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Gentoo Install

This is an installation guide.

Gentoo Portage provides both Tikiwiki 1.8 and 1.9 masked unstable
Note: The Gentoo Portage Managers have updated Tikiwiki packages:

For a list of pending bugs on gentoo bugzilla query:

How to choose your version
TikiWiki 1.7.x is not secure and is no longer being maintained. Admins should adopt 1.8.6. (Old policy: Receives only bug fixes and security fixes.We do not add any new feature to it, nor backport any new feature.)

TikiWiki 1.8.6 should be used in production environments.
TikiWiki 1.9 may be used in production environments, there's lots of value added compared to 1.8, see ReleaseProcess192.

TikiWiki 1.10 alias HEAD is the developer version, major new features go there.

Please select the version you wish to install from the list, above.

If you feel like testing MapServer with Tikiwiki, check out developments on InstallTikiMapserverGentoo