or equivalent layout, specify the height of the navbar in fixed position at the top of the page. The logo module image assigned to the top module zone will scale to display correctly here. | look/2
theme_iconset | Icons | Icon set used by the site. | look/1
theme_customizer | Theme Customizer tool | Activate the theme customizer tool to enable easy theme customization. | look/5
theme_iconeditable | Editable Icons | Edit icons with the icon picker | look/5
tiki_version_check_frequency | Check frequency | How often Tiki should check for updates. This field applies only if "Check for updates automatically" is enabled. |
tiki_release_cycle | Upgrade cycle | Tiki upgrade frequency for this site to check against. |
tiki_monitor_performance | Monitor Tiki Performance | Register multiple parameters related to tiki's performance | performance/1
tiki_minify_javascript | Minify JavaScript | Compress JavaScript files used in the page into a single file to be distributed statically. Changes to JavaScript files will require cache to be cleared. Uses http://code.google.com/p/minify/ | performance/1
tiki_minify_late_js_files | Minify late JavaScript | Compress extra JavaScript files used in the page after tiki-setup into a separate file which may vary from page to page. | performance/1
tiki_minify_css | Minify CSS | Compress CSS files (notably by removing white space). Changes to CSS files will require cache to be cleared. Uses http://code.google.com/p/minify/ | performance/1
tiki_minify_css_single_file | Minify CSS into a single file | In addition to reducing the size of the CSS files, reduce the number of files by consolidating them. | performance/1
tiki_prefix_css | Prefix CSS | Use -prefix-free JavaScript library to add vendor specific css prefixes. | features/2, performance/1
tiki_same_day_time_only | Skip date for same day | When displaying short date and time, skip date for today. Only time will be displayed. | general/4
tiki_cachecontrol_session | Cache-control header | Custom HTTP header to use when a session is active | performance/1
tiki_cachecontrol_nosession | Cache-control header (no session) | Custom HTTP header to use when no session is active | performance/9
tiki_cdn | Content delivery networks | Use alternate domains to serve static files from this Tiki site to avoid sending cookies, improve local caching and generally improve user-experience performance. | performance/1
tiki_cdn_ssl | Content delivery networks in SSL | Use alternate domains to serve static files from this Tiki site to avoid sending cookies, improve local caching and generally improve user-experience performance. Leave empty to disable CDN in SSL mode. | performance/1
tiki_cdn_check | Check CDN files exists | Check that minified JS and CSS files exist before including them in the page. | performance/1
tiki_domain_prefix | Domain prefix handling | Strip or automatically add the "www." prefix on domain names to standardize URLs. | general/3
tiki_domain_redirects | Domain redirects | When the site is accessed through specific domain names, redirect to an alternate domain preserving the URL. Useful for domain name transitions, like tikiwiki.org to tiki.org. | general/3
tiki_check_file_content | Validate uploaded file content | Do not trust user input and open the files to verify their content. | fgal/1, security/1
tiki_allow_trust_input | Allow the tiki_p_trust_input permission. | Bypass user input filtering. | security/1
tiki_object_selector_threshold | Object selector threshold | Number of records after which the object selectors will request searching instead of selecting from a list. | look/3, trackers/1
tiki_object_selector_searchfield | Object selector search field | Field or (comma separated) fields to search when filtering in an object selector. e.g. "content" (default "title") | look/3, trackers/1
tiki_key | Client key for this site | This must match the shared key entered in the Master’s key field. | intertiki/1
tracker_remote_sync | Synchronize remote tracker | Enable a tracker to be cloned on a remote host, and synchronize the data locally on demand. | trackers/1
tracker_refresh_itemlink_detail | Refresh item link items when the master is modified | To be used when item link is used in trackers so that the index remains in good shape when data on the master that is indexed with the detail is modified and used to search on. | trackers/1
tracker_refresh_itemslist_detail | Refresh items list items when related items are created or modified | Use this to enable the ItemsList fields to refresh their content in the search index when related tracker items are created or modified. | trackers/1
tracker_clone_item | Duplicate tracker items | Allow copying tracker item information to a new tracker item. If the item has an item-link linked, it will automatically create new child item. This last can be turned on and off per case on the item-link tracker fields options. | trackers/1
tracker_insert_allowed | Trackers available for insertion from wiki pages | List of tracker IDs made available when attempting to insert | trackers/2
tracker_change_field_type | Change field types | Allow field type to be changed after creation. | trackers/1
tracker_show_comments_below | Show comments below items | Show comments for a tracker item below the item itself as in other trackers, instead of enclosed in a tab | trackers/1, comments/1
tracker_legacy_insert | Use legacy tracker insertion screen | Use the legacy tracker insertion screen (a tab) instead of a popup dialog.<br>Useful for older trackers using deprecated fields such as Image and File or when more insertion space is useful | trackers/1
tracker_status_in_objectlink | Show tracker status in objectlink | Show the status when doing an objectlink. This can be used to show the status in tracker screens but not in outputs. | trackers/1
tracker_wikirelation_synctitle | Sync wiki page name to linked tracker field | When the wiki page is renamed or when the value of the tracker field that is linked to the wiki page is changed, make the corresponding change as well to the other linked via tiki.wiki.linkedfield relation. | trackers/1
tracker_wikirelation_redirectpage | Redirect page views to the linked tracker item | Redirect the user to the tracker item when trying to view a wiki page that has a linked tracker item via tiki.wiki.linkeditem relation. Can be bypassed by adding &admin (?admin in sefurl) to the URL. | trackers/1
tracker_article_tracker | Tracker for articles | Have a tracker to supplement article information | rss/3, articles/1
tracker_article_trackerId | Tracker ID of tracker for articles | A tracker for articles must contain an "Articles" field | rss/3, articles/1
tracker_article_indexing | Index article info in tracker item | Sets whether the article info should be indexed in the tracker item. This automatically sets the article field to read-only and sets up categorization synchronization between articles and tracker items. | rss/3
tracker_tabular_enabled | Tracker Import-Export | Allows management of import/export tracker profiles and management of custom list formats. | trackers/1
tracker_always_notify | Always notify watchers | Send item updated notifications to watchers even if nothing has changed. | trackers/1
tracker_force_fill | Require users to fill in tracker information | Require users to fill in a tracker form if not done already by prompting them with a modal dialog. | trackers/1, login/1
tracker_force_tracker_id | Tracker ID of tracker required to be filled in | A tracker for articles must contain an "Articles" field | trackers/1, login/1
tracker_force_mandatory_field | Mandatory tracker field to check for required filling in | The permname of field that is checked to see if user has completed the form. If field is empty, user has not completed it. | trackers/1, login/1
tracker_force_tracker_fields | Fields that are asked for in the modal for force-filling | Comma-separated permanent names of fields that are requested in the modal for required filling in. If empty, all fields are requested | trackers/1, login/1
tracker_prefixalias_on_links | Tracker item links use prefix alias | Links for tracker items will use the prefix alias automatically everywhere. | trackers/1
tracker_report_resize_button | Tracker report resize button | Add a button to resize long tracker reports. | trackers/1
tracker_list_order | Tracker list order | Default order for the main tracker list. | trackers/1
tracker_history_diff_style | Tracker History Diff Style | Default style for tracker history. | trackers/1
tracker_field_rules | Tracker Field Rules | Conditional rules for tracker fields. | trackers/1, features/2
tracker_autoincrement_resettable | Allow autoincrement fields start value to be reset to a new value | In some use cases like sequential numbers that begin by the current year, e.g. 20210001, the autoincrement value may have to be annually reset. In this case, just update the start value in the field definition. | trackers/1
tracker_currency_default_locale | Default locale for currency formatting | Currency fields use a system locale to format the output of currency values. Set the default one here when none is selected in the field themselves. Visit "Server Check" page for a list of available system locales. | trackers/1
tracker_system_currency | Exchange rates tracker | Allow defining a specific tracker to hold the exchange rates for currency calculations. You should manually create a tracker with at least 3 fields to hold Currency, Rate and Date. | trackers/1
tracker_system_currency_tracker | Choose tracker | Choose which tracker will store the currency conversion rates used for currency calculations. | trackers/1
tracker_system_currency_rate | Rate field | Choose the field that stores the exchange rate in the system currency tracker. | trackers/1
tracker_system_currency_currency | Currency field | Choose the field that stores the currency in the system currency tracker. | trackers/1
tracker_system_currency_date | Date field | Choose the field that stores the exchange rate date in the system currency tracker. | trackers/1
tracker_system_currency_direction | Rate direction | Straight means Base currency is equal to Target multiplied by the exchange rate. Reverse means Base is equal to Target divided by the exchange rate. In both cases, the Base currency should have an exchange rate of 1.00 | trackers/1
tracker_system_bounces | Email bounces tracker | Allow defining a specific tracker to hold email bounces registered in Tiki and block sending emails out of Tiki to specific mailboxes. | trackers/1
tracker_system_bounces_tracker | Choose tracker | Choose which tracker will store the bounced emails and statistics. | trackers/1
tracker_system_bounces_mailbox | Mailbox field | Choose an email field that stores the email address that bounced. | trackers/1
tracker_system_bounces_emailfolder | Email folder field | Choose an email folder field that stores the bounced messages read by Tiki. | trackers/1
tracker_system_bounces_soft_total | Total soft bounces field | Choose a numeric field that stores the total number of soft bounces occured for an email address. | trackers/1
tracker_system_bounces_hard_total | Total hard bounces field | Choose a numeric field that stores the total number of hard bounces occured for an email address. | trackers/1
tracker_system_bounces_blacklisted | Blacklisted field | Choose a checkbox field that stores the blacklist state for an email address - whether Tiki should skip sending emails to that email address or not. | trackers/1
trackerfield_action | Action | Create a form to be posted somewhere, not necessarily in a tracker or even at this Tiki site. | trackers/3
trackerfield_articles | Articles | Attach articles to the tracker item. | trackers/3
trackerfield_file | Attachment | Deprecated in favor of the Files field. | trackers/3
trackerfield_autoincrement | Auto-Increment | Enable an incrementing value field, or itemId field. | trackers/3
trackerfield_category | Categorize tracker item | Enable the tracker item to be categorized in one or more categories under the specified main category. | category/1, trackers/3
trackerfield_checkbox | Checkbox | Provide a checkbox field for yes/no, on/off input. | trackers/3
trackerfield_computed | Computed | Provide a computed value based on numeric field values. Consider using webservices or JavaScript to perform the task instead of using this field type. | trackers/3
trackerfield_countryselector | Country Selector | Enable a selection from a specified list of countries | trackers/3
trackerfield_currency | Currency | Provide a single field to enter numeric amount and choose a currency. Prepended or appended values may be alphanumeric. | trackers/3
trackerfield_datetime | Date and Time | Provide drop-down options to accurately select a date and/or time. | trackers/3
trackerfield_calendaritem | Date and Time (Calendar Item) | Associate calendar items with tracker items. | trackers/3
trackerfield_jscalendar | Date and Time (Date Picker) | Provide a jQuery UI date picker to select a date and, optionally, a time. | trackers/3
trackerfield_dropdown | Dropdown | Allow users to select only from a specified set of options | trackers/3
trackerfield_dropdownother | Dropdown selector with "Other" field | Allow users to select from a specified set of options or to enter an alternate option | trackers/3
trackerfield_duration | Duration | Provide a convenient way to enter time duration in different units. It is highly advisable to turn Vue.js integration on for a better user interface. | trackers/3
trackerfield_dynamiclist | Dynamic Items List | Dynamically update a selection list based on linked data from another tracker. | trackers/3
trackerfield_email | Email | Enable an email address to be input with the option of making it active. | trackers/3
trackerfield_email_folder | Email Folder | Associate email messages with tracker items. | trackers/3
trackerfield_files | Files | Attached and upload files stored in the file galleries to the tracker item. | trackers/3
trackerfield_geographicfeature | Geographic Feature | Store a geographic feature on a map, allowing paths (LineString) and boundaries (Polygon) to be drawn on a map and saved. | trackers/3
trackerfield_groupselector | Group Selector | Allow a selection from a specified list of user groups. | trackers/3
trackerfield_header | Header | Display a heading between fields to delimit a section and allow visual folding of the fields. | trackers/3
trackerfield_icon | Icon | Provide the ability to select an image as an icon attached to the tracker item from the file galleries. | trackers/3
trackerfield_image | Image | Deprecated in favor of the Files field. | trackers/3
trackerfield_ingroup | In Group | Indicate if the user associated with the item is a member of a specified group. | trackers/3
trackerfield_ipaddress | IP Selector | IP address input field | trackers/3
trackerfield_itemlink | Item Link | Link to another item, similar to a foreign key | trackers/3
trackerfield_itemslist | Items List | Display a list of field values from another tracker that has a relation with this tracker. | trackers/3
trackerfield_kaltura | Kaltura Video | Display a series of attached Kaltura videos. | video/1, trackers/3
trackerfield_language | Language | Assign a language to the tracker item to enable multilingual trackers. | trackers/3
trackerfield_ldap | LDAP | Display a field value from a specific user in LDAP | trackers/3
trackerfield_location | Location | Enable a geographic location to be selected for the item and displayed on a map. | maps/1, trackers/3
trackerfield_math | Mathematical Calculation | Perform a calculation upon saving the item based on other fields within the same item. | trackers/3
trackerfield_multiselect | Multiselect | Allow a user to select multiple values from a specified set of options | trackers/3
trackerfield_numeric | Numeric | Provide a one-line field for numeric input only. Prepended or appended values may be alphanumeric. | trackers/3
trackerfield_pageselector | Page Selector | Allow a selection from the list of pages. | trackers/3
trackerfield_radio | Radio Buttons | Allow users to select only from a specified set of options | trackers/3
trackerfield_rating | Rating | A rating of the tracker item. Permissions involved: tracker_vote_ratings, tracker_revote_ratings, tracker_view_ratings | rating/1, trackers/3
trackerfield_relation | Relations | Allow arbitrary relations to be created between the trackers and other objects in the system. | trackers/3
trackerfield_showtikiorg | show.tiki.org | Create, display or manage show.tiki.org instances. | trackers/3
trackerfield_stars | Stars (deprecated) | Display a star rating | trackers/3
trackerfield_starsystem | Stars (system - deprecated) | Display a star rating | trackers/3
trackerfield_statictext | Static Text | Display the field description as static text to present notes or additional instructions. | trackers/3
trackerfield_freetags | Tags | Allow tags to be shown or added for tracker items. | trackers/3
trackerfield_textarea | Text Area | Multi-line text input | trackers/3
trackerfield_text | Text Field | Single-line text input | trackers/3
trackerfield_tikimanager | Tiki Manager | Integrate Tiki Manager commands in tracker items. | trackers/3
trackerfield_url | URL | Create a link to a specified URL. | trackers/3
trackerfield_usergroups | User Groups | Display the list of groups for the user associated with the tracker items. | trackers/3
trackerfield_userpreference | User Preference | Allow user preference changes from a tracker. | trackers/3
trackerfield_userselector | User Selector | Allow the selection of a user or users from a list. | trackers/3
trackerfield_subscription | User Subscription | Allow registered users to subscribe to a tracker item. Ideally, the item should only be editable by the creator or by administrators. Prepend the maximum amount of subscribers to the field value followed by # if such a limit is desired. For example, 50# means that 50 subscribers will be allowed for this item. | trackers/3
trackerfield_webservice | Webservice | Display the result of a registered webservice call. | trackers/3
trackerfield_wiki | Wiki Page | Embed an associated wiki page | trackers/3
uf_use_db | Storage | Storage settings when file galleries are not used | user/5
uf_use_dir | Directory path | Specify a directory on this server, for example: /var/www/ It's recommended that this directory not be web-accessible. PHP must be able to read/write to the directory. | user/5
unified_engine | Unified search engine | Search engine used to index the content of this Tiki site. Some engines are more suitable for larger sites, but require additional software on the server. | search/1
unified_search_default_operator | Default Boolean Operator | Use OR or AND as the default search operator. | search/1
unified_incremental_update | Incremental Index Update | Update the index incrementally as the site content is modified. | search/1
unified_field_weight | Field weights | Allow the field weights to be set that apply when ranking pages in the search results. The weight is applied only when the field is in the query. To nullify the value of a field, use an insignificant amount, but not 0, which may lead to unexpected behaviors such as stripping of results.<br>(Add these fields to the "Default content fields" preference below for it to have an effect in a global "content" search) | search/1
unified_numeric_field_scroll | Numeric field data modification via scroll | Allow the numeric field data to be changed on movement of mousepad or mouse scroll | trackers/1
unified_default_content | Default content fields | All of the content is aggregated in the contents field. For custom weighting to apply, the fields must be included in the query. This option allows other fields to be included in the default content search. | search/1
unified_tokenize_version_numbers | Tokenize version numbers | Tokenize version number strings so that major versions are found when sub-versions are mentioned. For example, searching for 2.7 would return documents containing 2.7.4, but not 1.2.7. | search/1
unified_user_cache | Cache per user and query for Tiki built-in search | Time in minutes a user has a same query cached applied to Tiki built-in search interface only. | search/1
unified_forum_deepindexing | Index forum replies together with initial post | Forum replies will be indexed together with the initial post as a single document instead of being indexed separately. | search/1
unified_relation_object_indexing | Relation types to index within object. | Comma-separated relation types for which objects should be indexed in their related objects. | search/1
unified_cached_formatters | Cache individual search formatters | List of search formatters whose output will be cached. This is separate to the result-specific formatted results cache. | search/1
unified_trackerfield_keys | Format to use for tracker field keys | Choose between field IDs and permanent names for the tracker indexing | trackers/1, search/1
unified_trackeritem_category_names | Index Tracker Category names | Index the names and paths of category field values | trackers/1, category/1, search/1
unified_cache_formatted_result | Cache result-specific formatted results | Formatted search results such as the ones used in the List plugin will be cached to prevent process-intensive reformatting on each page load. The cache is result-specific. | search/1
unified_excluded_categories | Excluded categories | List of category IDs to exclude from the search index | category/1, search/1
unified_excluded_plugins | Excluded plugins | List of plugin names to exclude while indexing | search/1
unified_exclude_all_plugins | Exclude all plugins | Indexing will exclude all plugins. | search/1
unified_included_plugins | Except included plugins | List of plugin names that are required to be included while indexing, when excluding all. Example: fancytable,list,trackerlist,trackerfilter | search/1
unified_exclude_nonsearchable_fields | Don't index non searchable fields | Indexing will skip adding all tracker fields that are not marked as "searchable". This will free index space but also make it impossible to use those fields in search index queries. | search/1
unified_exclude_nonsearchable_fields_from_facets | Exclude non searchable fields from facets | Only tracker fields checked as "search" to generate facets on the default search page. | search/2
unified_elastic_url | Elasticsearch URL | URL of any node in the cluster | search/1
unified_elastic_index_prefix | Elasticsearch index prefix | The prefix that is used for all indexes for this installation in Elasticsearch | search/1
unified_elastic_index_current | Elasticsearch current index | A new index is created upon rebuilding, and the old one is then destroyed. This setting enables seeing the currently active index. | search/1
unified_elastic_camel_case | Tokenize CamelCase words | Consider the components of camel-case words as separate tokens, allowing them to be searched individually. | search/1
unified_elastic_field_limit | Elasticsearch field limit per index | The maximum number of fields per search index in Elasticsearch version 5.x and above | search/1
unified_elastic_mysql_search_fallback | Use MySQL Full-Text Search (fallback) | In case of Elasticsearch is active and unavailable, use MySQL Full-Text Search as fallback | search/1
unified_mysql_index_current | MySQL full-text search current index | A new index is created upon rebuilding, and the old one is then destroyed. This setting enables seeing the currently active index. |
unified_mysql_index_rebuilding | The current MariaDB/MySQL index name that is being rebuilt (Internal) | This value helps to determine if there is a rebuild in progress, for incremental search. |
unified_mysql_short_field_names | MySQL use short field names | Due to frm file constraints, number of search fields that one index can hold is usually limited to about 1500. This can be exceeded if you have numerous tracker fields. Enabling this option will try to shorten the field names internally that should allow you to use 300-500 more fields. Switching this option requires full index rebuild. | search/1
unified_mysql_restore_indexes | Restore old MySQL indexes during reindex | If set, after the reindex is performed, old table MySQL indexes will be restored to the reindex related table. | search/1
unified_manticore_url | Manticore URL | URL of the Manticore search server | search/1
unified_manticore_http_port | Manticore HTTP(S) Port | Port number for the HTTP(S) interface. | search/1
unified_manticore_mysql_port | Manticore MySQL Port | Port number for the MySQL interface. | search/1
unified_manticore_index_prefix | Manticore index prefix | The prefix that is used for all indexes for this installation in Manticore | search/1
unified_manticore_index_current | Manticore current index | A new set of indexes are created upon rebuilding, and the old ones are then destroyed. This setting enables seeing the currently active index prefix. | search/1
unified_manticore_index_rebuilding | The current Manticore index name that is being rebuilt (Internal) | This value helps to determine if there is a rebuild in progress, for incremental search. |
unified_manticore_morphology | Morphology processing | Advanced morphology preprocessors to apply in the Manticore index. See Manticore manual for possible values. | search/1
unified_manticore_always_index | Manticore indexed full-text fields | Manticore has a hard-limit of 256 full-text indexed fields per index. If your installation has more, some will be indexed as string attributes and perform the slower regex search. You can add a comma-separated list of fields to always index as full-text here. | search/1
unified_identifier_fields | Unified index identifier fields (Internal) | Used to store the fields to be considered as identifiers. This is overwritten after each index rebuilding. |
unified_add_to_categ_search | Use unified search in category admin | Use unified search to find objects to add to categories. This limits the types of objects available to those included in the unified index. | category/1, search/1
unified_stopwords | Stop Word List | Words excluded from the search index, because they can be too frequent and produce unwanted results. | search/1
unified_trim_sorted_search | Automatically trim Elasticsearch results on date-sorted query | Automatically trim Elasticsearch results in unified search if the query is sorted by modification or creation date. | search/1
unified_highlight_results | Highlight results pages | Highlight words on the result pages based on the search query. | search/2
unified_search_textarea_admin | Plugins tab of the textarea control panel loads with an empty list | Improve the performance of the textarea control panel by avoiding the loading of all plugins initially | textarea/2
unified_elastic_possessive_stemmer | Possessive Stemmer | The possessive stemmer removes possessives (trailing "'s") from words before indexing them. | search/1
unified_list_cache_default_on | LIST plugin cache default on | If selected, LIST plugins will be cached by default unless turned off at plugin level. | search/1
unified_list_cache_default_expiry | LIST plugin cache default expiry | Default number of minutes for LIST plugin cache expiry. | search/1
unified_last_rebuild_stats | Last rebuild statistics | Record of last rebuild object counts and timings. |
unsuccessful_logins | Re-validate user by email after | After a certain number of consecutive unsuccessful log-in attempts, the user will receive an email with instruction to validate his or her account. However, the user can still log in with the old password. | login/1
unsuccessful_logins_invalid | Suspend account after | After a certain number of consecutive unsuccessful login attempts, the account is suspended. An admin must revalidate the account before the user can use it again. | login/1
url_after_validation | URL the user is redirected to after account validation | The default page a Registered user sees after account validation is "tiki-information.php?msg=Account validated successfully". | general/3, login/1
url_anonymous_page_not_found | The URL that the anonymous user is redirected to when a page is not found |
url_only_ascii|Use Only ASCII in SEFURLs|Do not use accented characters in short (search engine friendly) URLs.|sefurl/1
use_load_threshold|Close site when server load is above the threshold|Use this option to "close" the Tiki site when the server load exceeds a specific threshold. Only users with specific permission will be allowed to log in. Use "Maximum average server load threshold in the last minute" to define the maximum server load. Use the "Message to display" to specify the message that visitors will see when attempting to access the site.|security/4, general/3
use_proxy|Use proxy|Specify if this Tiki site requires a proxy to access the internet. If enabled, the proxy Host name (either with or without the http:// prefix), Port settings, Username, and Password can be specified.|general/2
user_show_realnames|Show user's real name|Show the user's real name instead of username (log-in name), when possible.|user/3
user_unique_email|User emails must be unique|The email address of each user must be unique.|login/1
user_unique_email_validation|Show emails validation|Show if an email is already in use on the registration form. Will confirm an email is registered here if so without completing the form.|login/1
user_tracker_infos|Display user tracker information on the user information page
user_picture_gallery_id|File gallery in which to store full-size profile picture|Enter the gallery ID here. Create a dedicated gallery that is admin-only for security, or make sure gallery permissions are set so that only admins can edit.|user/3
user_default_picture_id|File ID of default profile picture|File ID of image to use in file gallery as the profile picture if user has no profile picture in file galleries|user/3
user_who_viewed_my_stuff|Display who has viewed "my items" on the user information page|This requires activation of tracking of views for various items in the action log|user/3
user_who_viewed_my_stuff_days|Length of "who viewed my items" history|Number of days before the current day to consider when displaying "who viewed my items"|user/3
user_who_viewed_my_stuff_show_others|Show to others "who viewed my items" on the user information page|Show to others "who viewed my items" on the user information page. Admins can always see this information.|user/3
user_tracker_auto_assign_item_field|Assign a user tracker item when registering if email equals this field
userfiles_private|Private|Users cannot see each other's files or galleries|user/5
userfiles_hidden|Hidden|Users can see each other's files, but don't see the galleries in listings|user/5
username_pattern|Username pattern|This regex pattern requires or forbids the use of certain characters for username. For example, to add Hebrew, use: /