History: module cookiesettings
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! Module Cookie Consent Settings This module allows users to change their cookie consent preferences. !! Usage This module requires [https://doc.tiki.org/Cookie-Consent|cookie_consent_feature]. This is how to use the __Cookie Consent Settings__ module in a wiki page: {CODE()} {module module="cookiesettings"} {CODE} !! Parameters {PLUGINMANAGER(module=cookiesettings) /} !! Example In the example below we pass in a wiki page the module cookiesettings through the plugin module. If you encounter this alert: {img src="display2003" link="display2003" imalign="center" desc="Click to expand" align="center" styleimage="border"} just go ahead and activate the -+cookie_consent_feature+- feature in the admin panel So, this code: {CODE()} {module module="cookiesettings"} {CODE} Produces on this site: {module module="cookiesettings"}