Provide an input field for adding a tag to an object
Show tag cloud
Show the full tag cloud in the list-tags screen.
Maximum number of tags in cloud
100 tags
Show tags in middle column
On pages that have content tagged, this option enables the display of the tags at the top of those pages. Tags can be set, among other places, in the properties tab when editing a wiki page..
Tag Suggestions
Number of tags to show in tag suggestions
10 tags
Valid characters pattern
Click on the links below to set or clear a pattern to limit characters accepted in tags. Useful to eliminate characters such as “,” which users can enter by mistake instead of a space.
Lowercase tags only
Convert uppercase characters in tags to lowercase, if this is a preferred style for making tags more user-friendly..
enables tagged material to offer a find potentially related content. Basic will present content where a minimum number of tags match the item or page being viewed. Weighted is the same, but items are presented in Weighted (highest value first) sort order. Basic | Weighted
Minimum number of tags in common
The minimum number of matching tags required for an item to be presented in the "More Like This" feature. 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
2 tags
Ordering of tagged objects
Default sort mode for tagged items Name ascending | Name descending | Created ascending | Created descending | Description ascending | Description descending | Hits ascending | Hits descending | Href ascending | Href descending | Item ID ascending | Item ID descending | Object ID ascending | Object ID descending | Type ascending | Type descending | Comments locked ascending | Comments locked descending
Name ascending
Preload random tag
A random tag will be selected on the tag search page (if no tag is pre-selected)..