Warning: Undefined variable $filepath in /home/tiki-doc/public_html/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_tikidocfromcode.php on line 146
Display an icon | Documentation for Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware
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Display an icon

Plugin Icon

Use this wiki plugin, introduced in Tiki14.1, to display an icon. Since Tiki14, the admin for a site can choose the iconset to use for a site at Control Panels > Look & Feel. This plugin will show icons from the icon set specified in that setting. The icons shown below are from Tiki's default icon set, Fontawesome.


Tiki Doc From Code error: icon not found


  • Styles accepted values are : "solid", "outline", "light" (Font Awesome Pro Only) and "brands"
  • default = size="1"
  • Choices are 1 to 9
    • If you choose size 10 it goes to default.

Since Tiki19 and after Font Awesome was upgraded to version 5, a new parameter "style" has been added to display, for example, different version of the same icon. Icon can be solid (plain), regular (outlined)

Other Parameters

Parameters supported by smarty_function_icon are also supported by the Icon plugin, these (as of Tiki 20) are:

  • - Standard html element attributes can be used here, such as: href, title, data-toggle and onclick

  • - class: set custom class (otherwise default classes are applied). When using icon sets, this class will apply to anchor element
  • - iclass: set custom class for the icon itself (not the link)
  • - ititle: set custom title for the icon itself (not the link)
  • - istyle: set custom style for the icon itself (not the link)
  • - _type: type of URL to use (e.g. 'absolute_uri', 'absolute_path'). Defaults to a relative URL.
  • - _tag: type of HTML tag to use (e.g. 'img', 'input_image'). Defaults to 'img' tag.
  • - _notag: if set to 'y', will only return the URL (which also handles theme icons).
  • - _menu_text: if set to 'y', will use the 'title' argument as text after the icon and place the whole content between div tags with a 'icon_menu' class (not compatible with '_notag' param set to 'y').
  • - _menu_icon: if set to 'n', will not show icon image when _menu_text is 'y'.
  • - _confirm: text to use in a popup requesting the user to confirm its action (yet only available with javascript)
  • - _defaultdir: directory to use when the _id param does not include the path
  • - _extension: Filename extension - default 'png'


Normal size wrench

This code:

Copy to clipboard
{icon name="wrench"}

Would produce on this site:

Big wrench

Copy to clipboard
{icon name="wrench" size="3"}

Would produce on this site:

Plain thumbs up

Copy to clipboard
{icon name="thumbs-up" style="regular"} or {icon name="thumbs-up"}

Would produce on this site:

Outlined thumbs up

Copy to clipboard
{icon name="thumbs-up" style="outline"}

Would produce on this site:

VueJs Brand

Copy to clipboard
{icon name="vuejs" style="brands"}

Would produce on this site:

Complete list

In Tiki 23 the Font Awesome icons that can be used with the plugin was updated and completed based on the official Font Awesome V5 list. For Tiki 23 and newer websites using the "Default" icon set (Font Awesome), check this link to search for icon names: https://fontawesome.com/v5/cheatsheet/free.

Click the + signs to see the icons.
NOTE: This includes upcoming icons.

  • If you see an exclamation in a triangle icon, it means it is not currently available with our version.

The default free icon set in Tiki is from Font Awesome.

  • You can search for icon names here

Icons starting with A


Icons starting with B


Icons starting with C


Icons starting with D


Icons starting with E


Icons starting with F


Icons starting with G


Icons starting with H


Icons starting with I


Icons starting with J


Icons starting with K


Icons starting with L


Icons starting with M


Icons starting with N


Icons starting with O


Icons starting with P


Icons starting with Q


Icons starting with R


Icons starting with S


Icons starting with T


Icons starting with U


Icons starting with V


Icons starting with W


Icons starting with X


Icons starting with Y


Icons starting with Z


Alias names of this page:
Icons | Icon