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History: User Preference Field

Source of version: 6

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            tikiwiki >= 2.0
This field allows you to be able to change ((user preferences)) directly from a tracker.

The value of the field will be taken from the user preference, and if the field is changed the value will be changed. This permits, for example, for a user to change his password in the same screen as the rest of the ((user tracker)).

preference|password, email

About TW4.2+, we also have
preference|realName, ... (see below)

* the tracker must have a user field of type 1 that will give the user name.
* you might need to set Admin Home / Community / User Preferences Screen on (e.g. for realName)

!!How to find out which preferences can be used? (the result shown below is from a TW5.0Beta1)
mysql> select distinct prefName from tiki_user_preferences order by prefName;
| prefName                 |
| allowMsgs                |
| country                  |
| diff_versions            |
| display_timezone         |
| email is public          |
| gender                   |
| gmap_defx                |
| gmap_defy                |
| gmap_defz                |
| homePage                 |
| language                 |
| lat                      |
| lon                      |
| mailCharset              |
| mailCurrentAccount       |
| mess_archiveAfter        |
| mess_maxRecords          |
| mess_sendReadStatus      |
| minPrio                  |
| mytiki_articles          |
| mytiki_blogs             |
| mytiki_forum_replies     |
| mytiki_forum_topics      |
| mytiki_gals              |
| mytiki_items             |
| mytiki_msgs              |
| mytiki_pages             |
| mytiki_tasks             |
| objectperm_admin_groups  |
| realName                 |
| show_mouseover_user_info |
| tasks_maxRecords         |
| theme                    |
| ticket                   |
| userbreadCrumb           |
| user_dbl                 |
| user_information         |
37 rows in set (0.00 sec)

!!Why it is not working at registration?
* vote for [http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?itemId=3449|this issue]

!! Links
* [http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=UserPreferencesAdmin|I wanna create custom user preferences]
* The old wish log [http://dev.tikiwiki.org/wish2403|More preference to come in future versions (Full name, avatar, etc) ...]



Information Version
Marc Laporte 19
Marc Laporte 18
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist Updated data from the database with Tiki22 17
luciash d' being 🧙 cleanup + update 16
WizarDave removed links to a closed bug report 15
Xavier de Pedro 14
Marc Laporte 13
Marc Laporte 12
luciash d' being 🧙 Mass search and replace 10
luciash d' being 🧙 Mass search and replace 9
Nelson Ko 8
Gergely 7
Gergely 6
Marc Laporte 5
Marc Laporte 4
mlpvolt 3
sylvie 2
system created from structure 1